We are now at our condo and Alex's assistant drove us here because Alex is a bit tipsy now that is why he can't drive the car.

I don't know why but after that question for him, he became quiet all night long and just drank in silence but I am glad that he didn't get so drunk.

I remember that particular question again because I know that it was a bit personal but I did not expect that Alex actually can't answer it.

That is why he just decided to drink vodka instead.

What does it mean? Is he not in love right now or is he still in love with someone else? But with whom?

I am sure that it was not with me because I know that he has really no feelings for me in the first place.

I took a deep sigh, I don't know why but I am just getting sad because of that thought.

"Careful Alex," I just said to him because I am helping him right now to lay down on his bed and he is really heavy.