Chapter 192 There is still a way

Liao Da said "tsk" but did not say anything at the moment.

 Wang Yan raised his hand gently: "Brother Da, I'm just going to say a few words. It's not too late for you to risk your life after listening."

 Liao Da clutched the beer bottle tightly: "If you have something to say, you have to fart!"

 "It was you who went to Guo Han to tip off the news, right?"

 Liao Da was stunned for a moment, and then he became heartbroken: "It's me, how about it?"

 "Then you were the one who killed Gu Tianxi?"

 "Fuck you." Liao Da scolded directly: "How could I harm Gu Tianxi?"

 "If you hadn't reported the news to Ye Xingchi, Gu Tianxi wouldn't have died!"

 "What news should I report to Ye Xingchi? What the hell are you talking about? Do you want to frame me?"

 Wang Yan took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

 "You should know very well about Gu Tianxi's death, right?"

 Liao Da raised his eyebrows: "Of course it's clear. What do you want to say?"

 "Ever since Brother Xi's incident, Shui Feng started investigating the mole."

 "We have been investigating for so long and there are no clues."

 "I just couldn't wait any longer, so I had to do it myself."

 "I know this mole is very cunning, and we will definitely not be able to catch him using ordinary methods."

 "So I dug a hole for the mole and waited for him to jump in."

 Liao Da frowned slightly: "What kind of hole did you dig?"

 Wang Yan smiled.

 "This mole tipped off Ye Xing Chi for the first time. His purpose was to harm me."

 "So I gave him another chance to harm me this time, and then waited for him to harm me."

 Liao Da still didn't react: "What does this have to do with informing Ye Xingchi?"

 "I didn't think you were so annoying and hateful back then!"

 "I know." Wang Yan smiled again: "That's why I came to Brother Da to discuss this matter in depth."

 "There must be some misunderstanding here. We must not let anyone instigate it."

 Liao Da seemed to understand something. He threw the bottle to the ground: "Go on."

 Wang Yan nodded.

 "Actually, I never thought about hiding anything from Guo Han."

 "I can't hide anything from him."

 "So after I did those excessive things to Guo Han, I immediately apologized and got Guo Han's forgiveness."

 Liao Da was a little surprised: "How did you get Guo Han's forgiveness?"

 "How much does this cost? Where did you get the money?"

 "I have already left Shuifeng, so you should stop asking about these things, what do you think?"

 Liao Da frowned and raised his hand to signal Wang Yan to continue.

 Wang Yan took a sip of water.

 "Not only did I get Guo Han's forgiveness, I also successfully persuaded Guo Han to help me catch the mole."

 "After getting Guo Han's consent, I knew my chance had come."

 "I just need to find a reasonable time that will not arouse any suspicion, announce the "conflict" between me and Guo Han to the public, and then wait for Guo Han to help me close the network."

 Liao Da suddenly realized: "So, when you confronted Jiao Lei, you deliberately incorporated your tip-off to Chen Jimao into the story, right?"

 Wang Yan nodded: "You are right."

 "In that situation, what I needed most was to protect myself and prove my innocence!"

 "So I put this "contradiction" in and it won't arouse any suspicion."

 "But the speaker has no intention, and the listener has intention. Those who want to harm me must have listened."

 Speaking of this, Wang Yan sighed.

 "Actually, after the confrontation with Jiao Lei, I was already ready to catch the mole."

 "Who knew that things between Jiao Lei and Zhang Pei were so closely connected, and then this matter was over."

 "It wasn't until Huapao and Xue Qi separated this time that I knew that my opportunity had come again."

 "This mole already hates me very much and wants to kill me."

 "It's over. I deliberately withdrew from the water seal. I didn't stand on either side, and even "pulled" Hu Ma back with me."

 "Then this inner ghost will definitely be furious, and he will definitely want to deal with me to relieve his hatred."

 "So he will definitely use this "contradiction. ""

 "As expected, someone did go to Guo Han to report the news."

 "But I never dreamed that it would be you. So I want to ask you now, how did you remember to report the message? Did someone remind you of something?"

 Liao Da's pupils suddenly shrank sharply, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but he did not say a word.

 Hu Ma then spoke: "Dazi, we are our business, Xizi is Xizi's business, I hope you can help us avenge Xizi!"

 "After all, that's your brother too."

 Liao Da's expression was obviously troubled, and he took a deep breath.

 "You two have caused public outrage in Shuifeng."

 "There are many people who want to deal with you and deal with you, and I am definitely not the only one."

 "Everyone who participated in the meeting knew about the "conflict" between you and Guo Han."

 "Why do you conclude that the person who reported the news this time is the same person as the person who reported the news last time?"

 "That's something you have to ask yourself."

 Wang Yan's voice was not loud: "Although there are many people who know that Guo Han and I are in conflict."

 "But there are only a handful of people who know that I asked Mr. Ma to leak secrets to Guo Han and use Guo Han to block the market."

 "And these few are all suspects carefully selected by Mr. Ma and I."

 "Master Ma told them on purpose so that this mole could continue to harm me."

 "Except for these few, no one else knows about this."

 "If you don't believe it, feel free to ask around in society."

 "Ninety-nine percent of the people will say that Guo Han got the news on his own, and then took the opportunity to deal with Chen Jimao. No one will ever say that I took advantage of Guo Han."

 "It's even more impossible for anyone to accurately say that it was Hu Ma who leaked the news to Guo Han."

 Liao Da was stunned instantly.

 He sat there blankly, unable to refute at all.

 Huma took a deep breath.

 "You were not among the people I "carefully selected", so someone must be taking advantage of you."

 "The person who used you is the culprit who killed Gu Tianxi."

 There was silence in the room for a moment, and everyone looked at Liao Da.

 Seeing that Liao Da remained silent, Hu Ma sighed.

 "He's already used you so much, what else are you hiding for him?"

 "For the sake of my late Xizi, and for the sake of our brotherhood over the years."

 "Just tell me." Hu Ma's eyes were bloodshot: "Dazi, I beg you."

 The corners of Liao Da's mouth twitched slightly.

 "You still have the nerve to talk about brotherhood with me?"

 "If you really wanted to treat us as brothers, would you choose him?"

 "I chose him because he needed my help more."

 "This does not mean that I have to sever ties with you."

 "I don't care what you think of me or look at me, and I don't want to explain anything!"

 "Let's just meet up in the future."

 "I, Hu Ma, have lived an upright life with a clear conscience."

 Liao Da was obviously touched. After a moment, he smiled slightly.

 "Master Ma, the person you just said was using me is the culprit who killed Xizi."

 "Yes, that's the person."

 "Then let me ask you, did this person really go there to harm Xizi?"

 "He can't harm anyone! If it weren't for him, nothing would happen to us."

 "I think the real culprit should be Wang Yan."

 "If he hadn't messed with Ye Xingchi, would Ye Xingchi have gone crazy? Everything is his fault!"

 Hu Ma suddenly laughed: "If you go by your statement, the real culprit should be me."

 "If I didn't take Gu Tianxi to Ye Xingchi's place, Gu Tianxi wouldn't have died."

 "Master Ma, you are a bit messy. This matter needs to be traced back to the source."

 Hu Ma directly interrupted Liao Da: "Just tell me whether you will tell me or not."

 Liao Da shook his head firmly: "Everything is my personal behavior and has nothing to do with others."

 Hu Ma stood up immediately: "Liao Da, you fucking bastard!"

 Liao Da responded tit for tat: "I've been a jerk today, what's wrong?"

 Hu Ma gritted her teeth and was about to get angry.

 Wang Yan grabbed Hu Ma's wrist directly: "Master Ma, don't ask, let's go."

 "We have worked hard for so long, and this is it? What a joke!"

 Hu Ma was emotional: "If this bastard doesn't tell me clearly, I will never let him go! I must avenge Xizi! Let me go quickly!"

 Wang Yan did not let go of Hu Ma, but even held up Hu Ma: "Believe me, I have other ways."