Chapter 270 Not busy in vain

Hearing this, Zhang Pei smiled helplessly and looked at Xue Qi: "According to your plan, you can send me and Liu Jiabei away together in the end. After all, you are the victim, and you still have such a deep relationship. , you can completely control everything. Why not. And you gave me so much money, what do you mean? "

 "What do you mean?"

 Xue Qi's voice was low: "Who is the only intersection between the two of us?"

 Zhang Pei paused: "You are talking about Wang Yan, right?"

 Xue Qi nodded: "Actually, you saved yourself."

 "When Little Hand asked you for help, we didn't guarantee that you would definitely help! So the plan at that time was that if you didn't care, let the artillery attack! Then we would lure you over. After all, we are all in alliance, and the artillery attack was going to happen. You must not watch!" "In the end, you went to help without thinking. This shows that you still value Wang Yan's relationship."

 "This is also the main reason why I finally decided to let you go and give you money."

 Xue Qi took a deep breath: "I'll give you what you deserve, and I'll give you Liu Jiabei's share, which is enough to bring you back to life. Give him the share of artillery, which is what I promised him."

 "From now on, as long as you don't set foot on Tianbei Street, we can be friends. But if you still want to find a chance to eat Tianbei Street, then just think about the consequences! There are flaws in my confession. If I can make you okay, I can also make you okay!" Zhang Pei glanced at Xue Qi: "What about my brothers who were arrested?"

 "I will try my best to help you run it. But it's impossible for everyone to do it. After all, someone has to take care of it!"

 "Do I have to help you keep the secret and cooperate with you and Cannon to finish this game?"

 Xue Qi smiled slightly, full of aura: "What do you think?"

 Zhang Pei sighed: "In such a long time between life and death, I have been so busy for nothing."

 "Fetching water from a bamboo basket is all in vain."

 "Actually, I think you should be happy. Without Wang Yan's relationship, your work wouldn't have been in vain."

 Xue Qi stretched out: "Okay, that's it. I'm too tired and I'm going to bed. When I wake up, I still have to deal with the mess of Tianbei Street! You should also go to bed early."

 Zhang Pei looked helpless and kept shaking his head: "Okay, I admit it. But I still want to ask you two things."

 Xue Qi raised her head: "What's the matter?"

 "There must be an expert behind you giving guidance. Who is this expert?"

 "In addition, how did Mr. Song know that we were going to unify Tianbei Street? There were only four of us present at the time. How did this news leak out?"

 Xue Qi glanced at Zhang Pei: "Are there any other questions? You can ask a few more."

 Zhang Pei was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head, turned and left...

 Early the next morning, the heroic deeds of Li Wudi and Deng Qinfeng were on the front pages of major media. First, they were brave and fearless, and they killed the murderer regardless of their own safety! Then there is the operation with injuries, bravely breaking into the tiger's den, and rescuing the kidnapped people!

 The two of them instantly became well-known superheroes in the entire city! Model police force!

 For this reason, the leaders of the municipal party committee even went to the hospital to visit and express their condolences to Deng Qinfeng!

 The Bao City Public Security Bureau also credited Deng Qinfeng and Li Wudi with first-class merit and were promoted to police ranks ahead of schedule!

 This also laid an extremely solid foundation for the two of them to be promoted in the future!

 In the prosperous age of water, in Xue Qi's office, Cannon held a cigar in his mouth and crossed his legs: "I heard that Li Wudi has taken office?"

 Xue Qi nodded: "Yes."

 Cannon stretched: "Then shouldn't we also speed up?"

 "Solve all troubles as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams."

 Xue Qi nodded: "We will take action tonight to clear Tianbei Street."

 "Then I'll go back and prepare."

 "Don't take the front door, take the back door!"

 "Don't worry." Cannon put on his mask and left.

 Xue Qi lowered her head, not knowing what to think about anymore.

 After a while, Zhang Fenglei came in: "Sister Qi, Sweet Potato Ye and the others are here."

 Xue Qi nodded: "Bring them in!"

 A few minutes later, Sweet Potato Ye and others entered the office: "Sister Qi."

 Several people said hello politely.

 Xue Qi raised her hand and signaled: "Sit down, you're welcome."

 Sweet Potato Leaf sat down, full of concern: "Are you okay?"

 Xue Qi shook her head: "It's okay, I'm still alive."

 Sweet Potato Leaf's eyes flashed fiercely: "This bastard Liu Jiabei, it's really not a pity to die!"

 Li Bo followed closely: "Yes, he is really advantaged!"

 Xue Qi poured tea for several people with a smile: "Let's stop talking about him and get down to business."

 The three of them immediately became more serious: "You tell me."

 Xue Qi played with the tea pet: "Huapao and Zhang Pei will meet at Dahu Mountain today."

 Sweet Potato Leaf raised her head subconsciously: "Is the news reliable?"

 Xue Qi nodded: "Absolutely reliable!"

 Sweet Potato Leaf's eyes instantly became much more sinister. He gritted his teeth and looked ferocious: "It's time to put an end to everything!"

 "That's right!" Liu Kaihao followed closely: "We must not let them escape this time!"

 Compared to Sweet Potato Ye and Liu Kaihao, Li Bo was much calmer: "This matter is a bit difficult!"

 Sweet Potato Leaf glanced at Li Bo: "What's the problem?"

 "We don't have many people on hand anymore. The combat effectiveness is also uneven!"

 "After that, they released quite a few people these days."

 "In this situation, are you two confident that you can win?"

 Sweet potato leaves and Liu Kaihao immediately fell silent.

 Li Bo also seemed a little anxious.

 After a while, Sweet Potato Leaf suddenly raised her head: "Sister Qi, can you help us?"

 Xue Qi took a sip of tea: "Do I have enough help for you?"

 "If it weren't for me, you would have been finished already, right?"

 "Yes, yes, if it weren't for you, we would definitely not be able to survive now."

 Sweet Potato Leaf said with a flattering face: "But it is really difficult for us now."

 "If you can't seize the opportunity to deal with them, they will definitely deal with you."

 "If, I mean if, we are really taken care of by them, then it shouldn't be a good thing for you, right?"

 Xue Qi frowned slightly: "How do you still want me to help you?"

 "Give us some people."

 "You fart!"

 Xue Qi immediately became anxious: "Are you going to let me and them break up directly?"

 "They have already kidnapped you, isn't this considered a breakup?"

 "It was Liu Gabei's idea to kidnap me, and it has nothing to do with the two of them!"

 "They just want to scare me and make me cooperate with them!"

 "That bastard Liu Jiabei is the one who really wants to harm me!"

 "The most important thing is that when Liu Gabei wanted to harm me, he was stopped by the two of them! For this reason, the three of them had a fierce conflict!"

 Sweet Potato Leaf was a little surprised: "Is it true?"

 "Can I talk nonsense about this kind of thing? Of course it is true! Or how could it be that only Liu Jiabei was arrested by the police and both of them are fine?"

 "I do have conflicts and conflicts of interest with them, but it's far from the point of breaking up."

 "And I don't know what consequences it will bring to me if I really break up with them!"

 "So I can't possibly break up with them!"

 The three sweet potato leaves looked at each other: "But without your help, it would be really difficult for us to catch them all."

 "That's your business."

 Xue Qi shook her head: "Anyway, I will definitely not break up with them directly! It's too dangerous!"

 The three of you, Sweet Potato Ye, looked at me, and I looked at you. After a moment, Sweet Potato Ye sighed: "That's it, thank you, Sister Qi. Let's go back and find a solution."

 Xue Qi nodded. "Okay, I have to go out too."

 After bidding farewell to the sweet potato leaves and others, Xue Qi came to Baoshi People's Hospital. She fetched a basin of water and carefully helped Wang Yan scrub his body.

 After finishing her busy work, she sat beside Wang Yan's bed as usual, quietly in a daze.

 I don't know how long it took, but Zhang Fenglei came over and said, "Sister Qi, Fanshu Ye and the others went to the company again."

 "Didn't you just leave?"

 "I went again. I said I wanted to see you if I had something to do."

 Xue Qi frowned slightly and thought for a moment: "Then let's go back."

 Half an hour later, Xue Qi's office was closed. She looked at the three sweet potato leaves: "What's wrong?"

 Sweet Potato Leaf took a deep breath: "Sister Qi, we just discussed it. Without your help, we definitely wouldn't be able to do this."

 "If you can't do it, then just waste it slowly with them."

 "It won't be possible if we waste it all. We can't bear it anymore."

 "That's your business."

 Xue Qi's attitude was firm: "In short, I will never help you do this."

 "We won't let your work go to waste."