Chapter 220 Why are we looking for you?


 "When did you follow Xue Qi?"

 "Can't remember."

 "Have you had dinner tonight?"


 "Can you stop being so hostile?"

 "Don't worry, I will protect you. This is my job."

 "No, what I mean is that we can't remember the festivals we had when we were in school, right?"

 Zhang Fenglei suddenly stopped the car and stared at Wang Yan with wide eyes.

 It took him a while to adjust himself: "Can we not mention what happened before? You are awesome, isn't this enough?"

 Wang Yan could feel the change in Zhang Fenglei's mood. He frowned slightly and didn't say anything else. He was also a little surprised in his heart. Logically speaking, it was just a small fight in school, and after so many years, it shouldn't be so big anymore. Hostility, why is it still like this now?

 After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure out the reason, so I simply stopped thinking about it.

 Wang Yan picked up the phone, called Xiaoshou, asked about Xiaoshou's location, and then took Zhang Fenglei to a small restaurant not far from the bathing pool. Little Hand, Tiger, and Stick were devouring their food. When they saw Wang Yan's outfit, they were full of ridicule. Wang Yan smiled and greeted everyone. Then he introduced Zhang Fenglei to everyone.

 Zhang Fenglei is still cold, like a robot, and does not communicate with everyone.

 Xiaoshou glanced at Wang Yan thoughtfully, then stood up and walked out of the hotel.

 Wang Yan understood and followed closely.

 Standing at the door of the hotel, Wang Yan handed Xiaoshou a cigarette: "What's wrong?"

 Xiaoshou looked anxious: "Why did this Feng Lei come back with you?"

 Wang Yan briefly told Xiaoshou what had just happened, and Xiaoshou frowned after listening.

 Wang Yan was a little curious: "How come you asked me about Zhang Fenglei properly?"

 Xiaoshou glanced at Wang Yan: "Actually, I have heard of Zhang Fenglei and Zhang Xuanyi many years ago."

 "It's just that I've never seen them in person, so I don't know how to deal with them."

 Wang Yan suddenly became angry: "What have you heard about them?"

 "I just heard it, but I can't guarantee it's true. You have to ask him whether it's true or not."

 Just as Xiaoshou was about to speak, a commercial vehicle drove by, and seven vicious gangsters got out of the vehicle.

 Apart from their bald heads, they are round-shaped, wearing uniform tight pants and beanie shoes, and they walk with confidence.

 The leader was Cheng Jie, who was almost strangled to death by Chen Jimao.

 Cheng Jie and the others didn't know Wang Yan, so they entered the small restaurant directly.

 Wang Yan didn't take it seriously and just patted his little hand on the shoulder: "Go on, it's okay."

 Little Hand nodded, and just when he was about to continue, Wang Yan seemed to suddenly think of something.

 He ran back to the hotel in a hurry.

 In the hotel, Cheng Jie and others had gathered around Zhang Fenglei, staring at Zhang Fenglei intently.

 Zhang Fenglei is a person who "can't laugh". He faced Cheng Jie and others with a straight face. There was a trace of surprise in his eyes. He probably didn't understand why these people were staring at him.

 Tiger and Stick on the side looked left and right, not knowing what was going on.

 Wang Yan was very smart. He stood in front of Zhang Fenglei and smiled at Cheng Jie.

 "Brother, what's the matter?"

 When Cheng Jie saw such a gentle young man standing in front of him, he pushed Wang Yan aside without even thinking.

 "What's the matter with you? If you don't want to die, just stay here!"

 Cheng Jie looked at Zhang Fenglei and pointed outside the room: "Did you eat at the restaurant over there two days ago?"

 Wang Yan secretly thought something bad and blocked Zhang Fenglei again.

 He touched Zhang Fenglei gently and said immediately: "Brother, my friend rarely eats at Tianbei Street, and he came with me today. Otherwise, he would not be able to come."

 "Who said that?" Zhang Fenglei was a little surprised: "I often eat at Tianbei Street, what's wrong?"

 Wang Yan became depressed instantly. At this time, he didn't know how to calm down.

 "Get out of here!" Cheng Jie pointed at Wang Yan, threateningly: "If you keep talking nonsense, I'll kill you, do you hear me?"

 Tiger and Stick immediately darkened their faces.

 Wang Yan quickly glanced at the tiger, motioning them not to move, and then smiled slightly: "Brother, let's talk about what you have to say. Why are you so angry? We didn't provoke you."

 "Get out!" Cheng Jie pushed Wang Yan away impatiently, and then grabbed Zhang Fenglei's collar.

 His eyes widened and he was full of murderous intent: "Did you rescue Liu Tong?"

 Zhang Fenglei frowned: "Who is Liu Tong?"

 "You're still pretending to be with me, right? Just wait, you'll look good!" Cheng Jie roared at his subordinates: "Why haven't you come yet?"

 As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the hotel opened, and several horsemen walked in with a couple. This couple was the owner and the proprietress of the small restaurant who were threatened by Wang Yan and Li Wudi.

 Cheng Jie pointed at Zhang Fenglei and his eyes widened angrily: "Did he kill one of our men and rescue Liu Tong back then?"

 The boss's wife was stunned for a moment, looked at Zhang Fenglei carefully, but did not express her position at the moment.

 Wang Yan was really anxious. He deliberately coughed twice and then looked at the owner of the small restaurant.

 The boss and his wife didn't speak at first, but when they heard the cough and saw Wang Yan in the crowd, they instantly became frightened. Without any hesitation, the two pointed their fingers at Zhang Fenglei and shouted loudly: "It's him!"

 After hearing these words, Wang Yan immediately fell into despair and was done thinking.

 Sure enough, Cheng Jie ran away instantly: "Fuck you, I finally caught you!" After saying that, he punched Zhang Fenglei.

 Zhang Fenglei reacted very quickly. He dodged sideways nimbly, and then aimed a heavy punch at Cheng Jie's chin with lightning speed: "Bang~" and Cheng Jie was knocked to the ground directly by Zhang Fenglei.

 Another Ma Chai followed closely and raised his knee to hit Zhang Fenglei's abdomen. Zhang Fenglei raised his hand and grabbed Ma Zai's knees, threw him to the ground with force, then turned around and kicked the chest of another Ma Zai who was rushing towards him.

 The horse boy was kicked straight away and hit the dining table with a "DUANG~" sound.

 The rest of the gangsters swarmed up, yelling and cursing, and then attacked Zhang Fenglei.

 Zhang Fenglei shuttles between enemies like lightning, and every shot can hit the vital point accurately.

 His fists and feet brought up gusts of wind as he danced, and every impact was frightening.

 In an instant, six or seven figures fell to the ground, and the remaining horses instinctively retreated, not daring to step forward.

 Wang Yan had long known that Zhang Fenglei was a good fighter, but he didn't expect him to be so good at it. He was much better than when he was in school. He took care of Cheng Jie and the others without them having to take action.

 Suddenly, there was another yell from the crowd, and all the horses rushed towards Zhang Fenglei again.

 This time they all took out their weapons, all kinds of swords, guns and sticks, and wine bottles and stools came roaring towards them.

 At this moment, Zhang Fenglei obviously couldn't bear it any longer and stepped back one after another. When the opponent saw Zhang Fenglei retreating, he charged even more fiercely. Wang Yan knew that he could no longer watch. He picked up the bench and pointed it at the head of the man closest to him: "Crack~" was heard. The bench shattered and the man fell to the ground.

 Wang Yan picked up the beer bottle on the table and shouted, "Fuck you~" and hit a horse boy on the head. Then he jumped into the crowd.

 As soon as Wang Yan made a move, the little hand, the tiger, and the stick all started to move.

 These people joined the battle and immediately liberated Zhang Fenglei.

 Zhang Fenglei was like a lion, pounced on the opponent's crowd.

 There were constant fighting and yelling throughout the small restaurant.

 Cheng Jie and his gang were obviously no match, and they were all knocked to the ground within a short time.

 People like Wang Yan were not good at saving fuel. They punched and kicked Cheng Jie and his group on the ground with great violence.

 While he was getting excited about beating him, the sound of "buzzing buzzing~" accelerator was heard outside the small restaurant, and several Jinbei cars drove by. Dozens of small people jumped out of the cars, armed with knives, guns and sticks, and rushed towards the small restaurant. .

 Wang Yan's expression changed instantly. He yanked his little hand and Zhang Fenglei: "Run quickly!"

 Wang Yan rushed to the window first, turned over and jumped out, followed closely by Zhang Fenglei and others.

 Cheng Jie had already climbed up from the ground. He was furious and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Don't let them run away!"

 Wang Yan and others ran in front, and dozens of small groups armed with swords, guns and sticks followed closely, causing a crowd of onlookers.

 Seeing that running like this was not going to work, Wang Yan shouted at Xiaoshou and the others: "Run away separately, everything comes true!"

 After giving the order, Wang Yan and the others quickly dispersed and ran in three directions. The small society chasing behind them also immediately separated.

 Wang Yan and Zhang Fenglei ran all the way and rushed out of Tianbei Street.

 They ran into a residential complex and climbed over the wall at the other end of the complex to leave. Then he crossed two more streets and finally entered Tianbei Park.

 Wang Yan walked around Tianbei Park twice to make sure no one was following him, and then he felt relieved.

 He sat directly on the ground and stared at Zhang Fenglei panting: "Who are those people?"

 Zhang Fenglei didn't want to pay attention to Wang Yan at first, but after carefully thinking about what happened just now, he felt a little sorry for Wang Yan.

 After thinking for a moment, he sighed: "Are you okay?"

 "I'm fine. The question is who are those people? What's going on with you?"

 Zhang Fenglei frowned: "I don't know who they are either?"

 "What did you say?" Wang Yan stood up suddenly.

 "You don't know who they are, why are they looking for you?"