Day one training

Soon night came and passed with the dawn of a new day as the sun could be seen rising from the south. The soft rays gently shining down on the kingdom but was blocked by a particular purple dome.

Bang! Bang!

What the- Kyle was abruptly jolted from his sleep from the loud banging at the door.

Wake up boy we're burning daylight here. Sir Boris yelled from the other end of the door causing a frown to appear on Kyle's face. I can't believe it's already day one of my training. Ignoring him he decided to rest some more but unfortunately nothing good lasts forever.


The metal door was sent flying across the room by Boris fist. Without warning he wrapped Kyle with the big blanket heading out the door.

A-are you trying to kill me you fucking lunatic? Kyle growled clearly being kidnapped his basic rights insulted by this molester.