No Mercy

Just left the office.

As I stepped out, I unexpectedly bumped into Linda's colleague, a gentle young man with glasses who appeared to be around twenty-seven or twenty-eight.

This young teacher, named Lucas, was a Harvard graduate.

Clearly a mathematical genius with a doctoral degree, yet here he was, teaching high school students in this humble school.

Lucas, of course, knew Jason Hart.

Upon seeing him and Linda emerge from the office, he paused for a moment. Just at the entrance, Lucas happened to overhear lyrics like "I want you drunk in my arms for real" and "Afterwards, who knows how many girls will suffer." It struck him as a bit peculiar.

Not dwelling on it, he greeted them with a smile, saying, "Master Jason, what trouble have you caused again? Miss Linda has such a good temper; don't give her more headaches. Hi, Linda, you look really beautiful today."

Linda seemed a bit uncomfortable, quickly suppressing the smile on her face, nodding slightly without saying anything.

After taking a few steps, Jason Hart asked, "Is that guy your admirer? He not only said you look beautiful today but seems to praise you every day."

Linda couldn't help but sweetly laugh again, playfully patting Jason Hart and saying, "Lucas is quite nice, a very honest person. He just gave me flowers on Valentine's Day. We had just met back then, so it felt a bit awkward. Unfortunately, he's not my type..."

Lucas, realizing he forgot the lecture notes when he entered the classroom, quickly went back in. On his way out, he coincidentally saw Linda and, with a smiling face, reached out to pat Jason Hart's shoulder.

Lucas had been teased by other colleagues for weeks, and seeing this scene unexpectedly made him feel a bit uneasy.

Even though he knew Jason Hart was young and just Linda's student, he couldn't help but let his imagination run wild.

Mainly because students like Jason Hart were not ordinary – wealthy background, handsome appearance, already a young man. Due to his average family background, Lucas, a Ph.D. graduate from Harvard's mathematics department, had a somewhat paranoid personality.

He walked with a self-deprecating smile, thinking that indeed, wealthy men were more popular. Regardless of poor academic performance or inappropriate age, they were easily forgiven. As for himself, a Ph.D. graduate from Harvard, he didn't even have the qualifications for Linda to look at him seriously.

The seed of envy was unknowingly planted under these coincidental circumstances...

Back in the classroom.

Already in the second year of high school, the textbook's content was neither too difficult nor too simple.

Jason Hart flipped through it casually and found he knew most of it. However, to achieve a good grade in the future, he couldn't be too complacent.

Having returned some knowledge to the teacher, he still needed to study seriously. Overall, the course wasn't too challenging for Jason Hart.

Linda's personality was pleasant, and combined with her attractive appearance, the otherwise dull classes became somewhat enjoyable.

He returned to his seat among a group of teenagers.

The lack of material and life pressure, coupled with boundless aspirations for the future, made Su Yehao feel particularly wonderful. Even his father's investment failure couldn't affect his good mood at the moment.

Listening to her lecture, Jason Hart casually flipped through his previous textbook, finding it almost brand new. Except for some doodles and cartoon girls, there were no notes on the text.

Maybe the old him was determined from the start to use money to pave his way, not worrying about academic achievements. Considering the family's wealth, there was no need to learn a skill or work for a living.

But now, Jason Hart felt that since he was already sitting in the classroom, he might as well continue to learn.

He paid attention in class and took notes.

Seeing this, Linda, standing at the podium, smiled with satisfaction, thinking that perhaps this young master had turned over a new leaf for that mysterious "dinner date," but she didn't know how long it would last...

At the neighboring desk.

Liam, who partied until dawn and received a scolding from his father at home, was now sleeping on his exquisite desk.

As a second-generation rich kid, Liam didn't have to worry about college admissions. His parents had already arranged for him to attend a university in Australia. Even if he went, it would just be to obtain a diploma while playing around, without any pressure.

A beautiful nap lasted for more than half an hour.

Now, Liam, with messy hair and visible indentations on his face, opened his eyes in a daze. Observing his hairstyle, it was obvious he was imitating a movie star and hesitated to cut his hair.

Looking around.

The teacher was still lecturing, and there was no school administrator outside catching students. Everything was normal.

In his groggy state, Liam felt that something was amiss and looked again at his arch-enemy, Jason Hart!

For a moment, Liam's eyes nearly popped out!

Not for any other reason.

Just because Jason Hart was actually paying attention in class and taking notes – with a pen!?

Two perennial stragglers.

They usually relied on luck during tests to determine who would be second to last and last in the class.

Suddenly discovering that Jason Hart was actually paying attention and taking notes, Liam couldn't help but feel uneasy! If he remembered correctly, thinking back over the past two or three years, today was the first time he had ever seen Jason Hart taking notes!!!

This surprised Liam immensely, unable to believe what he was seeing. He silently told himself that it must be drawing or maybe writing a love letter.

Enduring until the end of class.

Liam decisively stood up and sneakily glanced at Jason Hart's desk, only to see neatly arranged and well-organized notes in his notebook.

This second-generation rich kid was instantly in disarray, muttering to himself, "What the heck, he's actually studying while I'm asleep!"

He had no choice but to be afraid.

Although he was tough, his father was even tougher. In the past, he could use Jason Hart as a scapegoat, but if Jason Hart's grades took off... just thinking about his father's belt made Liam shudder. He would undoubtedly face a severe beating!

Unable to believe it, Liam looked at Jason Hart's notebook again. This time, he covered his eyes, feeling that his future was bleak.

Continuing to mutter, "Damn it! No sense of fair play..."