Chapter 12 Who did it?

Sister Qi frowned and fastened her seat belt without any panic. No more talking.

 Wang Yan is very experienced. He no longer steps on the accelerator and lets the vehicle slow down on its own. During this period, he continuously activates the electronic handbrake, then puts it down again, turns left and right, and only taps the brake lightly when necessary!

 I ran through a few traffic lights and escaped a few scratches!

 After the vehicle entered a battlefield, Wang Yan dared to apply the brakes hard!

 He stopped the vehicle and signaled Sister Qi to get out of the car. In front of Sister Qi, he accelerated again, slammed on the brakes, increased speed again, and stepped on the brakes!

 There were only two "clicks" and "clicks" about ten times, and the vehicle lost control instantly.

 Wang Yan tightened his grip on the steering wheel and drove the vehicle into a small pile of sand. He did not get out of the car until the vehicle was blocked and stopped.

 He circled around the car, then got under the car. After some inspection, he walked to Sister Qi and said, "The brakes have been tampered with, and they will malfunction after a short period of time!"

 "If this really happens on the highway, the consequences will be disastrous!"

 Wang Yan looked serious: "The manipulators are very skillful. If you don't have some experience in repairing cars, it will be difficult for even a veteran driver to detect abnormalities in the vehicle in a short period of time!"

 Sister Qi adjusted her sunglasses, looking calm and calm, without any fear: "I've informed Hu Ma!"

 After a while, Hu Ma drove up in a Land Rover SUV.

 "Sister Qi, are you okay?"

 "Investigate the matter clearly."

 Sister Qi raised her hand and signaled: "Wang Yan, let's go!"

 The two drove the Land Rover and continued on their way, arriving at their destination in two hours.

 Sister Qi was socializing and talking, while Wang Yan went to a noodle shop with a worried look on his face.

 After eating and drinking, we returned to the car. Not long after waiting, Sister Qi came back: "Let's go to the next destination."

 Wang Yan looked worried: "Sister Qi, could you please change your itinerary?"

 Sister Qi looked out the window, wondering what she was thinking: "No, just drive your car!"

 Wang Yan didn't say anything else and drove onto the highway again.

 After traveling a certain distance, Wang Yan discovered something was wrong with the fuel gauge.

 To be on the safe side, I quickly parked the vehicle in the emergency lane and got out of the car to check again. I found that the Land Rover's fuel tank had been artificially punctured at some point and the gasoline was still flowing downwards!

 This must have been done while Wang Yan was out for dinner!

 Looking at the vehicles coming and going, Wang Yan had a bad feeling.

 He decisively returned to the car and locked the door: "Sister Qi, the fuel tank was exposed. This is too weird! Let Brother Ma bring someone to help us!"

 Sister Qi sat up straight, lit a cigarette, puffed out a puff of smoke, and spoke slowly: "Today's matters are very important. I can't be absent. Keep driving. Just find a place to refuel ahead."

 As soon as he finished speaking, two cars passed by the Land Rover and slowed down quickly when there was no vehicle in front!

 At the same time, two more cars came from behind, running towards the Land Rover from two lanes!

 "Sister Qi, sit still!"

 Wang Yan reacted quickly, saw the right moment, put the R gear on, stepped on the accelerator, and first quickly backed away when the vehicle behind him was approaching him!

 "Bang~" violent impact sound!

 The Land Rover's rear coupler directly penetrated the water tank of the vehicle behind it.

 "Buzz~" The Land Rover accelerated and rushed out, braked suddenly, swerved and crashed again.

 The other car backed up quickly, trying to avoid the Land Rover's reversing hook, and ended up colliding with the car driving rapidly behind.

 The sound of "Ding Ling's banging~" was accompanied by the sound of sudden braking, and the scene was in a mess!

 Without any hesitation, Wang Yan pushed to S gear, throttled to the bottom, chose a suitable angle, and crashed directly into the car in front.

 "Bang~" There was another loud noise, and the vehicle in front was directly knocked away by Wang Yan, and it happened to hit another vehicle that had just stopped.

 Wang Yan adjusted the direction again, stepped on the accelerator, and the Land Rover jumped out with a "buzz~", temporarily throwing away all the vehicles!

 From head to toe, Wang Yan didn't have any panic. The whole set of movements was smooth and smooth, as steady as Mount Tai!

 He took a deep breath, but before he could speak, a large truck driving in the opposite lane suddenly hit the guardrail and hit the Land Rover!

 Wang Yan reacted very quickly, swerved hard, hit the brakes, half of the Land Rover flew into the air, made a big drift, hit the guardrail on the side, and circled twice in a row before avoiding the truck.

 After a short delay, the chasing vehicle that had been hit before appeared in Wang Yan's sight again.

 Several men wearing masks also jumped out of the truck.

 They were armed with knives, guns and sticks, yelling and swearing, and smashed the Land Rover!

 One of them was holding a single-barrelled hunting rifle in his hand!

 He raised the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at Wang Yan. His voice was loud and full of threats: "This matter has nothing to do with you. Get off the bus immediately! Otherwise, I will kill you first!"

 Wang Yan was shocked and subconsciously glanced at Sister Qi in the back seat.

 He knew that if Sister Qi fell into the hands of these thugs, Sister Qi would definitely be ruined, and he would not be able to do anything about it!

 So he has no choice at all!

 Wang Yan first smiled at the gunman, nodded vigorously, and lowered his guard. Then he suddenly lowered his head and pumped the gas. With a "buzz~" sound, the Land Rover directly hit the gunman and jumped out again!

 In just a few clicks, the Land Rover's fuel gauge had already turned on a red light!

 Wang Yan was very anxious and kept looking around. After a moment, his eyes lit up: "Sister Qi, I will stop the car suddenly in the tunnel ahead. You find a place to hide, and you must get off the car quickly!"

 "I'll keep driving forward and lure them away! There's no other chance!"

 Wang Yan shifted the S gear again, continued to increase speed, and plunged into the long tunnel. Not long after he moved forward, he suddenly braked and stopped at the pedestrian crossing in the tunnel.

 Sister Qi got out of the car calmly and entered the Hengdong!

 With a "buzz~" sound, Wang Yan started the vehicle again. As soon as he picked up the speed, the vehicle behind him had already entered the tunnel.

 There was a difference of a few seconds, and the secret was almost revealed.

 Wang Yan knew very well that he couldn't keep running on the highway, so after rushing out of the tunnel, he drove out of the toll station without any hesitation!

 He briefly observed the terrain around the toll station, and then decisively drove the vehicle into the crop field!

 He stepped on the accelerator and drove wildly until the SUV could no longer move forward, and finally got away from the pursuer behind him!

 Without saying a word, Wang Yan jumped out of the car and ran wildly, rushing out of the crop field from the other direction, standing on the side of the road, and stopped the taxi: "Get on the highway!"

 The taxi made a large circle, returned to the expressway tunnel, stopped in the emergency lane and flashed double lights.

 Wang Yan got off the car and entered the concave area. Not long after walking along the pedestrian hole, he heard the sound of "woo woo woo".

 He frowned, immediately quickened his pace, turned a corner, and reached a small open area.

 Under the green emergency light, Sister Qi was tied up and her mouth was gagged!

 Her pants had been taken off, and her white legs had been tied up separately and fixed to her upper arms, making it impossible to close them.

 Two unkempt, extremely slovenly homeless men had already taken off their pants, with lewd smiles on their faces.

 Two dirty hands touched Sister Qi's body.

 Wang Yan's expression changed instantly. He picked up a brick on the ground, strode forward, and struck a person directly in the back of the head. The homeless man fell to the ground instantly.

 Wang Yan followed up very quickly and kicked another homeless man in the crotch. When the homeless man lowered his head, Wang Yan knocked the homeless man to the ground with an uppercut!

 Wang Yan was experienced and didn't give the two homeless men any chance to breathe. He took the opportunity to hit their heads and bodies without mercy!

 The surroundings were filled with the sound of heads hitting the ground!

 The two homeless men were wailing and screaming with bloody heads! They were all stunned!

 After dealing with the two homeless men, Wang Yan "spit" on the ground and came to Sister Qi's side. He was obviously a little embarrassed, but he had to save her. After being silent for a few seconds, Wang Yan was heartbroken: "Sister Qi, I'm offended! "

 He took out his folding knife and just cut the rope around Sister Qi's leg. Before he could let go of her mouth, Sister Qi suddenly became emotional!

 Wang Yan turned his head subconsciously, and a homeless man climbed up. He didn't know where the kitchen knife came from and struck Wang Yan directly!

 If Wang Yan hides by himself, there will definitely be no problem!

 But if he had dodged, the knife would definitely hit Sister Qi's body.

 With almost no time to react, Wang Yan raised his hand and pushed forward, and the kitchen knife hit Wang Yan's wrist with a "bang~".

 Wang Yan felt a sharp pain and waved the folding knife with his backhand at the homeless man, "Plop, plop" twice.

 With a scream, the homeless man dropped the kitchen knife and turned around and ran away. Another homeless man also got up and ran away in embarrassment.

 Wang Yan was full of murderous intent, but after looking at Sister Qi, he had no way to catch up. He quickly cut the rope on Sister Qi's body, pulled off the tape on her mouth, and said with concern: "Sister Qi, are you okay?"

 Sister Qi is also a ruthless person. She has just experienced such a big battle, and her face does not show much fear: "How are your hands?"

 Only then did Wang Yan react. He looked at his wrist and found that the watch case was broken!

 He was extremely lucky and extremely grateful to Zhang Zonghe: "Sister Qi, I'm fine, how are you?"

 Sister Qi shook her head, put on her clothes, and looked at the direction where the two beggars disappeared. Her eyes were full of murderous intent, but she was helpless.

 The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, and Wang Yan quickly changed the subject: "Are they here?"

 "It's coming, but it still needs time, let's go first!"

 "Still leaving?"

 Wang Yan was a little unbelievable. Sister Qi's heart was a little too big!

 "Yes, I can't let such a trivial matter affect my schedule. This revenge will be avenged sooner or later!"

 Wang Yan glanced at Sister Qi and said nothing more.

 The two went straight back to the taxi.

 There was almost no conversation along the way.

 When they arrived at their destination, Liu Guangyao, the manager of the financial and security department of Shuifeng Hotel, was already in place with more than ten people.

 The Financial Security Department is the real "thug department" of Shuifeng Hotel.

 There is no comparison with other departments!

 It was obvious that although Sister Qi didn't show anything, she was much more cautious inside.

 She took out a pile of cash and handed it to Wang Yan: "Take it! Just leave the rest to them! When I finish these days and come back from the business trip, I will thank you properly!"

 Liu Guangyao is tall and tall, with an extremely burly figure and a sinewy face. He looks fierce, and he is the opposite of Hu Ma.

 He handed Wang Yan a cigarette with an appreciative expression on his face: "He looks elegant and has a good psychological quality! He reacted really quickly! Not bad! It's a pity that he followed Hu Ma!"

 "Thank you, Sister Qi, thank you manager!"

 Wang Yan was not polite, bid farewell to Sister Qi, and took a taxi back to Shuifeng Hotel.

 Sitting in the car, Wang Yan felt scared as he recalled the thrilling journey.

 Unknowingly, Sister Qi's ice-cold face appeared in his mind again, as well as her appearance in the pedestrian cave, and he subconsciously had some wild thoughts!

 Wang Yan quickly patted his head to calm himself down and stop thinking.

 When he returned to Da Huma's office, Hu Ma was staring at the surveillance screen and worrying: "Who did it?"