Hard to Resist...

Originally, the atmosphere was lively with the sound of upbeat music as people laughed and chatted over drinks.

Unexpectedly, a drunkard rushed onto the stage and forcibly grabbed the guitar from the guitarist!

If he had sung a good song, it might have been forgiven.

But with a sudden burst of discordant noise, the mood was instantly disrupted, and tempers flared among the bar patrons.

Now, rewinding a few minutes earlier...

Jason Hart, who had already consumed three or four large bottles of whisky that evening, was feeling quite full, but the drinking atmosphere was buzzing, and he was in high spirits.

Inadvertently, Jason Hart let slip a boast, saying, "Back in the day when I used to sing, holding a guitar, the girls in the audience would applaud and cheer for me! That's no exaggeration...hiccup..."

Liam, also in good spirits after drinking a fair amount, immediately retorted, "Stop bragging! Girls applauding for you? With that terrible voice of yours, it's doubtful you can even play the guitar!"

Jason Hart, swaying and leaning on Liam's shoulder, his face flushed, replied, "Of course I can... wanna bet? If I play, and you finish half this bottle of whisky, if you can't handle it, you buy drinks for the whole bar tonight. But if I mess up, I'll give you this watch!"

After blurting out his proposal, Jason Hart took Liam's watch, which he recognized as a top-of-the-line brand, a Vacheron Constantin with a perpetual calendar. Knowing its value, even in his intoxicated state, Jason Hart was alert enough.

Despite being quite drunk, Jason Hart, driven by his instinct to seize any money-making opportunity due to his impoverished upbringing, couldn't resist the chance to bet.

Onstage, Jason Hart's friends, Bucktooth and Derek, cheered him on, blocking the band members from retrieving the guitar.



Miss Vera Andrade held a glass of Coke in her hand.

Seeing Jason Hart interfering with her business, she frowned and shook her head, muttering, "This is ridiculous, someone get security... On second thought!"

It wasn't that she couldn't bear to kick Jason Hart out; rather, Miss Vera Andrade suddenly thought, why not let him embarrass himself too since he caused her to lose face at school, even exposing her body? Now that she had the chance, why not let him embarrass himself?

With this thought, Miss Vera Andrade immediately perked up, instructing someone to rush to the security room and capture the scene.

Thinking of Jason Hart being the subject of ridicule among her schoolmates, Miss Vera Andrade felt a surge of joy. She smiled, her long eyelashes fluttering.

Indeed, she had been praised for her delicate features, said to have been kissed by God, making her smile all the more captivating.


Jason Hart, amidst the jeers and insults from the crowd, stubbornly stood his ground.

In his mind, he couldn't help but think of Liam's expensive watch, a Vacheron Constantin with a perpetual calendar, worth hundreds of thousands.

Choosing to retreat now meant giving up on a golden opportunity to make easy money. He couldn't bear the regret of missing out on such a lucrative opportunity!


If he lost the bet, he'd have to foot the bill for Liam, known as "Master Liam," buying drinks for the whole bar. It would be a waste of money and effort.

With these considerations in mind, Jason Hart mustered his spirits, cradling the guitar in his arms, seated in front of the microphone. With trembling fingers, he slowly regained a semblance of his former skill.

As the sound of the guitar filled the air, the cacophony subsided, and the patrons of the bar fell silent.

Bucktooth turned around in surprise, wondering if Jason Hart could actually play the guitar.

Standing on the second floor, Miss Vera Andrade furrowed her brow. She didn't want to see Jason Hart stealing the spotlight, but she couldn't help but hope he would win this round.

After all, she was a lady, and she had her manners.

Though Miss Vera Andrade didn't particularly like Jason Hart, there was little she could do.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have hidden at home, sulking, avoiding school altogether due to embarrassment.


Jason Hart took a deep breath, contemplating which song to sing.

A captivating melody suddenly popped into his head, and he began to play effortlessly, the tune catchy and familiar.

Without much thought, he launched into the song...

It was a love song that had swept the globe upon its release in the 21st century.

Drawing on his guitar skills and remarkable memory, Jason Hart recreated the song, albeit with some imperfect lyrics, but the melody breathed new life into the atmosphere.

Derek and Bucktooth were astonished.

Even Liam, seated with a glass in his hand, was taken aback. He never expected Jason Hart could sing, let alone sing so well.

Suddenly, he felt the urge to join the crowd, applauding and cheering!

Upstairs, Miss Vera Andrade's body trembled slightly.

She, too, had a passion for music and dance, with some knowledge in the field. She had followed the stars of Hongcheng more than once, attending their concerts.

At this moment.

Listening to Jason Hart's voice and the exquisite lyrics, Miss Vera Andrade fell silent.

In this moment.

She sensed the sincerity in Jason Hart's voice.

It was hard to imagine that someone who could sing with such emotion was the same scoundrel who had peeped at her by the girls' bathroom window?

Just then, Jason Hart caught sight of her, raising his head in a daze, noticing a tall foreign girl, quite attractive. He couldn't help but steal a few more glances.

Miss Vera Andrade was emotionally stirred.

She suddenly realized that perhaps Jason Hart didn't come to this bar for no reason.

Tonight... was he specifically here for her?

Otherwise, why would he keep looking at her, choosing to come to the bar today, and singing such a heartfelt song?

Today was her birthday, after all!

And this love song...

Was it sung specifically for her?

Initially, Miss Vera Andrade thought she detested Jason Hart.

But at this moment, she remembered last September, when this guy had cornered her on the street, asking her out to dinner, saying, "I really like you, want to grab a meal together?"

With a mischievous smile, he didn't seem so detestable anymore.

Through the song.

Miss Vera Andrade felt that beneath Jason Hart's flamboyant exterior, there might be a deep, passionate heart?

As one song ended,

Jason Hart was greeted with thunderous applause, his face lighting up with joy. Encouraged by the crowd, he prepared to sing another incredibly famous love song.

This time.

Miss Vera Andrade's insight deepened.

When she heard the lines "Perhaps you don't love, but there's no need to part," she was thoroughly moved.

Feeling like it was a mistake to stay separated by glass, she hurriedly made her way downstairs.

During this time, Miss Vera Andrade couldn't help but wonder.

What if this guy confessed to her later? How should she respond?

His singing was so beautiful, and the lyrics were so charming.

With the audience applauding enthusiastically, it would be hard to refuse...