Chapter 241 Unified Incorporation

It's just that they have turned from rivals into friends.

 Not long after, Zhang Xuanyi and Li Wudi also came over.

 As a group of five, they really haven't lost a single game on this basketball court.

 As the sun slowly set, everyone returned to Xin Xiangshi Cheng, eating, drinking and chatting. The relationship between Zhang Fenglei, Zhang Xuanyi, Wang Yan and the others was getting closer and closer.

 After drinking, Wang Yan and Li Wudi squatted at the door smoking. Li Wudi took out a few photos and handed them to Wang Yan: "What do you think of this? Is it okay?"

 Wang Yan picked up the photo and looked at it carefully: "It's really good. Everything is going well over there. Don't worry, everything is going well. Deng Qinfeng really has no choice with me now."

 "When can I officially take up the post of deputy director?"

 "Soon, it won't take long. The documents have been handed in and are waiting for approval."

 "Do we need to find someone for approval?"

 "Being not."

 Li Wudi smiled at Wang Yan: "Take a step and see what happens."

 Wang Yan hugged Li Wudi and let out a long sigh: "I suddenly felt a little emotional when I was playing today. Why do you think this time passed so fast?"

 "Yeah, we've all grown up."

 Li Wudi put out the cigarette butt and threw it away: "What's your next plan?"

 "First think of a way to seal the water."

 "Then what?"

 "Then and then!"

 Zhang Fenglei walked out and stretched: "Sister Qi asked us to go there."

 "So late? What were you doing there?"

 "Who knows, let's go."

 Wang Yan stretched out his fists to fight with Li Wu, and then came to the Shuxiang Teahouse with Zhang Fenglei.

 Liu Jiabei, Zhang Pei, Xue Qi and Cannon were chatting.

 Seeing Wang Yan, Liu Jiabei laughed for the first time and took the lead to give up the ground. He was extremely polite and said: "Come, Xiao Yan, sit here."

 Wang Yan immediately felt flattered. "Thank you, Brother Bei."

 "We are all brothers, so why are you so polite?"

 Liu Jiabei took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for Wang Yan: "Come, come, drink tea."

 Wang Yan took a sip of tea and looked at the elder brothers present: "Why are you calling me in such a hurry?"

 Xue Qi smiled: "According to reliable information, Metropolis has officially started redemption, and the price is extremely low. Rolling Stone has completely closed down, and the building is empty. Tianjiao's store is also closed, and a redemption sign is posted on the door. "

 "So I called you over to celebrate!"

 Xue Qi raised her glass with a smile: "Our first step is going very smoothly, thank you Xiao Yan!"

 "Thank you Xiao Yan!"

 Everyone raised their glasses in unison, replaced the wine with tea, and drank it all in one gulp. Wang Yan hurriedly raised his tea cup and said extremely politely: "It all depends on your help. If not, how could I have defeated these people!"

 "Okay, let's not be polite."

 Xue Qi took out an extremely detailed hand-drawn map of Tianbei Street: "Let's proceed to the second step to divide our respective areas of influence."

 She pointed at the map: "Shui Feng is in the core area of Tianbei Street, so it's centered around Shui Feng."

 "The east of the water seal belongs to me, the south of the water seal belongs to the artillery, the south to the west of the water seal belongs to Zhang Pei, and the north of the water seal belongs to Liu Jiabei. What do you think?"

 Liu Jiabei frowned: "Why is Yibei mine?"

 "Because most of the forces east of the water seal are old forces from the water seal period. We are old acquaintances with these forces. It will be easier to recruit them and reduce a lot of trouble."

 "What about Eso and Ewest?"

 "The artillery's Tianbei soil is on the south side. He must follow the forces nearby to recruit. Zhang Pei's three men are on the west side, so they must also recruit along the south side. From this look, the only thing left is the north side. The most important thing is that the storefronts you recently rented are basically on the north side, so the north side must belong to you."

 Liu Gabei frowned, a little unhappy.

 Huapao looked at Liu Jiabei: "Xue Qi and I have a deep foundation in Tianbei Street for so many years. Many old people will give us face. But if it is you, they may not give you face."

 Liu Jiabei smiled slightly: "I took root in Tianbei Street, are I still afraid that they won't give me face?"

 "If you have this idea, then it's up to you which side you want!"

 Hearing what Artillery said, Liu Jiabei fell silent again.

 In fact, he does not have much say in allocating territory.

 He can take what Xue Qi and Can Pao give him, but if he wants to take what Xue Qi and Artillery don't give him, it will definitely not be easy!

 As long as Artillery and Xue Qi use some tricks on him, his sphere of influence will not be able to survive.

 After carefully weighing the pros and cons, Liu Gabei sighed: "Forget it, forget it, north is north."

 Xue Qi smiled and continued: "As for Xiao Yan, it's just in the area between the four of us. It takes up a small part of each of us."

 Xue Qi drew a small circle with Maye Entertainment City as the center: "The territory around here belongs to Xiao Yan. Is everyone okay?"

 Several people looked at each other and nodded. Xue Qi took out a few more documents and placed them in front of everyone: "If there is no problem, let's take a look at the agreement, then sign and proceed to the next step."

 Everyone took the agreement, read it carefully, and then signed and fingerprinted it.

 Xue Qi raised the teacup: "To celebrate the agreement! Let's do another one!"

 Wang Yan quickly raised his tea cup and clinked it with everyone.

 Putting down the tea cup, Xue Qi lit a cigarette, puffed out a puff of smoke, and slowly said: "The next step is the collection. After completing this step, the last step is to contact the supplier and discuss the profits of the cooperation."

 At this point, Xue Qi changed the subject: "Do you have any opinions about the compilation process?"

 Liu Jiabei raised his eyebrows and spoke first: "Cannon just said that you two have the deepest roots in Tianbei Street and the most respect, so I hope that you two can come forward on behalf of everyone, and this will reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble! "

 Artillery smiled: "We can come forward to co-opt the forces in our own territory. But how to co-opt the forces in your territory? I will go find them and tell them that from now on this is Liu Jiabei's territory, and you have to listen to Liu Jiabei. , is it somewhat inappropriate to make a confession to Liu Jiabei?"

 Liu Jiabei narrowed his eyes: "Then what you are saying is that you can take over your own territory?"

 "It's just two ways."

 Xue Qi spread her hands: "Either we go door to door in everyone's name. Those who are obedient will be taken in. Those who are disobedient will find a way to make them obedient."

 "Either we all think of our own ways and manage our own territory! It's up to you, I'm all the same!"

 "I think it's better for everyone to take charge of their own turf. Everyone should communicate with the people in their own turf and find a way to make them obedient. After all, this involves many things in the future."

 "I think so too."

 Zhang Pei followed closely: "Everyone takes what he gets."

 Xue Qi stared at Liu Jiabei: "Brother Butcher, what do you mean?"

 Butcher Liu smiled and sat up straight: "You just divided the territory between southeast, northwest and northwest. I didn't fight with you, right?"

 Several people nodded in unison.

 "Then now if everyone wants to take over their own territory, then I will have a chat with you."

 Liu Jiabei pointed at Xue Qi with a smile: "Your old forces in the water seal are all in the east, because you were your territory before. So it will be easy for you to recruit them."

 He pointed at the artillery: "As for the west you want, it was originally Ye Xingchi's sphere of influence. You have already swallowed up all Ye Xingchi's subordinates and the company, so it will be easier for you to recruit people from his territory. ."

 "Then there is Zhang Pei. Everything about Lone Wolf, including his subordinates, is given to you. You are in his territory, leading his people, and it is easy to recruit his former subordinates."

 "In this way, I am left here alone. In other words, I only need to take my brothers and go door to door to find and talk to them. If they listen, it's okay. If they don't, I have to Fuck them!"

 "What the fuck do you call cooperation?"

 Liu Jiabei was obviously anxious: "If this is the case, then let's re-divide the territory. I don't want the north side, give it to the artillery, I want the east side. After that, Zhang Pei will go to the west side, and Xue Qi will go to the south side. Let's make a mess. What do you think?"

 Everyone at the table immediately fell silent.

 Xue Qi's eyes flickered and she thought for a moment: "Brother Butcher, let's ask ourselves, you are indeed the last to enter Tianbei Street. So you have to pay more than us, is there no problem?"

 Liu Jiabei shook his head: "I don't want to discuss the problem with you now. Either allocate the territory according to what I said, or gather all our strength and incorporate Tianbei Street in the name of our several families. After they are completely integrated, everyone will return to their respective places, and by that time, no one will have any trouble."

 "And if they are collected together in our name, I believe that not many forces in Tianbei Street would dare to do anything. What do you think?"

 The room instantly became quiet.

 Liu Gabei lit up his cigarette and puffed away: "We can't agree to eat cake together. After all, what you have here is all cream, and what I have here is all rocks, right? This matter is inappropriate, what do you think?"

 Everyone present knew that although Liu Jiabei said it politely, he would not actually take a step back.

 Time passed by minute by minute. After a while, Zhang Pei sighed: "There is nothing wrong with what the butcher said. There is no dispute over the division of territory, and the demands made now are not excessive. Then we can do it together. It will be convenient and faster. It's over. After that, everyone can just maintain the relationship by themselves."

 Artillery nodded: "That's okay. But let's make an agreement first. After Tianbei Street is completely integrated, we will not care about the chaos within our own forces caused by our own internal mishandling in the later stage."

 "Don't worry, that's definitely not necessary."

 Liu Jiabei was simple and clear: "If it reaches that point, then you are useless. But the early recruitment must be done together!"

 All three people had expressed their opinions, so naturally Xue Qi couldn't say anything more.

 She nodded: "Now that we've talked about it, let's follow everyone's opinions. The question is how should we collect it?"

 "We can't just take people to collect and talk to people every day, right?"

 "Isn't this simple? Just find someone to do it. Let's just hire someone. Just like last time!"

 As soon as Liu Jiabei finished speaking, all eyes fell on Wang Yan.

 Wang Yan leaned against the wall and stretched: "Brothers, do you still want me to do this?"