Chapter 11: The Master

The boss said, stay away from the Chens.


His family is restless, guarding a huge pharmaceutical factory, said it is not too much.


But he still wants to expand his business to the small southeastern countries and wants to make more money.


To make money is just that, he also relied on his own money, ran the local enterprise, the result offended people, let people make means, the old medicine to kill.


Chen family want revenge, can not be able to do, more than thirty people are all in, a belly inside became a paradise of parasites, lying in the hospital, the worm is a bowl of vomit, also do not take the same.


Now that I know how bad it is, I came to the funeral home for help.


But the funeral home collects bodies, and your 30 or so aren't dead, so what do you need me for?


I want to help Chen Lou up, but Chen Lou is still crazy kowtow, dead refuse to get up.


When I was at a loss, I heard someone laughing next to me: "Lao Chen, I said you want to invite what senior people, it turned out to be such a thing?"


I turned to look, only to realize that a car had stopped next to me for some time.


The door opened, and a greasy fat man with a comb in the middle looked at me with disdain, lighting a cigarette.


The co-pilot was a bald man in a red cassock.


Because fat, fat and strong, block I can not see clearly.


The fat man jumped out of the car, then walked to the side of Chen Lou, holding his mobile phone, and began to take photos of him kneeling.


While patting, he said: "TSK TSK, look at it, this is the second master of the Chen family, the Chen family of the Chen Pharmaceutical industry, everyone look, does he look like a dog?"


That's a little bullying.


I use my hand to block his mobile phone camera, do not think that the fat man is very horizontal, arm a swing want to slap my face, mouth also swear: "Who the fuck you!"


"Try moving again!"


I have a temper too, or I wouldn't be in jail for fighting in the first place.


On the spot, I put my arms in front of each other's arms.


Fat fat did not expect to dare to fight back, the mobile phone immediately flew out, fell to the ground with a snap of parts.


I said, "What? Want to fight?"


The greasy fat man rolled up his sleeves and tried to hit me, but the bald monk who sat next to him said, "Don't fight."


Greasy fat man seems to respect the bald head, immediately stopped, and said to me: "OK, boy, you give me to wait!"


'We're not done with this!


The monk got out of the car, looked at the pale Chen Lou, looked at me, and said in half-familiar Chinese, "You are the one he is looking for?"


I saw him look disdainful, quite a Laozi the first look in the world, even with the eyes to look at people with the peripheral light to glance.


So I said, "What?"


The monk said faintly: "Nothing, I heard that the Middle Earth can emerge in an endless stream, I have long wanted to see."


"A little disappointed, it seems."


He shook his head and said, "Mr. Li, let's go."


He gave me a deep look and then turned to get in the car.


As a result, at this time, there was a rapid sound of brakes in the distance, and I turned my head to see that Zhang Sanfen was driving the Mercedes directly in front of the other party's car.


I was suddenly overjoyed and said, "Boss!"


The door opened, and Zhang Sanfen walked out of it with a black face.


He gave Chen Lou a cold look and then said to the bald monk, "Don't go yet."


Greasy fat man menacingly said: "You who..."


Just after the speech, I saw Zhang Sanfen slap in the past, playing greasy fat teeth almost did not spit out, half of his face suddenly swollen like a pig's head.


I gasped.


I have seen Zhang Sanfen pull out the coffin nail with two fingers.


How can the fat man's head hum with this slap?


Zhang Sanfen kicked the greasy fat and stood in front of the bald monk unceremoniously.


He said coldly: "In fact, you and Chen's pharmaceutical matter, we do not want to get involved, nor bother to get involved."


"But you shouldn't bully my staff."


I said, "Boss, he didn't bully me, and I won't let him bully me."


Zhang Sanfen shouted: "You shut up!"


I saw that his voice was so severe that he shrank his neck and muttered something under his breath.


But it's nice to be with a boss who protects his flaws.


The monk looked at Zhang Sanfeng carefully and then said, "Little monk Zandal, from the Siam Double Dragon Temple."


"What's your name?"


Zhang Sanfen coldly said: "I don't care where you come from, in short, you in the provincial capital this mu three points on the ground to my employees, if you go like this, friends in the circle have to laugh at me Zhang SAN has no ability."


"Give me your destiny and get out of the provincial capital." Let it go!"


After that, Master Zando's eyebrows began to go up.


He said suddenly, "Just you? Still want my destiny?"


Zhang Sanfen sneered: "Do not give it?" Then I'll come and get it myself!"


After saying this, Zhang Sanfen stepped abruptly and reached out to Master Zanduo's collar to grab it.


Master Zando drank violently, his thin arms like two iron bars, and reached back to take Zhang Sanfen's wrist.


But Zhang Sanfen's movements were much faster than his, and when his right hand contracted and extended, he heard two clicks and clicks, and Master Zandor's two arms were already broken.


Before Master Zandor could scream, he saw Zhang Sanfen kick it, and Master Zandor fell to the ground.


Zhang Sanfen quickly stepped forward and stepped on Master Zandor's back, and the guy's chest suddenly made a thud, as if his bones were broken.


I looked dumbfounded, heart said God.


Boss fights are real fights!


Breaking a man's ribs with one kick, isn't that a little dark?


The fat man next to him pointed at Zhang Sanfen in horror and said, "You... you You..."


"You're finished!"


"Do you know who Master Zando is?"


"Do you know how unlucky the Chens are right now?"


Zhang Sanfen lifted his foot and kicked, a piece of scrap tile suddenly flew out, hitting the greasy fat man with blood in his mouth, and even his teeth broke off a few.


I am a little dazed, the boss is usually friendly to me, how so grumpy?


The other side is nothing but a little arrogant attitude, and did not start to me, how to do so hard?


When I was thinking about it, I saw Zhang Sanfen coldly say, "How bald donkey, in fact, what you just did is to waste you, and no one will say anything more."


"But I'll give you a chance to hand over your destiny and go back and find someone."


"As long as you find someone who can hold me down, I will cut off my head and feed you worms!"


Master Zandor was shocked and angry, and although he lay on the ground, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Tutu! You're dead!"


'You will surely die!


Zhang Sanfen suddenly impatient, foot slightly force, this guy suddenly wow a sound retching up.


Zhang Sanfen shouted: "Get out!"


He lifted his foot and Maestro Zandor suddenly snorted and opened his mouth.


Then I saw a turquoise worm flying out of his mouth and hurtling towards Zhang Sanfen's face.


Zhang Sanfen eyes, quick hand, reach out a grasp, the worm was immediately pinched in the thumb and index finger.


He kicked it out, and Master Zando flew like a rolling gourd.


Zhang Sanfen look extremely ugly, his fingers slightly hard, the worm suddenly burst a green paste, looks disgusting.


But the weird thing is, even though it looks disgusting, I think it tastes too good.


I couldn't help but take a few steps forward!