It's hard for me to make this decision but I have no choice. My daughter's life is at stake and even though I hate to admit it, we only have her father who can help her because they have the same blood type.

Maybe it is not destined to hide my daughter from her father forever. That is why the universe finds a way to reunite them with each other and test my decision-making.

I still don't know how can I explain this to Alex because I am sure that he will get mad at me for leaving him without saying goodbye and hiding our daughter from him.

However, I will not think of that right now. What is important is that I should go back to the city and look for Alex. Ask him to be my daughter’s blood donor.

After that, maybe I can explain if he questions me. All I can do is to be strong and face the consequences of this. Now, let's see what is going to happen next.