In the tranquil depths of the underwater palace, adorned with shimmering pearls and delicate sea flowers, the grand hall was transformed into a place of celebration.
The hall buzzed with anticipation and reverence as the royal priest, a venerable figure with a flowing beard of seaweed and eyes that gleamed with ancient wisdom, began the sacred ceremony. His voice, resonant and filled with the echoes of generations past, carried across the gathered courtiers and esteemed guests.
"Henry and Mia," the priest intoned solemnly, his words echoing through the hall. "Today, we gather to witness and bless the union of your hearts and souls."
Henry, resplendent in ceremonial armor adorned with intricate coral designs, clasped Mia's hands gently in his own. Mia, radiant in a gown woven from strands of iridescent seaweed and adorned with shimmering pearls, gazed at Henry with unwavering love and devotion.