Chapter 101 Unable to start

Without saying a word, Wang Yan held his little hand and returned to the car.

 He picked up the phone and called Ren Meng directly, and the call was quickly connected.

 "Xiao Yan, what's wrong?"

 "Brother Meng, I have something urgent and I need your help, but I must not let Jiao Lei know about it."

 "I'm not doing it for myself, I'm doing it for the company. Do you think that's okay?"

 Ren Meng took a deep breath: "We just had a falling out over Guan Xiang."

 "So, you can feel free to explain."

 Although Ren Meng is a higher level than Wang Yan and is much older, he has always maintained a low profile in front of Wang Yan.

 "You can help me rent something at a high price, and then help me organize a tour group. This must be done as soon as possible, without delaying even a second..."

 Night slowly fell, and a violent storm swept across.

 The dark sky was obscured by dark clouds, and lightning pierced the night, tearing the sky apart like fierce sharp blades.

 The thunder roared, as if the heaven and earth were shaking, giving people an endless sense of fear.

 The wind howled, the dust flew, the trees began to sway, and some were even uprooted.

 Before long, the rain poured down like a sloping river, forming curtains of water, turning the streets and alleys into a blurry world.

 The outer walls of the high-rise buildings hissed as they were washed away by the wind and rain, and the raindrops on the windows hit violently like steel balls, making a crisp sound.

 The street lamps swayed in the wind and rain, and the dim light barely illuminated the wet streets.

 Suddenly, a Santana car appeared in the rainstorm.

 The vehicle was traveling so fast that a row of water splashed up from the wheels.

 The car drove directly to the Dapo Town project site.

 Wang Yan lit the cigarette and smiled at his little hand.

 "Look, what I said is right. In this kind of weather, there will definitely be no one guarding here."

 "Can you take a few of us in now?"

 Xiaoshou laughed helplessly, stretched out his thumb towards Wang Yan, and got out of the car first.

 Wang Yan put on his raincoat, carried his tool bag, and followed closely.

 Several other figures looked at each other and followed.

 The little hand climbed up the wall first, took out the poisonous meat that had been prepared long ago, and threw it directly into the construction site.

 After a while, several vicious dogs ran over following the fishy smell and wolfed down the poisonous meat.

 Watching several vicious dogs fall to the ground one after another, dying, their little hands took the lead in turning into the construction site.

 Wang Yan and others followed closely behind.

 After landing, Wang Yan patted his little hand on the shoulder and pointed to the lighted duty room in the distance.

 "I'll leave that to you, and leave the rest to us. We'll give you a code signal if necessary."

 The little hand nodded and soon disappeared into the rainy night.

 Wang Yan took a deep breath and stared at the middle-aged men around him.

 "Brothers, please do everything as I ask. Don't make any mistakes."

 Several people nodded seriously and then disappeared into the vast night.

 "Kacha~" "Kacha~" "Kacha~"

 Several bolts of lightning pierced the sky at the same time, lighting up the entire night sky, seeming to foreshadow something.

 Outside the project site, a modified Wrangler was speeding in the rain.

 Chen Cimao held the phone in his hand: "Tell the brothers to take advantage of this time to take a rest."

 "Wait until the rain subsides and then come out to work."

 "Oh, I don't want everyone to have to work so hard. Time is tight and the task is heavy."

 "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let everyone overcome it, and start work as soon as the rain stops."

 "Tell them I will supervise the work myself."

 "If I find out who is lazy, they will never be able to enter my project again."

 "I, Chen Cimao, always do what I say!"

 After hanging up the phone, Chen Cimao was obviously unhappy.

 "If you look at this group of people, they are just picking up money with their heads down, and each one of them has so many things to do."

 "Hey, aren't you accustomed to this?"

 Liu Tong's voice was not loud: "According to me, you don't deserve them, you don't owe them, and you shouldn't take them at all."

 "As you said, don't I want my brothers to have something to eat?"

 "A great favor is a great enmity, a great good is a great evil. Brother Thorn Cat, please take it easy."

 Chen Cimao's eyes flickered and he didn't say a word. In a daze, he saw a car parked on the side of the road.

 Chen Jimao stopped the car subconsciously and stared at the unlicensed Santana outside the window.

 "Whose car is this? Why is it parked here?"

 "Isn't it normal to park like this? This doesn't mean you are not allowed to park."

 "The problem is that it's raining so hard that this car is parked here. Isn't this nonsense?"

 "Maybe we stopped before the heavy rain. We didn't have time to come back, or we were drinking nearby."

 Chen Jimao frowned, but without thinking much, he started the vehicle again.

 Back home, several little brothers had prepared wine and food.

 After Chen Jimao and Liu Tong sat down, everyone started eating immediately.

 "Brother Thorny Cat, how was your talk this time?"

 "No problem, we've all agreed. We're just waiting for the completion here and acceptance over there."

 "It's great, I can have a good year this time, thank you Brother Thorn Cat."

 Several people clinked their glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

 Liu Tong's cell phone rang, and he picked up the phone: "Hey, what's wrong?"

 "Oh, why are you so anxious? It's not like I won't give you money."

 "Okay, okay, I understand, just wait a few more days, it's almost over!"

 Liu Tong put down the phone and Chen Cimao spoke from the side.

 "Why does my voice sound like Lao Dou's?"

 "No need to act like it, it's just him. He's anxious to get his excavator. He said someone wants to rent it at a very high price."

 Lao Dou is also an earthworker and works in the same circle as Chen Jimao.

 Among the excavators currently used by Chen Jimao and the others, they were rented from Lao Dou.

 "Whoever rents has to be on a first-come, first-served basis. You can't just ignore the front just because the money paid at the back is higher."

 "Besides, how can high energy be so high? These are all transparent prices."

 Listening to the discussion among several younger brothers, Chen Jimao asked: "Do you know who wants to rent at a high price?"

 "Who cares who he is? What does it have to do with us? Come on, come on, drink!"

 Chen Jimao hesitated for a moment, then raised his glass, and the people in the room started eating and drinking again.

 Time passed by, and in the early morning, the rain outside decreased significantly.

 Chen Jimao put down his wine glass, walked to the yard, felt for a moment, and then turned around and entered the house.

 "Inform everyone and start working."

 Everyone yawned and started calling people on the phone.

 Chen Cimao took Liu Tong into the car and ran directly to the construction site.

 Just as he was approaching the construction site, Chen Jimao suddenly stopped the car.

 Liu Tong yawned: "Brother Thorn Cat, what's wrong?"

 "That car was parked here just now, right?"

 Liu Tong looked around: "It's almost the same. What's wrong?"

 Chen Cimao himself didn't know why, but he always felt that something was wrong.

 Unknowingly, Wang Yan's extremely gentle face appeared in his mind again.

 And Wang Yan's last sentence: "It's cold, put on more clothes."

 To be honest, if it weren't for Wang Yan's reminder last time, they would definitely be familiar with it.

 But why did Wang Yan do this, and what good would it do to him?

 Chen Jimao has been thinking about this for the past two days, but he just can't figure it out.

 Liu Tong's cell phone rang, she said a few words and then hung up.

 "Brother Thorny Cat, our three wolf greens have all been poisoned to death!"

 Chen Jimao suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, and he panicked instantly.

 He immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove into the construction site in one breath.

 Chen Jimao jumped out of the car, pushed away the crowd, and looked at the dead Lang Qing on the ground.

 "Everyone disperse immediately and check if there is any damage!"

 Dozens of people immediately wandered around the construction site and searched three times, but no damage was found.

 This made Chen Ci Mao confused: "If there is no loss, what is going on with this dog?"

 Liu Tong's eyes flickered: "Brother Ci Mao, are we going to do any work today?"

 Chen Jimao narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment: "Go ahead, tell everyone to be careful."

 "Also, call me more people tonight to prevent any unexpected events!"

 "I got it, Brother Thorncat!" Liu Tong hurriedly left.

 Chen Jimao was completely sleepless and stared at the big guys starting work. However, after waiting for a long time, he didn't notice that the equipment was running.

 While he was curious, a subordinate rushed over panting.

 "Brother Thorny Cat, it's not good. All our excavators can't start."

 "Can't any of them start?" Chen Ci's cat eyes instantly stared at the boss, "Is it true?"

 "Really, if you don't believe me, come and have a look."

 Chen Jimao didn't care about anything else and ran wildly to an excavator.

 But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't start the excavator.

 Ten excavators, all in the same situation, Chen Jimao couldn't sit still at all.

 "Hurry up and find someone to come over and see what's going on."