Chapter 216 It’s actually fake

After saying that, Wang Yan stood up and came to the door of the bath. He was smiling: "Hello, Brother Han!"

 Guo Han glanced at Wang Yan, who was wearing work clothes and looking extremely handsome.

 "Hey guys, are you working so hard? Even the boss is following suit?"

 "Isn't it just to save some money? Besides, I'm not the boss."

 "It's a good thing you're not the boss. If you were the boss, this store wouldn't be able to open."

 Wang Yan smiled "hahaha": "Brother Han, you are really good at joking."

 Guo Han said "haha": "I'm not kidding, I'm serious!"

 Wang Yan sighed: "Did Brother Han happen to be passing by here, or did you come here specifically to find me?"

 "Of course I came here specifically to find you." Guo Han handed Wang Yan a cigarette: "Do you know Shi Lin?"

 When Wang Yan mentioned Stone Forest, he was shocked, but his face showed nothing: "I don't know you, what's wrong?"

 "If you think about it again?" "No matter how much I think about it, I still don't recognize it. Who is this?"

 "The bald man you chopped off when you rescued Liu Tong last time was Shi Lin. One of Sun Hao's five tiger generals."

 "Brother Han, what are you talking about? What about Liu Tong, what about the bald guy?"

 Guo Han stared at Wang Yan: "Do you think I would come to you if I wasn't sure?"

 "Do you think you will be safe if Shi Lin is captured?"

 Guo Han took out a photo of Wang Yan: "I plan to give this photo to Sun Hao, and then ask Sun Hao to find a way to bring it to Shi Lin. Let Shi Lin confirm whether this person rescued Liu Tong that night."

 Wang Yan glanced at Guo Han and immediately choked up.

 It is obvious that Guo Han has not been idle during this period, and is still investigating the matter of Chen Jimao.

 Moreover, he had already touched the line of the stone forest and noticed something.

 While Wang Yan was thinking, Guo Han continued: "Not long after Liu Tong was rescued, Sun Hao was reported for disturbing the people."

 "I don't know whether Jin Ling is dead or alive now, but I think it is necessary to remind Sun Hao to check."

 "If Sun Hao knew that Jin Ling was still alive, he would definitely eradicate it."

 "After all, if Jin Ling is left with this kind of disaster, he won't be able to sleep well."

 Seeing Wang Yan, he remained silent. Guo Han patted Wang Yan on the shoulder:

 "Wang Yan, listen to me. From the beginning to the end, I didn't say anything to Sun Hao. I was just investigating on my own."

 "Even though I have enough evidence now, I didn't reveal anything to Sun Hao, but came to find you myself. I think I have taken care of you enough."

 "If this is already the case, and you still behave like a dead duck with me. Then don't blame me for being rude."

 "Your tricks can fool others, but they can't fool me."

 "Because they have to start from scratch and find the murderer. But I don't have to, I always know the murderer is you! It's enough to find evidence to prove it is you!"

 "Be prepared to face Sun Hao's wrath."

 "Not to mention anything else, just a stone forest is enough for Sun Hao to chop up all of you."

 "That's it, I'm leaving!"

 Guo Han glanced at Wang Yan, turned around and left.

 Wang Yan reached out and grabbed Guo Han's arm: "Brother Han, let's have a good chat?"

 Guo Han stared at Wang Yan with a half-smile: "I have been chatting with you, but you are the one who doesn't talk well."

 "Then let's have a good chat now."

 Wang Yan looked at Guo Han: "The grudge between you and Chen Jimao won't end up being a life-and-death situation, right?"

 Guo Han nodded: "It certainly won't reach that point."

 "His people were scattered by you, he himself was stabbed several times and was seriously injured, and his home was smashed by you. It's already like this. Isn't it okay? What else are you looking for him for? Fei Are you going to force him to death?"

 Guo Han said "Oh": "I hear what you mean, you admit it, right?"

 Wang Yan spread his hands: "It's already this time, and I can't tolerate not admitting it!"

 "You're really irritating." Guo Han stared at Wang Yan: "Didn't you admit it earlier? Are you asking me to spend so much effort and risk my life to investigate again? Whose time and energy are in vain? ?"

 "Don't I have to get my hard work back from you in the end? Why did you bother in the first place?"

 Guo Han lit a cigarette and said word by word: "Hand over Chen Jimao, and then repay me for what I have put in for more than a week. This matter has been settled."

 "If you dare to play any tricks on me again. I will tell Sun Hao everything."

 "At that point, everything will be irreversible! You are a smart man! Figure it out for yourself!"

 "Brother Han, I want to ask what exactly do you want Chen Jimao to do?"

 Guo Han said in a low voice: "I want to chop off both of his hands."

 "Then what? What benefits can it bring to you? Now that he is finished and you have regained your face, why do you still do this?"

 Guo Han was obviously a little angry: "Wang Yan, are you teaching me how to do things?"

 "I don't dare to teach you how to do things." Wang Yan's eyes flickered: "Brother Han, do you think this is okay? Let's make an exchange. As long as you let Chen Jimao go and let us go this time, then I, Wang Yan, will owe you Thank you for your kindness."

 "No matter when you need me in the future, as long as you ask, I will do it."

 Guo Han smiled: "What can I use you for?"

 "I know that my words and words are of little use."

 "But if you think about it carefully, even if you chop off Chen Jimao's hands, it won't change anything, right?"

 "Since nothing can be changed, why not show some favor? If it doesn't work now, it won't work in the future either?"

 Wang Yan was full of aura: "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. I will not be in this position forever!"

 Guo Han frowned and thought for a moment: "What if I just insist on Chen Jimao?"

 Wang Yan stared at Guo Han: "As long as you ask, I can give you my life, but Chen Cimao can't!"

 Di Xiaotian immediately became angry: "Fuck you, who are you talking to? Is this your decision?"

 "You motherfucker, who are you scolding?" Little Hand: He jumped out, Tiger, Stick and the others followed closely behind.

 At the same time, a large number of people followed Di Xiaotian.

 On one side are "migrant workers" covered in mud and paint, and on the other side are social workers wearing suits, shirts and leather shoes.

 The contrast between the two sides is huge, but there is no difference in momentum.

 Wang Yan and his gang definitely couldn't afford to offend Guo Han, but they definitely dared to fight.

 When Di Xiaotian heard that Xiaoshou dared to curse, he stepped forward and gave Xiaoshou a slap in the face.

 Wang Yan had quick eyes and quick hands. He stood directly in front of Xiaoshou and slapped him with his eyes and mouth. Wang Yan did not dodge.

 There was a "Pa~" sound, and Di Xiaotian was so angry that he raised his leg and kicked it, "Get out of here!"

 A few people supported Wang Yan with small hands, and they were about to risk their lives. Wang Yan reacted quickly and shouted angrily: "Don't move!"

 The little hands and others did not move again. But Di Xiaotian had no intention of stopping. He showed his dagger and stepped forward with murderous intent. At this moment, Guo Han suddenly spoke: "Wait a minute!"

 Di Xiaotian was stunned for a moment and stopped in place: "Brother, you don't need to do this, I will do it!"

 Guo Han glared at Di Xiaotian, who immediately fell silent.

 Guo Han took a step forward and stared at Wang Yan: "Wang Yan, I will give you one last chance. Do you want to hand over Chen Jimao?"

 Wang Yan didn't even think about it and said resolutely, "I won't hand it over to you even if I die."

 "Why don't you hand it over?" "Because he is my eldest brother and he can save my life!"

 "But he has nothing now." "You are wrong, Brother Han, he still has me."

 Guo Han lowered his head and said nothing. After a moment, he took out a palm-sized revolver from his pocket.

 He opened the chamber of the gun, removed five bullets in front of Wang Yan, kept one, and then loaded the bullet.

 He handed the gun to Wang Yan: "Two shots, one shot is for the dispute between me and Chen Simao, and the other shot is for your previous deception."

 Xiaoshouhuhu and others immediately became anxious: "Brother Yan, Xiaoyan, no!"

 "Stop talking!" Wang Yan's eyes were bloodshot, he took the gun from Guo Han and pointed it at his head.

 His breathing accelerated obviously and his pupils widened. After a while, he clicked "click, click~" twice in succession. When the trigger was pulled for the second time, a "bang~" sound was heard, similar to the sound of a balloon exploding.

 Wang Yan's forehead suddenly swelled up. He was immediately dumbfounded and stared at Guo Han in disbelief.

 Guo Han smiled slightly: "You are really good at memorizing things. You can encounter such a small chance."

 "Remember, you owe me a favor. If I need it in the future, I will come to you. Don't deny it!"

 Guo Han handed the remaining bullets to Wang Yan: "I'll leave them as a souvenir for you."

 After saying that, Guo Han got in the car and left.

 His little hand quickly grabbed the revolver and bullets from Wang Yan's hand, and looked at it carefully for a long time: "It's actually a fake?"