Oh My Gosh! Is he really serious about what he is saying right now? We are inside his office for Pete's sake!

Argh! I really can't believe how naughty my husband is because I never expected him to talk like this. Also, I have never imagined doing that thing again with him because that is really embarrassing!

Him inside me? Holy cow! What am I really thinking right now? I think I am going to be really crazy if he continues to be like this.

"What are you talking about now, sir? I think you are out of your mind to talk like that inside your office and I don't think that is a good joke, sir," I just answered him with a serious voice.

I want him to know and feel that I am serious and I don't have time to play games with him if he really is just playing with me right now.

"You know what, I am dead serious here, Natasha. I really want you just to be honest with you."