Chapter 137 It’s Mr. Song again

Wang Yan was shocked: "Master Ma, what do you mean by this?"

 "Zhang Pei arrested dozens of people from Shuifeng and threatened that if you and Liu Guangyao are not handed over, these dozens of people will be buried alive in Dahu Mountain!"

 "I'm not sure what Cannon was thinking."

 "So for safety's sake, you'd better hide it and don't believe anyone."

 "It's unlikely that the artillery can hand over the two of us, right?"

 "It's unlikely, but you can't gamble blindly. The most important thing is that the ghost inside the water seal hasn't been pulled out yet."

 "What if you really show up, leak the news, and Zhang Pei blocks you?"

 "We don't have many people at our disposal now, so there is no way we can compete with Zhang Pei."

 Wang Yan immediately choked up.

 Hu Ma sighed on the phone.

 "Protect yourself and don't trust anyone."

 Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and there was something in his words.

 "Master Ma, there is something I haven't figured out yet."

 "whats the matter?"

 "Do you think Zhang Pei came for Shui Feng this time, or for me?"

 "You must have come here for the water seal. Who are you?"

 "If that's the case, why did he control me first and then kill me first?"

 "The gang just said that when they were escorting me."

 "The reason why Zhang Pei wanted to kill me was not because of the conflict between me and the gang."

 "In other words, Zhang Pei would kill me if it happened between me and the gang."

 "Dabang, this is just a lure used by Zhang Pei to trick me into coming to the Scholarly Tea House."

 "Then I'm curious. Zhang Pei and I have no conflict at all. Why would he do this?"

 Hu Ma was silent on the phone for a moment.

 "Xiao Yan, just say what you mean."

 "I've thought about this several times."

 "Now I can be sure that the man behind this incident is Mr. Song."

 "It was Mr. Song who bribed and convinced Lone Wolf, and then provided Zhang Pei with a lot of support and help, and promised Zhang Pei great benefits."

 "That's why Zhang Pei attacked Shui Feng."

 "Xiao Yan, this is no joke, are you sure?"

 "One hundred percent sure, it must be Mr. Song."

 "I wonder why this bastard has disappeared during this time."

 "I've been making trouble for a long time just to hold back my energy."

 Hu Ma cursed the street directly on the phone.

 "This damned bastard is a coward who can only do things behind his back."

 "If I catch him one day, I will chop him into pieces and feed him to the dogs!"

 "You should talk to Brother Pao about this, and pay attention to your own safety after it's over."

 "Okay, Xiaoyan, let's keep in touch."

 After hanging up the phone, Wang Yan fell into deep thought.

 As time passed, there were fewer and fewer people in the ramen restaurant.

 Tie Kui had fallen asleep on the table.

 The little hand also yawned.

 "Brother Yan, we can't stay here forever."

 Only then did Wang Yan come back to his senses.

 He patted Tie Kui on the shoulder and looked at his little hand again.

 "Let's go first."

 The three of them got up and left.

 Just as they were about to go out, a Santana sedan without a license plate drove up.

 Four crew members wearing tight pants and beanie shoes got out of the car and went straight to the ramen restaurant.

 As the two sides passed each other, a young boy with a crew cut suddenly stopped.

 Xiao Pingtou hesitated for a few seconds, turned around and rushed in front of Wang Yan, blocking Wang Yan's path.

 He smiled at Wang Yan and said, "Brother, do you have a fire? I can borrow one."

 While he was talking, Xiao Pingtou looked at Wang Yan carefully.

 Wang Yan smiled slightly and took out his lighter.

 The little flat head took advantage of the situation and took a cigarette.

 At this moment Wang Yan was lighting a cigarette for Xiao Pingtou.

 Xiao Pingtou suddenly took out his dagger and stabbed Wang Yan in the abdomen without hesitation.

 This is a deadly attack from the very beginning.

 Wang Yan did not dodge and still stood where he was.

 He saw that the flat-headed dagger was about to hit Wang Yan.

 Tie Kui suddenly stretched out his big hand and grabbed Xiao Pingtou's wrist.

 He twisted it hard and heard a "creak~" sound of bones being dislocated.

 Xiao Pingtou subconsciously let go of the dagger and started screaming "Ah".

 Wang Yan saw the right opportunity, bent down slightly, and accurately caught the dagger that Xiao Pingtou had dropped.

 He stood up without hesitation and ran towards the crew member's thigh: "Plop, plop~" just twice.

 He took advantage of the situation and strangled the neck of the little flat head, holding a bloody dagger, aiming at the remaining little flat heads.

 "Fuck you, if anyone dares to move, I will wipe him out!"

 With that said, Wang Yan put the dagger into Xiao Pingtou's neck.

 Several people on the opposite side immediately raised their hands.

 "Wang Yan, don't mess around!"

 "That's right, if you have something to say, talk it over carefully and don't be so impulsive."

 His little hand ran around the body of the young boy with a crew cut and found a car key.

 Several people nodded and immediately retreated to the Santana car.

 An older guy with a crew cut opposite him frowned.

 "Wang Yan, believe me, you are completely finished this time, and you can't run away."

 "Fuck you!" Wang Yan roared angrily: "If you keep talking nonsense, I'll wipe him out first!"

 Xiaoshou rushed to the car first and started the vehicle.

 Tie Kui followed closely behind, and Wang Yan dragged his flat head back to the side of the car, deliberately grabbing his dislocated arm and twisting it again.

 Along with Xiaopingtou's heart-rending scream, Wang Yan kicked Xiaopingtou to the ground.

 He quickly jumped back into the car.

 The Santana made a "buzz~" sound and backed onto the road, then jumped out with another "buzz~" sound.

 After driving less than a hundred meters, two Jinbei cars were driving directly ahead, blocking the road.

 The little hand braked suddenly, changed direction, and Santana rushed forward quickly towards the rear.

 Just as the vehicle passed the ramen restaurant, a Santana sedan suddenly crossed the roadside.

 The two men immediately got out of the car, each holding a single-barreled shotgun, and pointed it directly at Xiaoshou's vehicle.

 Xiao Shou's expression changed instantly. He immediately lowered his head, stepped on the accelerator, and shouted loudly: "Be careful!"

 "Boom, boom~" were two gunshots.

 Santana's front windshield was instantly shattered.

 The little hand couldn't care about anything else and could only step on the accelerator like crazy.

 There was a violent impact sound, and the Santana sedan lying on the side of the road was knocked to the side.

 The vehicle on Xiaoshou's side also lost some control and rushed sideways to the roadside.

 The little hand immediately raised its head, turned hard, and stepped on the brakes.

 The vehicle spun around twice before stopping.

 He looked back at the crowd and vehicles chasing behind him, and without saying a word, he rushed forward again.

 The Santana sedan was traveling very fast, and when it was passing through a T-junction, it suddenly hit a large car from the side.

 When Little Hand saw that he couldn't dodge, he almost tried his best to hit the direction and threw the rear of the car out.


 The Santana car was hit and spun around three times, but before it came to a complete stop, the big car roared over again.

 This is simply a rhythm that leaves no room for anything and wants to kill people directly.

 "Bang~" was another violent impact sound.

 The Santana sedan was directly hit by the big car and flew out. It circled in the air and fell into the crop field.

 The driver of the cart jumped out of the car and rushed into the crop field with a hatchet.

 He rushed to the Santana car, opened the driver's door, stretched out his hand and pulled out his little hand.

 He was full of rage and had dark skin. He waved his hatchet and ran towards his little hand's head.

 At the critical moment, a figure jumped out from the side.

 Wang Yan gritted his teeth, jumped up, swung his dagger and stabbed the driver in the neck.

 The driver's eyes widened and he fell to the ground.

 Wang Yan was covered in blood and panting. He slapped his mouth hard at the little hands on the ground.

 "Little hands, little hands! Wake up and wake up!"

 Seeing that his little hand was still a little confused, Wang Yan couldn't care about anything else and just put it on his back.

 His veins popped out and he shouted at Tie Kui, the co-pilot: "Tie Kui, Tie Kui!!"

 Tie Kui's face was also covered in blood. He raised his head unsteadily: "Brother Yan!"

 Wang Yan's eyes were blood red and his voice was loud: "How are you!"

 "I'm fine, Brother Yan!"

 "Run quickly!"

 Tie Kui nodded, gritted his teeth and kicked open the passenger door, staggered out of the car and ran staggeringly.

 The two of them had not run very far when they heard yelling and cursing behind them.

 At least a dozen people chased him, three or four of them carrying homemade shotguns.

 When they saw Wang Yan and Tie Kui's backs, without saying a word, they picked up their shotguns and started greeting them.

 "Boom, boom, boom, boom~" gunshots were fired one after another.

 Wang Yan and Tie Kui couldn't care about anything and could only run as hard as they could.

 While running, Tie Kui screamed "Ouch~" and fell to the ground.

 Wang Yan became anxious instantly: "Tie Kui."

 He dropped his little hand and rushed to Tie Kui's side, watching as Tie Kui's clothes were soaked in blood.

 Wang Yan panicked instantly, tears instantly moistened his eyes, and he almost collapsed.

 "Tie Kui, Tie Kui!!" He shook the Tie Kui frantically, his voice almost hoarse.