chapter twelve

Jones pov

Hi guys I'm Jones and im the youngest in my family; well I'm from a family of three guys adding me up makes it four and my parents always travels and they left us here in the province to study business ethics and management, although my eldest brother has graduated from here and moved out to gain his MBA, while the rest of us tries to keep off each other hair's as much as possible. Although my parents make sure we are financially okay but I guess it made me feel like I really need something else which I don't know, some days ago I came across a post on the Internet which says guys interested in polygamous relationship should leave a message; which I don't know how I ended up sending a message to the person, when I woke the next day I saw I got a reply from the person which I figured was a girl so I replied to the message

** sweetie where are you from** which she replied to saying she lives in the province which further piqued my interest about her and what her pursuit was in this relationship. After which she sent me her photo which I must say she is beautiful and a bit older than me, which I found more interesting cause I kinds likes older girls; anyways after talking with her I put away my phone and I left for school.