Who's he?

She, who had just been the puppeteer and had not even had time to sit down, looked at Agam with a question mark. The man took off their engagement ring and put it down. just like that in front of him.

"You think I will marry you but I'm really disgusted by you!"

Agam shouted so loudly that he became the center of attention of everyone in the restaurant. "What do you mean?" Erina still didn't understand what Alya meant, turned to Zaskia, Mita and Meka who were also there

at the same table with them...

"All this time I've been fooled by your innocent appearance. It turns out you only want my money, right? You're even willing to serve a fart old man just for money!" Agam reached into his cellphone and browsed for a moment. Then thrust rudely in front of Erina's face.

"Look what you've done, Erina! You are nothing more than a cheap whore! You think I don't know huh! You think I'm stupid!" Agam grabbed Erina's hair and lowered the girl's head to look at several photos on her cellphone. As if struck by lightning, Erina's eyes widened, her tongue became numb.

"How could you possibly get all this?" Erina looked up.

"God has shown your true face Erina!" Agam eyes widened.

Erina shook her head.

"No, Gam. It's not what you think. You have to believe me."

Erina tried to explain. But Agam doesn't seem to want to care anymore. Erina felt hopeless and has now switched.

to two female friends.

"Zaskia, Alya, you know the truth, Please help me explain to Agam."

"Precisely because they know, I know. the truth!" Agam replied with such a cynical grin.

"So you guys told this to me, Agam?" Erina tried to ask his two female friends who have been there since.

Here, there was silence and nothing looked at him with a cold gaze.

"We're sorry, Erina. Although after all, Agam is a friend we also. How could we want to conspire with you to cheat him." Answer one and they are

made Erina stunned.

"In cahoots? Don't make Zaskia's situation worse. You know this isn't my fault!"

Erina protested.

"Then whose fault is it? You wanted to blame them? You're the slut, Erina!" Agam cursed Erina again.

"Gam. Listen to me. I can explain. It's not like you guys accuse." Sorry Erina, she's still trying to maintain the relationship

with the man who had proposed to her.

"Enough! That's enough! There's no need.

There is more to explain. Starting from this moment broke off our engagement. I don't

will never marry you!" said Agam so loudly. In fact all people who are already aware

Watching them was also surprising.

"How can it be like that, Gam. We will get married in a week. Our invitation. has been distributed. How about

my fate? Please don't do that to me." Erina's tears had already fallen

unstoppable, he grabbed Agam's arm and

holding it so tightly.

"This is your fault. Take responsibility for yourself!" Agam pulled his hand away

kicked the chair then rushed over

just go. Before him

turned his head and said so coldly.

"Don't you ever come to me, Erina. I'll never want to see you again!"

His three friends followed the movement

Agam's feet left Erina alone with abandon

harsh swear words.

"Destroy yourself now Erina! Dream of being someone's wife Agam!"

"Cheap whore!"

Erina sat limp in the chair.

Sobbing to hold back the destruction of his heart. He never expected it.

incident a few weeks ago, which

He kept it close so that the meeting could be known by Agam and destroy

hopefully in just a moment.

Zaskia and Alya, just the two of them

who saw the incident. But they areI promised not to tell anyone. Why are they like that?


Erina sobbed without caring everyone looked at him with signs

ask. Some looked at it with Lalapan Pity, but more who looked disgusted, Erina cried there for a long time.

until he feels tired. While

sobbing, he tried to be strong.

Then stand up after grabbing the ring above. the table in front of him.

"Miss. Where are you going?" Ask Restaurant Manager.

"So what?" Erina asked back.

"What about this food? Who? must pay?"

Erina turned her head, looking at some food and drinks above.

table. The scars have been eaten.

Erina stared in confusion,

"But I didn't order?"

"Your friend ordered it earlier and they say if you will pay."

Erina covered her mouth. Heart rate

which was starting to gradually improve for us pumped again. This is a luxury restaurant.

Where can he pay? Erina tried to calm down.

"How much is the total?" Erina trie asked, who knows what money he has enough, even though he was already sure if that's not possible. Because he has, I ate here several times with Agam and know how restaurant food fares.

"All Ten million."

Erina stared, "Ten million?" Where Erina has that much money, there may only be a few sheets of blue money in his bag.

"Sir, can I pay with a credit card? Erina tried to search for a way out. Sorry Miss but our restaurant does not

accept credit cards."

Once again Erina was confused. What is

he must do. Really unfortunate his fate today. Then he glanced at the ring which is in his hand.

"What if I pay with this ring?" Then took off another ring from her ring finger and gave two rings to the Manager.

The Restaurant Manager researched

"This ring is just an imitation. How about that? Maybe Miss is trying to lie to me?"

Then returned the ring to Erina.

Erina was really surprised. Is it true what this Manager says?

If you can't spend money in cash right now, then I will. hold Miss."

Erina was really confused

Now. "Master, please. I promise I will pay it soon. Please do not hold me. I have to work or I'm going to lose my job." Erina said.

"Sorry Miss. We can't help. Here is the restaurant's rule. If there are customers who don't pay, then we will hold it until you can pay for it! You can contact parents or siblings."

"But sir."

"Sorry Miss." The manager is already interesting rough Erina's arm

"Let him go! I will pay!" The voice came from around the corner.

Both Erina and the Manager are the same just turned around. The man is well built and

The tall, burly man stared flatly at the direction They are approaching. Seen

reached into the pocket under his jacket and spent money.

The restaurant manager let go of his arm Erina to accept.

"Thank you sir." Said the Manager went straight away.

Erina stared transfixed at the unfamiliar face. He knew that. The man didn't look at him. But Erina can see, man

No, it's so handsome.

"Thank you for helping me." The man didn't answer, just nodded and reached for a piece of paper along with a pen. He appeared to be taking notes. Erina could already guess what that man would write.

After writing, the man gave the paper to Erina.

Erina was stunned, she thought it was the man who would write the account number, but Here is the Mobile Number.

"Yes sir. I will contact you when I already have the money for return your money earlier." Erina said. The man just nodded and walked away.

Erina could only stare at the man's back who stepped wide with a sign

Big asked.

"Who's he?"

His gaze was so cold and full of aura.

As if indifferent to the situation around. This made Erina even more.

I don't understand why people are like that

take the initiative to help him? Obviously, everyone here looked disgusted at Erina.Who's he? She, who had just been the puppeteer and had not even had time to sit down, looked at Agam with a question mark. The man took off their engagement ring and put it down. just like that in front of him. "You think I will marry you but I'm really disgusted by you!" Agam shouted so loudly that he became the center of attention of everyone in the restaurant. "What do you mean?" Erina still didn't understand what Alya meant, turned to Zaskia, Mita and Meka who were also there at the same table with them... "All this time I've been fooled by your innocent appearance. It turns out you only want my money, right? You're even willing to serve a fart old man just for money!" Agam reached into his cellphone and browsed for a moment. Then thrust rudely in front of Erina's face. "Look what you've done, Erina! You are nothing more than a cheap whore! You think I don't know huh! You think I'm stupid!" Agam grabbed Erina's hair and lowered the girl's head to look at several photos on her cellphone. As if struck by lightning, Erina's eyes widened, her tongue became numb. "How could you possibly get all this?" Erina looked up. "God has shown your true face Erina!" Agam eyes widened. Erina shook her head. "No, Gam. It's not what you think. You have to believe me." Erina tried to explain. But Agam doesn't seem to want to care anymore. Erina felt hopeless and has now switched. to two female friends. "Zaskia, Alya, you know the truth, Please help me explain to Agam." "Precisely because they know, I know. the truth!" Agam replied with such a cynical grin. "So you guys told this to me, Agam?" Erina tried to ask his two female friends who have been there since. Here, there was silence and nothing looked at him with a cold gaze. "We're sorry, Erina. Although after all, Agam is a friend we also. How could we want to conspire with you to cheat him." Answer one and they are made Erina stunned. "In cahoots? Don't make Zaskia's situation worse. You know this isn't my fault!" Erina protested. "Then whose fault is it? You wanted to blame them? You're the slut, Erina!" Agam cursed Erina again. "Gam. Listen to me. I can explain. It's not like you guys accuse." Sorry Erina, she's still trying to maintain the relationship with the man who had proposed to her. "Enough! That's enough! There's no need. There is more to explain. Starting from this moment broke off our engagement. I don't will never marry you!" said Agam so loudly. In fact all people who are already aware Watching them was also surprising. "How can it be like that, Gam. We will get married in a week. Our invitation. has been distributed. How about my fate? Please don't do that to me." Erina's tears had already fallen unstoppable, he grabbed Agam's arm and holding it so tightly. "This is your fault. Take responsibility for yourself!" Agam pulled his hand away kicked the chair then rushed over just go. Before him turned his head and said so coldly. "Don't you ever come to me, Erina. I'll never want to see you again!" His three friends followed the movement Agam's feet left Erina alone with abandon harsh swear words. "Destroy yourself now Erina! Dream of being someone's wife Agam!" "Cheap whore!" Erina sat limp in the chair. Sobbing to hold back the destruction of his heart. He never expected it. incident a few weeks ago, which He kept it close so that the meeting could be known by Agam and destroy hopefully in just a moment. Zaskia and Alya, just the two of them who saw the incident. But they areI promised not to tell anyone. Why are they like that? relieved? Erina sobbed without caring everyone looked at him with signs ask. Some looked at it with Lalapan Pity, but more who looked disgusted, Erina cried there for a long time. until he feels tired. While sobbing, he tried to be strong. Then stand up after grabbing the ring above. the table in front of him. "Miss. Where are you going?" Ask Restaurant Manager. "So what?" Erina asked back. "What about this food? Who? must pay?" Erina turned her head, looking at some food and drinks above. table. The scars have been eaten. Erina stared in confusion, "But I didn't order?" "Your friend ordered it earlier and they say if you will pay." Erina covered her mouth. Heart rate which was starting to gradually improve for us pumped again. This is a luxury restaurant. Where can he pay? Erina tried to calm down. "How much is the total?" Erina trie asked, who knows what money he has enough, even though he was already sure if that's not possible. Because he has, I ate here several times with Agam and know how restaurant food fares. "All Ten million." Erina stared, "Ten million?" Where Erina has that much money, there may only be a few sheets of blue money in his bag. "Sir, can I pay with a credit card? Erina tried to search for a way out. Sorry Miss but our restaurant does not accept credit cards." Once again Erina was confused. What is he must do. Really unfortunate his fate today. Then he glanced at the ring which is in his hand. "What if I pay with this ring?" Then took off another ring from her ring finger and gave two rings to the Manager. The Restaurant Manager researched "This ring is just an imitation. How about that? Maybe Miss is trying to lie to me?" Then returned the ring to Erina. Erina was really surprised. Is it true what this Manager says? If you can't spend money in cash right now, then I will. hold Miss." Erina was really confused Now. "Master, please. I promise I will pay it soon. Please do not hold me. I have to work or I'm going to lose my job." Erina said. "Sorry Miss. We can't help. Here is the restaurant's rule. If there are customers who don't pay, then we will hold it until you can pay for it! You can contact parents or siblings." "But sir." "Sorry Miss." The manager is already interesting rough Erina's arm "Let him go! I will pay!" The voice came from around the corner. Both Erina and the Manager are the same just turned around. The man is well built and The tall, burly man stared flatly at the direction They are approaching. Seen reached into the pocket under his jacket and spent money. The restaurant manager let go of his arm Erina to accept. "Thank you sir." Said the Manager went straight away. Erina stared transfixed at the unfamiliar face. He knew that. The man didn't look at him. But Erina can see, man No, it's so handsome. "Thank you for helping me." The man didn't answer, just nodded and reached for a piece of paper along with a pen. He appeared to be taking notes. Erina could already guess what that man would write. After writing, the man gave the paper to Erina. Erina was stunned, she thought it was the man who would write the account number, but Here is the Mobile Number. "Yes sir. I will contact you when I already have the money for return your money earlier." Erina said. The man just nodded and walked away. Erina could only stare at the man's back who stepped wide with a sign Big asked. "Who's he?" His gaze was so cold and full of aura. As if indifferent to the situation around. This made Erina even more. I don't understand why people are like that take the initiative to help him? Obviously, everyone here looked disgusted at Erina.