“Hi, Natasha. Why are you alone? I saw you with your friends earlier but where are they right now?” he simply asked me with a curious face.

And it is really true that he is already staring at me earlier when my friends are still here with me.

I don’t really know why he seems to be really interested in me. That is why he really approached me now.

“Ahm, they went to the dancefloor to have some fun there,” I simply answered him.

And he just nodded to me and stared at my face like I am really going to melt by the way he is staring at me.

What is his problem with my face really? Oh My Gosh! I am starting to really get conscious with my look right now.

“Oh, is that so? But why did you not join them there? Don’t you want to dance too?” he just asked me curiously while not cutting his weird stares at my face.

“I am not really fond of dancing and the truth is, I don’t really know how to dance in the first place that is why I know that I will just not enjoy it if I join them there,” I honestly said to him.

And he just nodded again at me. I sighed, why am I feeling that he is becoming a feeling close to me like he knew me already before.

Tsk, this guy is really handsome but he seems to be a weird guy just to be honest.

“Ohh really? So, would you like to join us at our table? I am with my friends and don’t worry because they are all good people and I am sure that you will enjoy our company."

"So, is it okay if you will go there with me Natasha? You know it is really better if you are with us than you are alone here besides your friends aren’t here yet anyway,” he simply asked me with a sweet voice.

And I don’t know why I am really affected by his charm and even though I am a person that is not really talking to strangers. But with him, I seem to feel that I am really safe with him.

I heaved a sigh, I can’t really understand this feeling of mine right now.

“Ahm, alright. I will go with you if you don’t really mind me joining you at your table,” I simply answered him.

And I just saw his eyes twinkling after he heard what I had said and he seemed to be really happy that I agreed to go with him.

“Of Course Natasha, so let’s go to our table and I will introduce you to my friends,” he simply said with an excited voice and started to walk so I just followed him.

Maybe, they are really good people and I will not be in danger if I will join them.

I will just text my best friends later and besides, I am sure that they are enjoying themselves now.

“Oh My God Abegail you're back! What are you doing here?” one of the guys said with a shocked face the moment we arrived at their table.

The other guy is also shocked while staring at me and it seems that they saw a ghost right in front of them.

What is their problem with me really because they are both acting weird right now honestly.

“She is not her. By the way, she is Natasha, my new friend. Natasha, here are my friends, Miggy and Ivan,” Alex said, introducing us to each other.

And I just saw them with a confused look but Alex just shook his head at them.

“Ohh, hi Natasha, nice to meet you,” Miggy simply said to me.

So I just nodded at him because they are really acting weird now.

“Are you sure that she is not her, bro?” Ivan asked again.

Alex just nodded at him as a response and I don’t really know who it is that they are talking about right now.

“Ahh okay. Anyway, nice to meet you Natasha and I am sorry for our reaction earlier because we just mistook you with someone else HEHE."

"Come on, have a seat,” Ivan simply said to me while laughing.

So I just sat down on the couch and they are still staring at my face right now like they can’t believe that I am really in front of them.

Tsk, what a weird guy.

“Stop staring at her because you might scare her and Natasha, I am sorry for that just don’t mind them okay?"

"So let’s start to drink now. What do you want to drink Natasha?” Alex simply asked me.

So I just said to him my order and he told it to the waiter so I just waited for my drink.

“So, do you have a boyfriend, Natasha? but I am really hoping that you don't have it,” Alex asked me all of a sudden and I was not ready for his question to me.

That is why I absentmindedly drunk my glass bottoms up.

As a result, I just cough a bit because the drink is so hard in my throat.

Oh My Gosh! I think I am so stupid. I shook my head and hissed.

“Hey, are you okay? Just drink slowly,” Alex said to me with a concerned look.

And I think this is really so embarrassing on my part just to be honest.

“Ahm yeah I’m okay thank you and about your question, I don’t have a boyfriend because I don’t have time for that,” I simply admitted to him.

I don't know why I suddenly felt shy with that fact but well, there is really nothing wrong with being single right?

I just sighed at the thought.

By the way, we are just alone here at our table because his friends left us and they went to the dancefloor because a group of girls went there earlier.

And they asked them to join but unexpectedly, Alex did not join them because he just decided to stay here with me.

“Ohh, is that so? Well that is really good to hear,” he simply said and drank at his glass also.

He stared at my face again with a seductive look and his gaze turned into my lips and he just gulped and licked his lower lip.

That is why I got conscious so I drank my glass again and damn, I think I am getting drunk right now and I am starting to feel dizzy.

Because I don’t really have a high alcohol tolerance that is why I got drunk easily.

“Hey, are you sure you don't want to dance? You know what that would be really going to be fun," he simply asked me.

And he is just smiling at me, a naughty smile.

That is why I am just feeling that he just wants to flirt with me right now but I am not really good at flirting honestly.

"Ahm, as I have said earlier, I don't know how to dance so I don't really want to go there but if you want to go then you can just leave me here."

"Besides I can manage myself even if I am just left alone here so you don't really need to be worried about me," I simply replied to him.

Because I don't really want to dance with anyone right now and that place is really crowded that is why I am not really comfortable to go there.

"Ohh, then how about you go somewhere else with me and I will assure you that you will really enjoy it," he simply said to me and smirked.

And the way he is staring at me now is like he is really planning something naughty so I just got nervous all of a sudden.

That is why I just drank again on my glass absentmindedly and I did not answer him.

"Hey, are you planning to get drunk tonight because you are really drinking heavily now. Just drink slowly okay and just relax."

"Because I will not do anything with you so if that is what you are thinking right now then I am telling you you don't have to worry because you are safe with me," he simply said to me for assurance.

And he seems to be really amused with what is happening right now.

"Ahm, that is not what I am thinking. I am just feeling thirsty that is why I have no choice but to drink HEHE," I just replied to him awkwardly.

And my excuse is really lame and it is really obvious that I am lying to him.

Damn, that would be really embarrassing!

"So, do you want to go to a place with me and have some fun tonight?" he just asked me with an amused look but I just frowned at him.

What does he want to happen now? I asked myself at the back of my mind.

"Ahm, where?" I simply asked him with a confused look.

Because I don't know why he is asking me to go to a place with him right now when in fact we just have known each other tonight and we are not that really close with each other.

"My place or hotel? You choose, baby," he just whispered in my ears with a seductive voice.

And I just got really goosebumps because of the way he said it.

Oh My Gosh! What does he mean by that?

He is just waiting for my answer but instead of answering him, I just drank my glass again bottoms up because of nervousness.

And I think that is not really a good choice because I am feeling dizzy right now.

Damn, I think I am already drunk.

Alexander is talking but I can't understand what he is talking about because I am feeling that my world is shaking.

And I am really feeling dizzy now and later I realized, everything went black.