Salabad nam nuctar!

Well where is he? Sir Boris impatiently asked upon sighting ona. He was in the royal duel arena training his body when the soul piercing alarm began blaring. Knowing what it meant he had a smug look on his face as he sped fast to the location they all agreed to meet.

H-he's inside.. ona nervously spoke standing at the entrance of the door. Boris could see she was hiding something but he didn't care.

then get out of the way. Boris frowned shoving ona to the side. The latter's mind raced on what to say seeing Boris hand just inches away from the fingerprint scanner on the wall.

Wait you can't enter! Ona blurted out causing Boris to pause in his tracks. Turning he had a scowl on his face his eyes piercinfg into ona's soul making her take a step back.

And why is that? His aura could be seen seeping out his body slowly quickly enveloping the area.