I took a day off today because I will have my first check-up with my OB-GYN. I just want to ensure that my baby is safe and healthy inside my womb.

I still can’t find a perfect time to tell Alex about my pregnancy because he is always with Abegail.

However, I was letting him do what he wanted because I didn’t want him to get mad at me. Even though I am hurting deep inside with the fact that the father of my child is in love with someone else.

I know that I don’t have a right because I don’t own him and we are just a contract married couple in the first place.

I heaved a sigh and I didn’t know how long I stay with Alex. Anytime he can divorce me if he wants it and if that happens, he can be with Abegail whom he truly loves.

I will be left alone and that is what I am worrying about especially now that I am already carrying his child.