Obsolete Doll

Such a spacious room. It's probably the size of Erina's rented house. A very large bed and a large wardrobe are also there. All the items, even the dressing table as well as the sofa, nothing is cheap. Everything is top class. Erina stepped closer to the bed. Sitting there with rolled eyes. He still seemed to dream of being here. Will live under the same roof or even in the same room with a man.

Erina. He is your husband! Naturally!

Erina rubbed her face roughly. Reached for the key he got from Fic this afternoon.

"Then what is this key for?" Erina observed. Erina thinks this is a duplicate key to the Mansion and this room. But why would Fic give it to him, if the Mansion and this room are not locked?

Erina didn't want to think. Instead, he glanced at the ring on his finger. Erina touched with her right hand. "Do you think this ring is suitable for Fico Albarez?" The ring she bought didn't suit her husband, Erina realized that now. At first she thought the man who married her was just an ordinary person. Thinking about that, Erina felt that Fic would be offended by the ring model she chose.

Erina took off the ring and put it in the box with her partner. Erina glanced at the clock, got up intending to take a shower.

Someone was heard knocking on the door. "Madam. May I come in?" A woman's voice was heard. Erina walked over to open the door.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Albarez. My name is Melan. I am your personal maid now." The woman introduced herself.

Erina just smiled, not knowing what to answer. "I will serve you. Do you

want to shower? I'll prepare it." "No need." Erina quickly interrupted.

"That's what I mean. I'm just not used to being served." Erina scratched the back of her neck in confusion.

"But Madam,"

"I will call you immediately if

need something. Trust me." "Okay ma'am. All your equipment is in the cupboard." Melan pointed to a cupboard then stepped out. Erina just shook her head. Maybe rich people are like that, even taking a shower should be served.

He returned to continuing his intention to take a shower. But after showering, Erina looked confused, apparently she forgot to bring a towel. He remembered that there was no one in the room. Finally, Erina chose to go out by only covering the front of her body with her dirty clothes.

He just left the bathroom and took a few steps.

Check it out!

Open door. Fic stepped in. Erina screamed in surprise, while Fic was stunned. Didn't expect that he would be greeted for the first time by his wife with a pose like that.

Erina was very surprised to see Fic's unexpected arrival and immediately ran to the bathroom. But maybe because his feet were wet, he slipped.

"Watch out!" Fic ran and just caught Erina's body which was almost touching


Erina's face was really red. Just imagine, Erina's innocent body is in Fic's arms. Meanwhile, his dirty clothes that were covering the front of his body fell scattered on the floor. Without waiting for a second to pass, Erina immediately got up from Fic's arms, without a single word, she entered the bathroom as fast as lightning.

Erina's body trembled. Enduring the shame that pierced to the top of his head.

Apparently it's not just Erina, Fic too

looks shaky. Throughout his life,

where had he ever seen the innocent body of a woman. His black eyes only got darker, for some reason only Fic himself knows. Fic let out a rough breath, tried to stabilize his heart which was beating quite hard then stepped over to get a towel. He knocked on the bathroom door. There was no answer from inside, until Fic said quietly. "I deliver what

I wanted you to take it earlier."

Erina heard Fic's words, she really needed that. Then after thinking for a while, Erina opened the door slightly. Just stretched out one hand. After getting the towel in his hand he immediately closed the door again. Erina was in the bathroom for a long time. Up to Fic

spoke again.

"I'm waiting for you at the dining table, so hurry up!"

Erina didn't answer, then

peek slowly. After making sure Fic was not in the room, Erina came out. Even though Fic was no longer there, his shame still flowed loudly. Aren't they married? Things like this shouldn't embarrass him. Erina tried to cheer herself up.

He approached the cupboard that Melan had pointed to earlier.


Crazy! Erina screamed in her heart. All the contents of the cupboard were women's clothes. So complete with well- known brands. There are dresses for parties too, shoes bags and even casual clothes and sleepwear. Erina chooses casual clothes that suit her daily life. Because he wasn't used to wearing pajamas even at night or when he was going to sleep.

She didn't put on any make- up, just put on moisturizer. Even though on the dressing table everything a woman's facial needs are neatly arranged. And this is a well- known brand. Erina had never even been able to afford it even though she had once dreamed of owning one.

Erina combed her hair which still looked wet. Then Melan's voice was heard calling.

"Wait a moment." Erina stepped forward to open the door.

"Come, please, Madam. Mr. Fic is waiting." Erina just nodded and followed Melan from behind. His eyes swiveled around, examining everything he passed. Some rooms complete with rooms look very magnificent.

Lots of rooms here. Why did Fic deliberately make him share a room with her? Erina suddenly realized that they were married, right? This means that Fic really respects their marriage. Erina thought so, actually just wanting to comfort her anxiety. Erina also didn't want to be prejudiced.

They had arrived at the dining table. Fic is seen sitting alone. In front of him, the table was full of various foods.

"Sit down." Fic saw that Erina had come to order. Melan pulled up a chair in front of Fic.

"Please Madam." Erina sat so awkwardly. Don't dare look at Fic's face at all. Apparently he still had a lot of shame about what happened in the room earlier.

A waiter poured food into their plates. Fic started to bribe, glanced at Erina who was still silent.

"Don't you like this dish? Then, let the waiter change it."

"Eh, no need. I like it." Erina immediately ate the food in front of her. He was actually very hungry, he still couldn't control his shyness. Finally, Erina ate so heartily. He glanced at Fic who continued to stare at him.

Erina quickly looked down again and didn't dare lift her face until she was finished.

Erina took a tissue to clean her mouth. Staring at Fic's plate which was only slightly reduced, unlike his empty plate.

"Where's your Ring? Why did you take it off?" Fic asked when he no longer saw the ring on Erina's finger.

"Um..." Erina answered slightly


"I'm sorry. I felt that you wouldn't like the ring model I chose."

"Just wear it. Whatever you choose, I'll like it."

Erina nodded.

"Go to your room first. I still have work to do." Erina nodded again and immediately left the kitchen.

Erina returned to the room. Do not know what to do. Then Erina looked at her doll. He forgot to put the doll on the bed. Erina took it, with a sad face she looked at the doll and then put it in the cupboard.

"I'm sorry, Panda. I was afraid that if he saw you, you would be thrown away because you were ugly. I don't want to lose you friend! You are here first


The doll looks worn and dirty. Even though Erina was very diligent in washing it. Maybe because he is only ten years older than Erina.

Erina looked at the worn doll. Those were the only childhood memories she had, even though Erina herself didn't know where the doll came from. But according to her father, that doll was the only one found with Erina. Become a witness and key to Erina's past and where it comes from.