Chapter 129 Tianbei Zhang Pei

Wang Yan looked at Zhang Zonghe with something in his words.

 "But don't you think it's a bit indecent for you to look around so blatantly here?"

 "Look at what other people think of you. Don't let people define you as a pervert. That would be bad."

 "The water flows slowly, take your time, there is so much meat, you are just a wolf, are you afraid that you will not be full?"

 Zhang Zonghe slapped his head fiercely.

 "It has to be you, good brother, you two hurry up."

 Zhang Zonghe took Wang Yan and Xiaoshou aside and started busy himself.

 "What do you think of this girl who just came here?"

 Little Hand sighed: "Brother, I have a boyfriend."

 "I asked you to look at the girl, but who asked you to look at her boyfriend?"

 Zhang Zonghe is serious. Maybe I feel a little bit overwhelmed.

 "Xiao Yan, when will your place open?"

 "We are almost busy and we are about to prepare for the opening."

 Zhang Zonghe smiled "hehe": "Have you hired anyone?"

 "Hire him, he's a friend of my wife's, but he's not very good-looking and doesn't fit into your aesthetic standards."

 "Don't hire me, let me do it."

 "Don't make trouble, my wife can't agree! We've already made an agreement with someone, how can we break the appointment?"

 "You just know there are good-looking girls here, just visit more in the future."

 Zhang Zonghe shook his head seriously.

 "The probability of success in striking up a conversation directly is far lower than that of communication through legitimate channels."

 "Just like that wow girl across from you."

 "Do you think it would be better for me to get to know her by talking to her directly, or by chatting with my colleagues?"

 "Then you can't just drive away my wife's friend just because you want to come. What's the matter?"

 "Besides, we are here for business, what do you think we are doing? Playing with you?"

 Zhang Zonghe made a "tsk" sound and immediately took out 10,000 yuan from his pocket.

 "This is for my sister-in-law. I own it as a share. I don't want any dividends. I just need to tell the outside world that this is my store."

 Wang Yan knew very well that he would not take the money, Zhang Zonghe also ruined it, and Wang Yan was not polite.

 He took the money with a warning look on his face.

 "Hezi, let's first say that it's okay if you want to use our platform, but you have to do it right."

 "If you don't work hard and make my wife unhappy, then you have to leave."

 "Don't worry." Zhang Zonghe said seriously.

 "I'll definitely do a good job. By the way, do they have a nightclub here? Do these girls go home at night?"

 Wang Yan glanced at Zhang Zonghe with contempt, and then returned to Chengzi.

 He handed the money to Orange.

 "This is Zhang Zonghe's naming fee, please keep it."

 "From now on, let's just say that he is the boss, and let him do whatever work is done. There is no need to spare him."

 Chengzi was stunned for a moment: "Oh my god, there are so many, is it appropriate?"

 "It's appropriate, it's appropriate, and he has to thank you."

 Speaking of this, Wang Yan pointed to Zhang Zonghe not far away: "Hezi."

 Zhang Zonghe's face was full of flattery, and he raised his hand towards Chengzi to show his goodwill.

 "Sister-in-law, if you have any orders, just ask."

 Chengzi's face was full of disbelief, and Wenwen was also dumbfounded.

 "What kind of fairy friends are you?"

 "Let him be busy. I still have something to do. I'll see you at home tonight, honey."

 Wang Yan coaxed Chengzi for a few words and then left with Xiaoshou.

 The two returned to the car, their little hands nodding, their words full of admiration.

 "Brother Yan, to be honest, there are too many things I need to learn from being with you."

 "There's no way you can learn from it. I'll just choke you."

 "Actually, I just help him save some money. When he runs out of money, I have to support him."

 Wang Yan looked at his little hands: "This grandson's 50,000 yuan should be almost spent, and there is still 10,000 yuan at most."

 "How did you know?"

 "If he had thirty thousand in hand, he could just get rid of twenty thousand."

 "Hey, you don't listen to anything you say. It's bad. Anyway, his family also has conditions that make him bad."

 He pondered Wang Yan's words with his little hands and nodded seriously.

 "Brother Yan, you are really at the pinnacle of thinking about people's hearts and analyzing human nature."

 "Okay, stop praising me, go find Zhang Pei quickly, and settle that matter first."

 As he spoke, a trace of anger flashed across Wang Yan's face.

 "CTM, you still have to admit your mistake to that idiot in the gang. What a fool."

 "Hey, ten years is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Sooner or later, he will have a chance to regain his place."

 "I can't wait ten years." Wang Yan said in a low voice: "It's because of what he did to the tiger. I must make him pay the price!..."

 Twenty minutes later, the two arrived at Shuxiang Tea House.

 Xiaoshou was waiting in the car, and Wang Yan entered alone.

 As soon as he entered the private room, Zhang Pei arrived behind him.

 "Hello, Brother Pei."

 Wang Yan stood up quickly and took the initiative to greet Zhang Pei with an extremely humble attitude.

 Zhang Pei is fair and fair, wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and has the air of a scholar.

 He behaves elegantly, without any airs, and smiles slightly, making him appear very approachable.

 "You're welcome, sit down."

 Zhang Pei took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for Wang Yan: "It's amazing that you can sit in this position in Shuifeng at such a young age."

 "Brother Pei, please stop joking. I am just lucky. You are the one who has the real ability."

 "Okay, let's not flatter each other." Zhang Pei asked in a low voice, "Have you brought the contract?"

 Wang Yan nodded and quickly took out the equity transfer agreement of Yupei KTV.

 "Brother Pei, take a look. If there is no problem, we can sign."

 Zhang Pei picked up the transfer agreement, looked at it carefully, and then frowned.

 "Did you make a mistake?"

 Wang Yan was a little surprised: "Brother Pei, that's right, this is the equity transfer agreement of Yupei KTV."

 "This jade pendant KTV was originally mine."

 "What do you mean by transferring my KTV to me?"

 Wang Yan was stunned for a moment: "Brother Pei, this jade pendant should be owned by you and Lone Wolf."

 "Yeah, what does that have to do with you?"

 Zhang Pei asked knowingly.

 "Lone Wolf has sold all the properties in his name to us."

 "This includes half of the equity of Yupei KTV."

 Zhang Pei laughed when he heard this.

 "Is there such a thing?"

 "Yeah, don't you know?"

 "Then can I see your transfer agreement?"

 Wang Yan quickly took out the transfer agreement regarding the jade pendant KTV signed by Artillery and Lone Wolf.

 Zhang Pei picked up the agreement and looked at it briefly, then clapped his hands gently.

 "Chenghao, come in."

 A middle-aged man wearing a black suit entered the private room.

 He opened his briefcase, took out several contracts, and placed them in front of Wang Yan.

 Zhang Pei raised his hand to signal.

 "Look what these are."

 Wang Yan took advantage of the situation and picked up a contract and opened it. Inside was the transfer agreement for Tianbei Street Mingshi KTV.

 Wang Yan went through it briefly and picked up another copy, which contained the transfer agreement for Mingtu KTV.

 After reading it, Wang Yan picked up another copy, this one was the transfer agreement for Fame and Fortune KTV.

 The remaining contracts are transfer agreements for Lone Wolf's other venues.

 All contracts are signed and fingerprinted by Lone Wolf.

 Moreover, the contract signing date was exactly one day earlier than the contract date between Lone Wolf and Cannon.

 Wang Yan instantly had a very bad premonition, and he was a little murmuring in his heart.

 Seeing that Wang Yan remained silent, Zhang Pei nodded towards Cheng Hao.

 Cheng Hao immediately took out a lot of formalities from his backpack.

 Zhang Pei pointed to these procedures.

 "I didn't know when Lone Wolf signed the transfer agreement with you."

 "Have I given you all the relevant procedures?"

 "If it's not given, then there's nothing to argue about."

 "If it is given, you'd better go to the official channels with those procedures to confirm it."

 "Let's see if what Lone Wolf gave you is true or false."

 Zhang Pei is confident: "Anyway, I have verified it here and there is no problem at all."

 "So, I am the real owner of Jade Pendant KTV."

 "You gave me my KTV equity. Isn't it a bit unreasonable to give it to me?"

 Wang Yan forcibly suppressed all the uneasiness in his heart.

 He picked up the procedure on the table and looked at it three times in succession, but found nothing unusual.

 After a while, Wang Yan put down the formalities.

 "Brother Pei, if that's the case, how did you and Brother Pao talk about it in the first place?"

 Zhang Pei is simple and clear.

 "He promised to give me shares in Shuifeng Hotel, and I promised not to hold you accountable."

 "So, you should bring me the equity transfer agreement of Shuifeng Hotel!"

 Obviously, it is impossible for Artillery to use the equity of Shuifeng Hotel as a bargaining chip in exchange for Wang Yan.

 So after Zhang Pei said this, Wang Yan understood what was going on.