Chapter 182 Little hands solve the dilemma

The little hand smiled slightly.

 "Aren't you curious why Guo Haibin and the others suddenly came back at this time?"

 "Aren't you curious why Feng Ziyang died at the hands of Liu Guangyao?"

 "Aren't you curious why Meng Yuan disappeared for no reason?"

 "Aren't you curious why Lu Dong showed up at Xingrui Auto Repair Factory in the first place?"

 Xiaoshou took a deep breath: "From now on, I will answer you one by one."

 "Guo Haibin and this group of people have a deep hatred for you."

 "They always wanted to get back at you, but they never got the chance, right?"

 Zhang Pei nodded.

 Little Hand continued.

 "So they found Mr. Song through their connections and spent a lot of money. They wanted Mr. Song to help them take revenge."

 "Or maybe Mr. Song thought they were candidates who could be used, so he found them."

 "In short, both sides have joined together."

 The little hand's eyes flickered and his voice was not loud.

 "Actually, Mr. Song's plan is very simple."

 "Let you get rid of Wang Yan first."

 "Then use Guo Haibin to get rid of you."

 "Finally, he will deal with Guo Haibin."

 "In this way, even if Datian checks, he won't be able to find him."

 "Mr. Song also took great pains to get rid of you."

 "He knows that you are quite powerful and have many brothers, so it will be difficult to succeed directly."

 "So he started to stab with a thin knife slowly, first targeting Feng Ziyang and Meng Yuan."

 "When A Zui approached Feng Ziyang, he did it just to take Feng Ziyang's life."

 "It's just that Feng Ziyang died at the hands of Liu Guangyao, which gave her peace of mind."

 "But actually, if you think about it carefully, Feng Ziyang's death is also full of doubts!"

 Zhang Pei was extremely serious: "What about?"

 Xiaoshou took a deep breath: "When you first ordered to rob Lone Wolf's industry, you definitely didn't give a killing order."

 "That's natural. I didn't even think about doing it right at that time!"

 "When your people went to grab the lone wolf industry, they all went together in waves, right?"

 "Yes, this is my request."

 "Then do you know that Feng Ziyang did not go with his group, but went in advance?"

 "I've heard of this before."

 "Why don't you think he went with his group?"

 Zhang Pei shook his head: "How do I know this?"

 "Actually, the reason is quite simple. Feng Ziyang has other ideas."

 "He didn't want too many people to know."

 "What does he have in mind?"

 Little Hand said in a low voice: "Combined with Ah Sin's previous whereabouts."

 "I think A Zui successfully seduced Feng Ziyang after he met Feng Ziyang in Fenghuo Emperor City."

 "She lied to Feng Ziyang about how Liu Guangyao had treated him, and wanted Feng Ziyang to help her avenge her. Or maybe there were other rewards, so Feng Ziyang went early. And she would kill him when she went."

 "Who told you that Feng Ziyang killed him first?"

 "There were many witnesses at the scene, you can investigate as you like."

 "It was Feng Ziyang who killed him when he came up, and Liu Guangyao fought for his life to protect himself."

 "Otherwise, it would be impossible for Liu Guangyao to come up and kill Feng Ziyang. Is he crazy?"

 "And I personally think that even if Feng Ziyang doesn't die in the hands of Liu Guangyao, he will die in the hands of other water seal people."

 "Because only in this way can you be truly anxious."

 "Let's talk about Meng Yuan next."

 "The reason why Meng Yuan suddenly disappeared is because he was tricked by Ah Zui into Xingrui Auto Repair Factory."

 "Then he was killed by Guo Haibin and others in Xingrui Auto Repair Factory."

 Zhang Pei frowned: "How do you know this?"

 "We found A Sin through Fenghuo Imperial City, and then found Xingrui Auto Repair Factory through A Sin's car. Finally, we went to the supermarket next to Xingrui Auto Repair Factory and met Lu Dong and his team who were handling surveillance."

 "It was because we had a conflict with Lu Dong that we lured Cheng Hao over and helped you catch Lu Dong."

 Xiaoshou looked at Zhang Pei.

 "We have a stool leg in our hands, and there is Meng Yuan's blood on the stool leg."

 "Go and test the blood DNA, and then go to Lu Dong with the test report. You will definitely be able to break through him."

 "The truth will all come out then."

 He gently patted Zhang Pei's shoulder with his little hand and spoke sincerely.

 "Brother Pei, the deaths of your brothers have nothing to do with your greed. The real culprit is Mr. Song."

 Zhang Pei subconsciously raised his head, his eyes filled with astonishment.

 His expression was extremely complicated, both happy and sad, hesitant and angry.

 After a while, Zhang Pei calmed down and said, "Give me a cigarette."

 "Brother Pei, there are still many patients here."

 "I'll just hold it in my mouth and not smoke it."

 The little hand quickly took out the cigarette and handed it to Zhang Pei's mouth.

 Zhang Pei held a cigarette in his mouth and spoke slowly: "How do you know people like Guo Haibin?"

 Little Hand's eyes flickered: "Brother Pei, do you know how Brother Yan escaped from the gang?"

 "Didn't you save him?"

 "Then aren't you curious how we knew something happened to him?"

 Naturally, Xiaoshou will not tell Zhang Pei all the truth.

 For him, true and false, false and true, as long as Zhang Pei can transfer all his hatred to Mr. Song, then the mission has been completed.

 "Tie Kui and I were playing games in an Internet cafe, and when we finished, we received a strange phone call."

 "The person on the phone told me that Brother Yan was kidnapped by a gang and that he was not going to die soon. Let's go rescue him quickly."

 "He also told us Dabang's driving route."

 "It is precisely because of this that Tie Kui and I were able to arrive in time to rescue Brother Yan."

 Having said this, he also held a cigarette in his little hand but did not light it.

 "To be honest, at the beginning, I was quite grateful to the person who reported the news to us."

 "After all, if it weren't for him, Brother Yan would definitely be doomed."

 "But I'm still young."

 Xiaoshou smiled: "After we rescued Brother Yan, the phone rang again."

 "He said he had found a hiding place for us and asked us to meet."

 "I asked him his identity at the time, and he said he would know it when we met."

 "Then we went to the agreed place to meet them."

 Nowadays, both Guo Haibin and Dabang are no longer alive.

 So little hands can make it however they want.

 "The place we chose to meet was a ramen restaurant on the outskirts of the city called Lanzhou Ramen."

 Zhang Pei heard this and glanced at his little hand: "Is it Guo Haibin who brought you the news?"

 "You're right, it's Guo Haibin."

 "Then what's Guo Haibin's reason for doing this?"

 "Isn't this simple?" Xiaoshou smiled slightly: "As long as we save Brother Yan, we will definitely fight with the gang! As long as we fight, there will definitely be casualties!"

 "They need us to have more and more hatred and conflicts between us."