Axel entered the condo and we went to the living room and gladly, Alex already put me down and he just let me sit on the couch.

I awkwardly fixed myself because I am getting nervous with the way Axel is staring at me right now. I don't really know what his problem is with me.

"Hey, quit staring at my wife, okay? You might scare her because of your weird gazes," Alex told him with a warning tone.

I am just wondering how this weird man can be related to him because they really have similarities with their physical features.

"You must be kidding me, bro. Can you please explain it to me and why she looks like Abegail. Most especially, how come she became your wife?" he asked Alex with a confused face.

He seems to be really still in shock right now that he can't process what he is seeing in front of him.

Now, I am so curious who is that Abegail that they are always talking about and do I really look like her?

I hissed, but why am I not feeling good about her? I sighed at the thought.

"Can you just not mention that name again and I don't have to tell you how we met each other."

"Because what is important now is we are already married and I have a wife. So now tell me, what are you doing here at this early hour, huh?" Alex just answered with an irritated voice.

It seems that he is already losing his patience with Axel. So he must be his brother huh and I think he is younger than Alex.

Axel hissed, “Okay, fine, just chill bro and about that, I am here because Attorney Martinez told the family about your marriage and mom and dad said they want to meet your wife today that is why I came here in person.

"Moreover, I am curious who is the girl that you chose to marry out of the many girls that you hooked up with before and I think I know the reason now why you choose this young lady here," Axel explained and looked at me meaningfully.

Tsk, he is really weird just to be honest here.

"You know what, you are so excited to meet my wife. Anyway, are you okay with that if we will meet my family today?" Alex asked me with a sweet voice.

I just got nervous all of a sudden because I don't know if his family will be good to me. Also, I am not sure if they will like me because I am just an ordinary girl and I did not come from a wealthy family like them.

"A-ahh yeah, it's fine with me," I simply answered him and secretly heaved a deep sigh.

Why do they want to meet me that fast really? I am not yet so prepared with this but I guess I have no choice but to go and meet Alex's family.

However, I am just hoping that they will not judge me later. I just simply sigh again with just the thought of it.


We are now at the mansion of Alex's family and I must say that this place is really huge and all the corners of the house speak of wealth.

I got ashamed of myself all of a sudden because I am feeling that I really don't belong in their family.

"Good morning Sir, your parents are already waiting for you in the living room so just go there now," one of the maids said to Alex and he just nodded and continued walking.

So Axel and I just followed him and I am really getting nervous right now and my hands are already sweating. I am getting so nervous to meet Alex's parents because I don’t know what to expect from them.

“Ohh, finally you are here my beloved son, long time no see huh. It’s been a while since you have visited our mansion and now you are already married. So, have a seat and introduce to us your lovely wife,” the man said and he must be Alex’s father.

He just tapped Alex's and Axel’s shoulder and the two just kissed the lady on the cheeks.

She must be their mother and I must say that she is really gorgeous. However, I am not liking the way she is staring at me right now because I feel that she is already judging my whole existence. I am feeling that she doesn't like me for her son.

“Good morning mom and dad. I hope you are doing good all this time and by the way, I want to introduce to you my wife, Natasha Samson,” Alex simply said after we sat down on the couch in their living room.

Their attention is focused on me now and they are all staring at me in a weird way. I am really getting conscious of my appearance honestly.

“Ohh, hello Natasha what a lovely name but you really look familiar huh. Have we met already before?” Alex’s mother asked me with a confused look.

There they are again mistaking me for someone else. How do I really look like her?

Now I am dying to see her to see if we really look like each other.

“Yeah, you are right with that hon. I think you already came here before Miss Natasha, don't you?” Alex’s father asked me too, looking confused and it seems like he is remembering when he saw me before.

I sighed, I am already getting tired of these scenarios and I don’t really want to live with the shadow of someone else just to be true.

“No mom, dad. It was the first time that you met my wife and I think you are just mistaken. So let us just not talk about that right now please,” Alex simply requested of his parents.

Oh God, I am glad that he already clarified that to his parents so that they will not question me anymore because I don’t really know how to answer them.

“Alright, if you said so Alexander. So how are you doing, Natasha? What is your job and can you tell me about your parents?"

"What do they do for a living? What is the name of the company that you own? Maybe we can be your business partner, right?” Alex’s mom asked me one question after another.

Damn, this is what I am worrying about. I am sure that they will ask about my background.

And I don’t really know how to explain to them that we are just average people and we don’t own a company because we are not rich.

Oh My Gosh! What should I do now? I am really getting nervous just to be honest here.

“She works as my secretary and her mom is just a simple employee and they don’t own a company,” Alex simply replied to his mom and I am so thankful that he answered on my behalf.

His mom just raised a brow because of what he has said and it seems like she doesn’t like what she has heard from her son.

“What? Do you mean that they don’t have a business? So how come that you have known each other and why did you choose her as your wife Alexander?"

"You know what, no offense to you Natasha but I am expecting that my son will marry a high class woman that has the same level with us,” she just honestly said to me and I am a bit hurt and humiliated with that.

It is really obvious that she is insulting me right now and it seems like she is telling me that I don’t deserve to be her son’s wife.

“That doesn’t matter to me anymore, mom. I married Natasha because that was my choice and I don’t need approval from anyone."

"So I am just hoping that as my parents, you will respect my decision and will gladly accept my wife into our family,” Alex replied, defending me. He sounds really serious right now.

However, her mom just arched her eyebrow because of what he has said. Damn, I don’t really want them to argue because of me.

“Ofcourse son, we have no problem with your marriage but I just want to know if you truly love each other. Do you really love your wife, Alexander?” his dad asked him all of a sudden and I was really taken aback with his question right now.

I looked at Alexander and he was just looking at his dad with a blank face. That is why I can’t really read what is running into his mind at this moment.

Damn, this is the first time that I am meeting his family but they are already making me feel awkward and I can really feel the pressure to be Alex’s wife.

I am not sure if they had a good first impression with me, especially his mom because it is really obvious that she doesn’t like me for her son.

Taking a deep breath, I patiently waited for Alex's answer even if I already knew the true answer to that question.