Chapter 3: Zhang Sanfen

After listening to what Zhao Fei said, I almost cursed her.


This pockmark is not pockmark, this is not cheating people?


The coffins of the dead are on the mountain, because the grievances don't go away.


According to the folk saying, that is, the soul of the deceased lies on the coffin, pressing the coffin, not letting people move.


Of course, it's not impossible to remove the coffin by force, but something will happen.


Don't ask me how I know, but Grandpa told me a lot of these stories when he was a kid.


I was silent on the phone, opposite Zhao Fei was anxious, he said; "Little brother, we paid in full, and you can't give back the money you received."


"Besides, you're the night keeper, the most professional in the circle, aren't you?"


I took a deep breath, suppressed my anger and said, "No nonsense! Get the men ready. I'll be there at twelve o 'clock tonight!"


Then I hung up the phone with a snap.


It says in the night shift management manual, you get paid, you get paid.


If there is a case of receiving money but not doing things, it is ten times the compensation to the customer.


I'm already a hundred thousand in debt, and if I multiply that six thousand four hundred dollars ten times, that's sixty-four thousand dollars.


That's a lot of money, you might as well be picking up a body.


But after I hung up the phone, I felt unsure.


Thought about it, and made a phone call to Zhang Sanfen.


Perhaps because it was time to work, Zhang Sanfen picked up quickly, and the tone was much better than the last time.


He said, "What's wrong?"


I was afraid that he would hang up on me again, and quickly said, "Boss, I have a job here."


Then I told the story of the black brick kiln in detail.


The opposite was quiet, no affirmative, no negative, if not for the sound of a car on the other side of the microphone, I almost thought he had hung up on me again.


I said with a smile: "Boss, my first day at work, there is no one to take, you see, or you take me a day, I also learn from you, is it not?"


Then I heard the opposite saying, "I'll be there soon, but I'll only take you for one night."


The phone cut off abruptly, and the guy never said hello when he hung up.


But I let out a long breath. It was done!


Although I don't know how much the boss really has, but since he dares to contract the funeral home, I think he has some skills.


I put away my night management manual, changed my clothes, and ran downstairs.


It was just dark outside, and the funeral home was quiet.


The hall, which was so noisy during the day, was now empty, and even the staff had packed up and gone home.


I took out the key, opened the glass door of the hall, and turned on some lights.


Looking at the empty hall and the dim lights around me, I couldn't help but sigh.


Eight o 'clock at night to six the next day. Ten hours. This is not easy to get through.


And the next year or two I'm afraid I have to work here, won't it delay my youth?


While I was thinking about it, a beam of headlights came in.


It was a black, four-door Wrangler, its rugged body shape splattered with yellow mud spots that came from nowhere.


When the door opened, Zhang Sanfen stepped down wearing a gray hardshell jacket and carrying a handbag.


He looked at the door of the funeral home and said, "He Yongheng."


I hurried over, holding the bag in his hand for him, a face of flattery: "Boss, you are here!"


His handbag was heavy and felt like it was full of tools like hammers and wrenches, and I noticed that his face was tired, like he had just come back from a job on the construction site.


A migrant worker in a Wrangler?


I muttered to myself and put my handbag down at the front desk.


Zhang Sanfen is not welcome, a buttock sat on the front desk seat, said: "I take you a night, tonight on what I have to deal with."


"You stay here, watch and learn, and ask me if you don't understand."


I nodded quickly, as long as you collect the bodies from the black brick kiln tonight. I'm gonna work the night shift, and I'm not gonna do this shit.


No sooner had he finished speaking than the telephone on the desk rang.


Zhang Sanfen took the phone and said: "Nanshan funeral home."


On the other end of the line came a man's voice. He asked cautiously, "Excuse me... Has Boss Zhang Sanfen come back?"


Zhang Sanfen said: "I am."


The voice on the other side suddenly became excited. "Ah! Aaargh! Are you Boss Zhang?"


"Well, we have a party here, which is specifically for the small charm corpse in western Sichuan..."


Before he finished speaking, Zhang Sanfen said coldly: "If you don't want to die, stay away from that thing!"


And then he snapped off the phone.


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Sanfen said: "Generally, the phone calls to the front desk to find me are basically irrelevant. People or things that really matter, they call me on my personal number."


"And you can call me, but don't give my number to anyone."


I nodded quickly and said that my boss sounded like a cow.


He won't even give out his phone number.


Zhang Sanfen added: "Night shift management manual is very important, you must understand it thoroughly."


"There are some bodies we can collect, and some bodies we can't collect in a disorderly way, which is easy to cause trouble."


"Of course, I'm not afraid of trouble, but I hate trouble."


"As for the commission, we don't have a fixed price. Price it on how easy it is to recover a body. It's up to you. Funeral homes don't make money on it, as long as they don't mess with their own brand."


I remembered the price Zhao Fei had offered me and asked cautiously, "Boss, what price is more reasonable for the eight corpses we collected tonight?"


Zhang Sanfen slightly mused, said: "About 21,000." There's something wrong with these bodies. I'll tell you what it is when we collect them."


My face turned bitter.


If Zhao Fei were here, I'd have to slap his teeth out.


Twenty-one thousand, and this son of a bitch gives me eight hundred!


Eight bodies! That's 160,000! If you get half of it, that's 80 grand, right? Eighty grand a night! What kind of debt is that?


I was a little dizzy, and asked: "Boss, do I have my commission to collect the body?"


Zhang Sanfen looked at me and said; "Yes. One thousandth of the commission amount. It's an old funeral home rule. You know, funeral homes don't make money on this business, so the commission is relatively low."


I stumbled and almost didn't fall to the ground.


Half of the deal!


How is it one in a thousand?!


Zhao Fei, you son of a bitch!


Zhang Sanfen looked at my expression and asked with great interest: "So, how much do you offer him?"


My face turned red, and then gnashed my teeth and said: "a 800!"


"Boss, I'm sorry I caused a loss to the funeral home, but the night shift management manual says I have the right to set prices myself..."