Blossoms Among Four

"This damned ghost!"

Jason Hart was shaken to his core by the shout, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

He had never encountered such a situation before.

Since becoming Jason Hart less than twenty-four hours ago, he had already changed his mind several times. He had often heard that beauties were pursued by second-generation rich kids, and now it seemed to be true.

Looking back, those twenty-plus years seemed like a waste; comparing oneself to others could truly be infuriating.

As the blood returned to his head, Jason Hart suddenly remembered who the person was. This immaculate girl with a perfect figure was named Mia.

Her ancestors were officials who went to the island, and in her mother's generation, she came to the gambling city at a young age, spending two or three decades building a considerable family business.

The "Imperial Court Club" mentioned by his dead friend Zhugan was Mia's mother's business. Although there were other partners involved, her family's assets exceeded a hundred million dollars.

Among the local celebrities who invested, Jason Hart's father was included. Therefore, the two families had known each other for quite some time.

In Jason Hart's memory, only Mia's mother was remembered. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't recall who her father was.

Looking her up and down, her well-proportioned figure left Jason Hart impressed. Whatever she ate from a young age, it certainly worked wonders. Without saying a word or doing anything, just standing there and looking at someone could be enchanting, with skin fairer than a Caucasian girl, flawless in every aspect.

This innate and cultivated charm was not something Emma, the naive girl, could compete with. It belonged to a different style, explaining why Emma had a hint of jealousy before.

Unable to control his wandering hands, Jason Hart, when taking the water bottle, inexplicably used his fingers to tickle Nangong Tian's palm.

She didn't seem to notice and wasn't angry. Instead, she smiled and said, "My mom told me last night that some people had a great time in my club? Drinking without inviting me, what's the difference between them and those girls? Am I worse than them?"

"Being as beautiful as you, it's hard to compare you to anyone else."

Jason Hart sincerely spoke the truth, casually explaining, "I drank too much with friends last night and don't remember anything that happened. It got chaotic, and I'll make sure to invite you next time."

Mia, wearing a tight white short-sleeved shirt with red sports shorts and sneakers, looked radiant in the sunlight.

With a slight smile, the corners of her mouth raised, expressing satisfaction, "It's rare that you actually explained. I'm satisfied with this answer; I forgive you."

After saying that, she pulled Jason Hart's arm and said playfully, "Play tennis with me. In a few months, I'll be going to study in Singapore, and we might not see each other for half a year. Next month is our study tour. We'll be going to London. You guys should be going too. Will you accompany me to relax then?"

Feeling the strong pressure on his arm, Jason Hart's heart pounded, and he was a bit confused.

He was trying to guess what kind of relationship he had with her. It didn't seem like a typical friendship, but he couldn't recall having a girlfriend. Moreover, the two girls from the hotel last night, when combined, didn't seem to match up to Mia. There was a suspicion of picking sesame seeds and losing watermelon.

Thinking about the poorly written love letter he gave to Linda, which was copied verbatim, he felt like being a playboy seemed reasonable, and there was no need to be surprised.

Whatever, playing tennis with the girl was more important.

Seeing this scene, nearby students couldn't help but envy. Especially when Mia started moving, even those with braces stared at her dumbfoundedly, saying, "If I could marry her, I'd willingly give up five years of my life. Jason is indeed Jason, admirable..."

Fortunately, the father of the guy with braces wasn't around; otherwise, hearing such nonsense might make him spit blood.

Tennis demands physical strength.

Jason Hart was still young, daring to wear short sleeves even in the dead of winter. Simple back-and-forth movements were easy for him.

As the saying goes, one's character can be seen through sports.

Although Mia seemed delicate and shy, she was quite serious when playing tennis. After a while, Jason Hart noticed that she kept letting him win, hitting several balls directly into the net.

In his eyes, this became interesting.

He didn't believe that he could captivate a woman of this level with just his handsome looks. Besides that, without guessing, it was certain that her family background played a role.

Instantly, he labeled Mia with "smart, savvy, and emotionally intelligent." She was far from being a simple-minded girl like Emma.

Don't think that seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls are naive; Mia not only understood but was also well-versed in the ways of the world.

This might be related to her family environment. Her mother was once one of the most famous socialites in the gambling city, making many wealthy wives wary, like guarding against thieves.

As Jason Hart was catching his breath, Nangong Tian put down her racket, wiped off sweat, and walked over, saying, "Jason, you're amazing. I can't take it anymore; the muscles on my legs are cramping."

In the past, Jason Hart would have said something like "Let me help you massage them," but Mia had already anticipated how to respond.


What she didn't expect was that Jason Hart was a bit different today. He just said, "Then let's take a walk. Don't want your legs to ache in the afternoon."

A woman's sixth sense is extremely sharp.

She clearly noticed that Jason Hart was different today but couldn't pinpoint what exactly had changed.

In their previous interactions, his blatant arrogance seemed like he wanted to devour her. How could Mia not sense that?

This girl never underestimated her own attraction to men.

However, today, his temper seemed suddenly gentler, more stable, and although he still had that lecherous look, it was more composed.

For a moment, this change made Mia somewhat at a loss. Subconsciously nodding, she walked with Jason Hart.

The weather was good.

The campus was clean and tidy, a group of horses being led by a horse trainer, trotting on the nearby lawn.

Except for physical education class, other students were in suits, ties, and were standing tall and proud, full of energy.

Thinking of something, Jason Hart said to the sweet Mia, "I didn't ask where the destination is for the study tour. I'll let you know when I find out. If it's London, I want to visit many attractions. We can go together."

This calm tone made Mia feel that something was off.

Thinking she had guessed what was going on, she nodded while asking, "Did your dad mention the issue with the Hong Kong property? I can see your mood isn't great today. It's not a big deal. They acquired the land early, got it at a low price, even if it drops, they'll just earn a little less. Your dad is considering raising funds and buying out the shares of the partners."

After hearing this, Jason Hart was dumbfounded.

He blurted out, "Is his brain flooded? The big drop has just begun; the entire financial industry is going to be in trouble. At this time, he actually wants to be a hero and take over. If something goes wrong, how am I going to squander my fortune in the future?"

Mia was truly surprised this time. She subconsciously looked at Jason Hart more.

This guy, actually caring about his family's business!?