Chapter 206 The heart is like a mirror

Zhang Zonghe: "Yeah": "Should I say it or not, I am really lucky to be alive until now."

 "If this is the case, Song will definitely take other actions next, and his attacks will be more direct and cruel."

 Li Wudi narrowed his eyes: "What are your plans?"

 "We plan to leave Bao City."

 Wang Yan laughed "haha": "We will hide for a while first."

 "You can't leave Baoshi."

 Li Wudi made it simple and clear: "I know you too well. You will definitely try every means to kill him by any means. And you will also let everyone related to this matter be punished. If I, Li Wudi, say the wrong thing Words. I'll give you my brain seeds."

 "Even now, the reason why you try so hard to hide it from me is because you are afraid that I will get involved and affect your future."

 "Brother Yan, we are still young. We know each other so well, who can deceive the other?"

 "In other words, do you think I spent all these years in the police academy in vain? I still can't figure this out?"

 "What did you say?"

 Wang Yan smiled: "If I really need you, can I be polite to you? We really just want to leave now and plan to hide in another city for a while. Then we will think of ways to poach Mr. Song and wait for him to be poached." After you get to him, take revenge on him!"

 "The person named Song is not just a person, but a huge interest group. No one knows the details of this interest group. How do you dig it out?"

 Wang Yan sighed and shook his head: "I don't know yet, but I will always find a way."

 "The only way you can do is to make yourself stronger, otherwise you will never be able to get revenge in this life."

 "You just work from Tianbei Street in a down-to-earth manner, and I will be responsible for providing you with protection when you're done!"

 "Let us brothers work together! Dig out this man named Song and let him pay with his blood!"

 Wang Yan raised his eyebrows: "Li Wudi, are you crazy? You have just been transferred here."

 "Although I have just been transferred here, I have already heard about what is going on here."

 "I always have to do something, otherwise I wouldn't be able to gain a foothold here, don't you think so?"

 "Then you should be like Zhao Guoliang instead of getting involved with us."

 "You're right!"

 Li Wudi said simply and clearly: "But I don't need you to show me the way."

 As he spoke, Li Wudi became angry. He pointed at the scars on Wang Yan and others: "How can I spare my brothers if they are like this? Don't care who he is, I must dig him out. !"

 "Wudi, you are not a child anymore. Don't be impulsive. You are different from us."

 Li Wudi interrupted Wang Yan directly: "Brother Yan, I haven't even advised you to be on the right track, so why don't you stop persuading me?"

 "Otherwise, this is better. Give up all grudges and go back to repair the car."

 "I'm going to take Zhao Guoliang as my teacher and study with him. How about that?"

 Wang Yan choked for words for a moment. He stared at Li Wudi. After a long time, he sighed: "I'm really afraid of whatever comes. What should I do now? Oh!!"

 "There is a destiny in the dark. God wants us to meet there. This is God's will!"

 "No matter what the final result is, I will never regret it!" "Brother Yan, what do you think we will do next?"

 "Do you want to listen to my advice and think it over carefully before doing it, or do you want to do your own thing and continue like this?"

 "Anyway, I can't persuade you, and you can't persuade me. Just do whatever you think is appropriate!"

 Wang Yan stared at Li Wudi blankly for a long time. After a while, he raised his tea cup: "As before, obey me in everything, don't mess around!"

 Li Wudi nodded: "Okay, what should we do?"

 Wang Yan waved to everyone, and soon, several people gathered around.

 "Wudi, how much do you know about Tianbei Street?"

 Li Wudi took a sip of water: "I've only been here a short time ago, so I really don't know much about it. Please explain it to me!"

 Wang Yan tapped the ground lightly: "Tianbei District is bounded by Tianbei Street. To the east is Zhang Pei's sphere of influence, and to the west is Liu Jiabei's sphere of influence. Tianbei Street is stuck in the middle, and both sides are not counted. "

 "The reason why both sides are not counted is because the situation in Tianbei Street is complicated and chaotic."

 "Neither Zhang Pei nor Liu Jiabei can completely swallow up this place."

 "The water here is shallow and there are many tortoises, and there are big brothers everywhere."

 "Before, there was Lao San Dao who was in charge, and the big brothers made sacrifices steadily, so the order was quite stable."

 "Now that the old three swordsmen are falling apart, the big brothers want to replace them, so the order is completely chaotic."

 "The Tianbei Street coming next will definitely be full of changes and turmoil!"

 "So we actually have great opportunities in Tianbei Street."

 Li Wudi glanced at Wang Yan: "Then have you decided what to do?"

 Wang Yan nodded...

 There are many chess and card rooms, billiards halls, and game halls on Tianbei Street, but most of them are small in scale.

 There are only three companies that can integrate all these projects into an entertainment and game city.

 They are Big Lotto Game City, Upstream Game City and Taotao Game City.

 The entrance to the Big Lotto Game City. A police car arrived.

 Li Wudi wore a police uniform and got out of the car directly. He wandered around the game city arrogantly.

 Many guests saw the police coming in and left quickly, especially the underage children, who ran away as if they had seen a ghost.

 There were also many guests who wanted to come to the game city, but when they saw the police car at the door, they all turned around and left.

 Soon, a man who looked like an entertainment city manager came to Li Wudi. He smoked obediently, with a flattering smile on his face: "Hello, police officer, what can I do for you?"

 Li Wudi showed his ID: "I received a report from the masses that someone is gambling here. So I came for a routine inspection."

 With that said, Li Wudi went directly upstairs. He wandered around the second floor twice, and finally fixed his eyes on a game console placed in an extremely awkward position.

 He stepped forward and pushed the game console away. Sure enough, there is a secret door behind it.

 He pushed the door gently without pushing it open: "What is here?"

 "Oh, this is a warehouse, and it's full of machines that don't play."

 "Open it and show it to me."

 "I don't have the key!"

 Just when the manager was about to speak, Li Wudi stepped forward and kicked him.

 Only a "bang~" sound was heard, and the door was kicked open.

 The room is quite large, with dozens of Apple machines placed there.

 There were cigarette butts all over the ground, and there was a smoky air, but there was no one around.

 Apparently, these people had just left not long ago.

 Li Wudi frowned: "Is this your warehouse? Where is the boss?"

 The manager was obviously embarrassed: "Officer Li, our boss is not here. I don't know exactly what is going on here. Maybe it's because we didn't clean it up."

 Li Wudi smiled slightly, stood up and left without saying anything else.

 He drove to a restaurant, had something to eat, and then lay down in the car and took a nap.

 Feeling that the afternoon was almost over, he swaggered into the Lotto Entertainment City again.

 In the same way, he wandered around the entertainment city again.

 The manager's face was full of depression, but he didn't dare to say anything.

 Li Wudi came to the room again in the morning and found that the situation was similar. The person had just escaped, so he left again.

 Night fell slowly, and at eight or nine o'clock, the golden hour, Li Wudi drove here again. When he came at night, the number of customers here was obviously not as good as during the day.

 When he came to the darkroom on the second floor again, it was much deserted than during the day.

 He strolled around for a while without saying anything, then returned to the police station.

 He was sitting in his office, sorting out documents in a leisurely manner. Not long after, deputy director Deng Qinfeng walked in.

 He sat in front of Li Wubi: "Xiao Li, are you still busy?"

 "Yes, Brother Deng."

 Li Wudi quickly stood up and gave way to Deng Qinfeng.

 Deng Qinfeng said calmly: "You're welcome, please sit down. Have you eaten?"

 "Not yet, Brother Deng."

 Deng Qinfeng's face was full of concern: "You have to be busy when you need to, and you have to eat when you need to eat. Otherwise, what will you do if you starve yourself?" "Thank you for your concern, Brother Deng. I will eat in a moment."

 "It just so happens that I haven't eaten either, let's go, let's go together!" "Ah, is this appropriate?"

 "Nothing inappropriate, let's go."

 Li Wudi nodded: "Okay, Brother Deng!"

 The two drove to a nearby small restaurant. Deng Qinfeng ordered a few side dishes and a bottle of Erguotou, and drank it while talking and laughing with Li Wudi.

 His words were full of care and encouragement.

 Li Wudi and Deng Qinfeng were chatting happily when two men suddenly came over. One of them looked surprised: "Brother Deng, why are you here?"

 Deng Qinfeng turned his head and looked at the man: "Hey, why are you here? Come on, come on, let's sit together!"

 Deng Qinfeng was very enthusiastic: "Let me introduce to you, this is Li Jinpeng who is newly transferred to our unit. You can just call him Xiao Li."

 "Xiao Li, this is Xiong Erlong, my very good friend."

 Deng Qinfeng specially emphasized the word "very".

 After finishing speaking, he deliberately pointed at the man next to Xiong Erlong: "Who is this?"

 Xiong Erlong said "Ah", glanced at Li Jinpeng meaningfully, and then said: "Brother Deng, this is my brother-in-law, Jia Dongqi."

 This Jia Dongqi is the manager of the Lotto Game City.

 With a smile on his face, he reached out his hand actively: "Hello, Brother Deng, hello Xiao Li!"

 Li Wudi naturally understood what this meant, and he quickly extended his hand: "Hello, Brother Xiong, hello, Brother Jia."

 "Come on, come on, together, together!"

 Deng Qinfeng gathered a few people together, drank and chatted, and his words were full of praise for Li Wudi.

 As for Li Wudi, he is also the elder brother and the younger brother, and his heart is like a mirror.