Chapter 245 Who was offended?

"I don't know what regret is in my life. Just don't regret it."

 "Okay, let's just wait and see."

 Wang Yan stroked Xue Qi's charming hair: "Don't wait and see, let's take a look at what happens tonight."

 Xue Qi smiled and said simply and directly: "What happened at night was not my idea. It was Liu Jiabei and Canpao's idea. They thought you were using them to strengthen your own strength, and thought that you were extremely ambitious and difficult to control, so they thought of using This way limits you."

 Wang Yan smiled: "What about you?"

 "I'm different from them. I want you to get stronger and stronger, but I don't want you to leave me. So, let's go together."

 Wang Yan pinched Xue Qi's face gently: "Do you think you can restrain me?"

 "If you can't restrict it, you have to restrict it. Otherwise, if you are allowed to develop, then you won't even have friends."

 "We don't have any deep grudges, so we can't even be friends."

 "That's not necessarily the case."

 There is something in Xue Qi's words: "The only constant in this world is change. Therefore, people will change."

 While talking, Zhang Fenglei suddenly knocked on the glass.

 Wang Yan rolled down the window: "What's wrong?"

 Zhang Fenglei took a deep breath: "Someone is coming."

 Wang Yan immediately looked up and saw more than ten figures suddenly appearing in front of them. Looking back, there were also more than ten figures behind them.

 Wang Yan frowned and immediately said: "Can the car still be driven?"

 "The right front wheel is completely damaged and cannot be driven."

 Hearing these words, Wang Yan seemed to have thought of something, and he stepped directly to the other side.

 Zhang Xuanyi here is rescuing people. Three bloody men have been taken out of the Audi car. The driver is still stuck in the car and cannot move.

 Wang Yan gently knocked on the car window and pointed under him and around him.

 Zhang Xuan raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything, still saving people.

 Wang Yan picked up Xue Qi and pushed her to the third row of the business car.

 "You just stay here and don't move anywhere, okay?"

 Xue Qi nodded: "What about you?"

 Wang Yan took out his dagger and guarded the aisle between the second and third rows, showing an extremely domineering attitude.

 "Let's see what they want to do!"

 Outside the commercial vehicle, Zhang Xuanyi tried hard for a while, but failed to rescue the stuck driver.

 He took a deep breath: "Brother, just hold on, I'll find a few people to help."

 As soon as he finished speaking, the driver's expression suddenly became extremely painful, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

 Zhang Xuan immediately stepped forward and pinched the driver: "Brother, you must hold on!"

 The driver's condition was very bad and he had already started to roll his eyes. Zhang Xuan tried his best to save him.

 Just when all Zhang Xuanyi's attention was attracted by the driver, three men on the ground behind him suddenly stood up. The three men looked at each other with murderous intent, raised their electric batons and went straight towards Zhang Xuanyi.

 At the same time, the driver suddenly opened his eyes, opened his arms and hugged Zhang Xuanyi.

 Faced with this situation, Zhang Xuan was prepared early in the morning. He stretched out his finger and flicked it towards the driver's waist. The driver subconsciously let go of Zhang Xuanyi.

 Zhang Xuanyi, who broke free from the restraints, turned around as quickly as lightning and accurately grabbed a man's wrist.

 He pushed along the way and pushed the electric baton in the man's hand directly into the neck of the other man.

 With the sound of "Zila", the man fell to the ground.

 Zhang Xuan aimed a heavy punch at the man's abdomen.

 The man immediately bent over and temporarily lost his resistance.

 Taking advantage of this gap, Zhang Xuan yanked hard and blocked the man directly in front of him!

 The last man's electric baton immediately shocked his own body. When he saw that it was one of his own, the man immediately put away his electric baton. The moment he stopped, Zhang Xuan threw the man in front of him to the ground, stepped forward with all his strength, and kicked the man several meters away.

 After dealing with these people, Zhang Xuan picked up the electric baton and walked to the driver's side: "My master has taught me since I was a child to be compassionate, but I didn't realize that kindness always catches dogs."

 Zhang Xuan stared at the driver's stuck leg: "You guys worked really hard to ambush us."

 After saying that, he smiled slightly: "But that's right, even if you don't hit it hard, you can't break the wheel of our car."

 Zhang Xuan waved the electric baton and hit the driver's head with "bang, bang~" twice, then aimed at the driver's neck and said "zilla~zilla~" several times in succession until he smelled the burnt smell. Only then did Zhang Xuanyi stop what he was doing.

 He raised his head, looked at the large group of figures gathering in front of him, waved his hands, and ran towards the group of people.

 These dozen figures took out their swing sticks and pounced directly on Zhang Xuanyi. The two sides fought together instantly.

 Zhang Xuanyi stood out among the crowd. His eyes were cold and sharp, revealing an irresistible majesty.

 His movements were light and resolute, and his taut muscles showed unparalleled strength.

 Every move he made was accurate, and his fists and kicks fell like a storm.

 The crowd on the opposite side was unable to resist his attack, and was knocked to the ground by Zhang Xuan one after another.

 Seeing that this situation continued, they were unable to do anything to Zhang Xuanyi. The two leading men suddenly became anxious: "Kill him!"

 They took out their daggers and stabbed Zhang Xuanyi, killing him immediately.

 When other people around him saw this situation, they all took out their daggers and swarmed towards Zhang Xuanyi without saying a word.

 When the fight reached this point, Zhang Xuanyi did not dare to take it lightly and became much more cautious in an instant.

 The other side of the commercial vehicle. A large number of figures surrounded Zhang Fenglei and attacked crazily!

 Zhang Fenglei has a strong body and agile movements, flickering in the rapid attacks.

 His fists were as hard as steel, and every blow carried a deadly aura. The crowd fell one after another.

 In the midst of the chaos, there was an extremely harsh sound of the accelerator, and a car suddenly drove out and crashed directly into the center of the crowd.

 The car first knocked away the two figures surrounding Zhang Fenglei, and then without hesitation, it crashed into Zhang Fenglei, taking the two people behind Zhang Fenglei with it and flying away!

 Zhang Fenglei was pushed several meters away. After landing, he put one hand on the ground and stood up immediately.

 At this moment, he felt his heart surge, and there was a burning sensation in his internal organs.

 Just as he regained his footing, the car from the opposite side rushed up again.

 Zhang Fenglei quickly took two steps back, looked at the oncoming vehicle, stamped his feet, and then directly faced the car.

 He took a few big steps, jumped up high, kicked his legs directly through the windshield, and kicked the driver's head hard.

 The driver subconsciously turned in the direction. Zhang Fenglei was thrown out instantly. At the same time, the vehicle lost control and hit the telephone pole next door with a bang.

 Zhang Fenglei gritted his teeth and got up from the ground. A group of people on the opposite side swarmed up. This time, everyone also made a killing move. It was obvious that they wanted to kill Zhang Fenglei. In an instant, Zhang Fenglei was buried by the crowd.

 Wang Yan in the car looked at everything outside the car with a serious expression: "Who have you offended? How dare you be so lawless and unabashed?"

 Xue Qi still showed no panic, as if all this had nothing to do with her. She sat in the back row and lit a cigarette: "Are these important?"

 "Nonsense, what the hell is going on."

 Xue Qi did not answer Wang Yan.

 At this moment, two Jinbei cars drove by again.

 More than a dozen figures jumped out of the car and directly surrounded the commercial vehicle.

 At this moment, Zhang Fenglei and Zhang Xuanyi were surrounded by the crowd and could not take care of them at all.

 Wang Yan's expression changed instantly, and he had no intention of asking Xue Qi anything. He subconsciously shook his head: "Sit down."

 Xue Qi still crossed her legs and smoked slowly: "It's okay, I can't die!"

 As soon as he finished speaking, there were two violent sounds of "click~click~".

 The glass on both sides of the rear door of the commercial vehicle was directly smashed. Several hands reached into the car to open the door.

 Wang Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "Fuck you." He swung the dagger and stabbed randomly. There was a sudden burst of wailing and screaming around him, and he quickly stopped.

 One of the horsemen immediately became anxious, leaned halfway in, and swung an iron rod at Wang Yan.

 Wang Yan raised his arm to block, and pointed the dagger at his forearm: "Pu Chi, Pu Chi, Pu Chi~" and then stabbed Ma Zai directly in the face several times. Fortunately, the other officers behind him reacted quickly and pulled the horseman sharply, otherwise Wang Yan would have poked a hole in his face.

 Ma Zai had just exited, and Wang Yan hadn't had time to react. A figure also peeked out of the window on the other side, brandishing a knife and stabbing Wang Yan in the back.

 The blade was very sharp and made a gash in Wang Yan's back.

 Wang Yan felt a burning pain in his back when he turned around. Ma Zai's second sword has already been summoned.

 There was no time to dodge, Wang Yan instinctively blocked his side face. The machete hit Wang Yan's forearm abruptly.

 Wang Yan endured the pain, grabbed Ma Zai's wrist with his backhand and said, "Fuck you," and then pierced the Ma Zai's wrist with a dagger. "Ah~" was a miserable cry.