Finding James

Beer bottles lie everywhere in the living room, shirts hang on the sofa, dirty underwear on the floor and James' dad lies hopelessly on the couch.

Mrs. Diwne walks in and feels pity for her brother and how everything fell apart, he became worse ever since his son left

"Robert you can not continue like this", Mrs. Diwne says and starts to pick up his underwear

"It's been days now and you haven't heard from your son", she continues

Robert, James's dad does not say a word

Mrs. Diwne does not like that she drops the dirty underwear in a basket and walks to him

"Are you not worried..., where does he know???" Mrs. Diwne asks with her hands on her waist

Robert is still silent and does not say a word

"What if someone kidnapped him, or he's sick or probably dead!!!", Mrs. Diwne shouts in frustration and annoyance

Robert looks at her and laughs

"Dead..., well that would be a favour he'd be doing everyone in the world" Robert says and laughs again

"What do you mean", Mrs. Diwne asks in shock.

She can not believe what is coming out from her brother's mouth.

"Don't you understand, he is cursed!, he is cursed!!", Robert shouts and hits the table with his fists shaking the beer bottles.

"He killed my wife, he made me loose my job and made my life very miserable" He adds and a tear falls from his eyes.

"Robert I heard the story behind his birth and yes you have had misfortunes but that doesn't mean he is cursed" Mrs. Diwne says in attempt to win the little debate

"He is cursed", Robert says with no reason to back his statement.

"He is not cursed, and you will need to stand up from your slum and look for your son cause that's what responsible fathers do!" Mrs. Diwne says, she was clearly winning this

"Just look at you drowning in your drunkenness, look at the whole house, if not me this house would be a pit, I mean pits are even better than how messed up your life is, you don't even eat anymore, what happened to the cook I used to know." Mrs Diwne says and sighs

Robert does not reply or say anthing

Robert takes a half empty beer bottle from the table and attempts to drink it with the little strength remaining in his drunken body when Mrs. Diwne collects it immediately from him

"Are you even listening to me", she shouts at Robert who's attention was far from the present

"Stand up Robert, we are going to look for your son", Mrs. Diwne says and Robert looks at her feeling irritated.

"Stand up Robert, I said stand Robert, you..." she tries to continue but gets cut of

"Shut up!!!, why are you disturbing me, get out from my house, get out" Frustrated Robert shouts at her

"Robert are you talking to me?," she asks in disbelief as she cannot believe that her brother wss talking to her

"Yes, now get out" Robert answers her

He stands up and throws the bottle at his sister, Diwne, but she luckily dodges

"Robert you just tried to hurt me, your sister" Mrs. Diwne says in shock

"I will kill you if you still remain in this house, don't you understand, my life is finished, what are you doing here?" Robert cries out

"Robert you need to calm down, take it easy", his sister, Mrs Diwne trys to calm him down

Robert gets frustrated at her stubbornness

He storms out of the living room into the kitchen, gets a knife and returns to the living room

"10 seconds Diwne, that is all i give you, 10 seconds to leave my house or I'll kill you and hide body" Robert threatens

"Robert, what has come over you", Mrs. Diwne says in fear

"1..." Robert begins the countdown

"Robert you need to come..." Mrs. Diwne trys to beg but Robert is still counting

"2...", Robert continues counting

"See you just..." Mrs. Diwne is still trying to beg

"3..., 4..." Robert is still counting

"ok, wait wait wait, let me just pack my things", Mrs. Diwne trys to plead

"5..., 6...," Robert does not stop counting

he starts walking towards her, she moves back with every step

"7...,8...,9..." Robert is still counting

Then she quickly runs away as he almost stabs her, she opens the door quickly and leaves the house

Robert was definetly going crazy

but Mrs. Diwne was certain that she was going to find James

So, she sought to find James...

Meanwhile, Marissa and her father also sought to find James for it was two days and they had not heard or seen him.

They decided to go back to the last place they saw him, the Jirny beach, they searched and searched and called out his name, yet nothing.

Then they went to that toilet side and searched even more.

They then saw an old woman who had white hair and no eyebrows.

They walked to her

"Excuse me ma'am, we are looking for a boy, he's tall, he wears shades all the time and he was putting on a grey shirt and black shorts", Marissa asks the old woman.

"Hmm, yes, I did see someone like that", The old lady answers in her tiny and cracked voice. She talked like she was counting her words, really slow.

"Really, where, where???", Marissa's dad asked

"Hehehe", she laughs

"Well, are you ready to do what it takes to find him", the old lady asks them.

They don't understand what she means by this.

"What do you mean, was he kidnapped or what did he do wrong?", Marissa's dad asks

"Follow me", she commands them

They follow her

Then she takes them to her little home, which looked some how like a sandcastle cause it was definitely made with sand.

"Is that structure stable", Marissa's dad asks as he feels it would collapse on them

"Listen to me if you want to find him, you need to not trust what you see", the old lady warns

"What do you mean", Marissa questions her

The old woman snaps her fingers and looks at her

"Humans", she says and shakes her head

She moves forward , now is very close to the dwelling.

They (Marissa and her dad) look at each other and give a, 'this lady is crazy kind of look'

"Is she not a human too", Marissa whispers to her dad

Her dad just says nothing, he was still trying to analyze the dwelling of the lady

The lady, instead of using the door, walks through it and no it does not shatter, it still looks the same.

"What the hell, where is she, and where did she go, hello???", Marrisa's dad asks in fear

They just stand there wondering what next then a hand stretches from inside the sandcastle

It appears to be the old lady's hand

She opens and closes and her hands signalling for them to come with her

So they pass through the sand house..