Chapter 25: Chuanxi Little Curse Corpse

The glasses man froze for a moment, and then smiled and said: "All rivers and lakes say that Zhang SAN has poisonous eyes and a lively mind, and now it seems that he is really worthy of his name."

"But Mr. Zhang, this time I have something good for you."

As soon as he waved, the two men in black behind him immediately took a step forward and opened the suitcase in unison.

Then I saw neat piles of $100 bills sitting in the middle of it, and it hurt my eyes.

So much cash, a million in one box, two boxes, maybe not two million!

I was secretly shocked, but in order not to lose face to the boss, so my face did not show any expression.

Zhang Sanfen sneered: "Why? You want to get rid of me with this money?"

Glasses man smiled: "Boss Zhang, in fact, this money is not from me." It was a friend who lost something, and I heard you picked it up."

"You see, this kind of thing is mainly the fault of this friend, since you found it, you must have some indication, right?"

"This two million is your hard work."

Zhang Sanfen laughed: "Jin Yousheng, when in the magic all red floor, the two of us cooperated once, surnamed Zhang thought you were a character."

"But now it looks like Zhang made a mistake."

"Where's the money? Take it with you. If I found it, it's mine!"

"If the owner is not satisfied, he will come to me!" Don't always call this person, call that person, bother!"

Glasses man slightly frowning, said: "Boss Zhang, two million is not a lot."

"If you think the money is not enough, the owner said that you can add more." Like, five million?"

Just as he spoke, Zhang Sanfen gave a snap and slapped the table hard.

The teacups, papers, and mouse and keyboard on the table jumped up with a bang.

Zhang Sanfen shouted: "Give money is it? Yes! You go back and tell the owner. I want $500 million! If you can't get it out, get out!"

Five hundred million

This is not a big mouth, this is a typical embarrassing.

Let's not say whether the person behind it has 500 million, even if there is, he can not give it like this.

The glasses man's face darkened.

He tried again to persuade: "Zhang SAN, I know you are very powerful, know a lot of people." But as the saying goes, it's better to settle than to settle."

"The other side is very sincere, or I will make decisions for you, 10 million!" You take the money, I'll take the body."

Zhang Sanfen sneered: "What? Did you not understand what I said?"

"Or five hundred million! Or let him come to me himself!"

"And, Kim Yu-seung, our friendship ends here!" I don't have a friend like you anymore! Don't say you know me, Zhang Sanfen!"

Jin Yousheng frowned and said meaningfully, "Jang SAN, gang is easy to break, I hope you can understand this truth."

"The fact that the gentleman is determined to have the body, and that he wishes to settle the matter with money, shows that he does not wish to cause trouble. But it's not because he's afraid of you. '

"You don't want me to be your friend, that's fine. But I want you to listen."

With that, Mr. Kim waved his hand and turned away with two of his men and $2 million in cash.

After he left, I let out a long breath.

Ten million? That's a lot of money.

At least I can't earn it in my life.

But the boss said no to refuse, without hesitation.

But the more this happened, the more I worried about my boss. A thousand bucks can do a lot of things, like hire a bunch of people in society to rob it?

I whispered, "Boss, what should I do?"

Zhang Sanfen laughed and said, "What should I do? Of course, to continue to plate him! I still don't believe that in this one acre of land in North China, there are still people who can hold me down!"

He sat down again in his chair and took the stick in his hand.

If you can't use money, they'll think of something else.

I said, "Boss, do you want me to guard the morgue underground?" Don't let them steal the tower."

Zhang Sanfen big Ma Jindao said: "No! If only he could get the body out of the basement, I would!"

Just then, I heard the front desk phone ring ding ding ding.

Zhang Sanfen took the phone, opposite again said: "Excuse me, Mr. Zhang Sanfen back?"

Zhang Sanfen frowned and said, "I am!"

The voice on the other side was immediately surprised and said, "Huh? Huh? Are you Mr. Zhang?"

"Well, we have a party here, which is specifically for the small charm corpse of western Sichuan..."

Zhang Sanfen and I looked at each other.

I vaguely remember my first day at work, the boss received a phone call like this.

The other party said there is a special for the west of Sichuan small curse corpse party, want to let the boss to participate.

But the boss said no, and said, if you don't want to die, stay away from that thing.

I thought this was the end of the matter, but who would have thought that the other side called again today, the same tone, the same voice, the same surprise tone.

What is abnormal is a demon!

So instead of saying no, the boss asked; "Who are you?"

The opposite side froze for a moment and said: "My name is Duan Tiande, and I am a member of the Chuandong section." Look, Mr. Zhang..."

Zhang Sanfen was silent for a moment, and said: "You leave a phone number for me, and wait for my news."

The opposite overjoyed, quickly reported out a phone number.

I was smart enough to take the phone and write down the number.

Zhang Sanfen repeated, confirming that there was no problem, and then hung up the phone. Then I took out my phone and dialed it back.

The phone rang for a long time before anyone answered.

But this time there was an impatient old man on the other end of the line: "Who is it?"

That voice, it's definitely not the one who just called.

Zhang Sanfen was silent for a moment, and quickly said: "Hello, I am a financial officer of fast easy loan, the job number is..."

Before the words were finished, the other party scolded a neurotic voice, and then hung up the phone angrily.

I was dumbfounded, did not think the boss even have this move?

Zhang Sanfen handed me the phone and said, "This man has a problem." Be careful when you're on duty, and when he calls again, frame him."

I nodded again and again, and asked: "Boss, what is a small curse corpse in the west of Sichuan?"

Zhang Sanfen said: "Is a kind of cursed corpse, this thing you know too much no good, anyway meet to run away, do not provoke!"

I asked again; "The little curse corpse in western Sichuan, or the fierce corpse we got, which is bad?"

Zhang Sanfen laughed loudly: "There is no comparison!"

"Chuanxi Little Curse corpse, Chuanxi little Curse corpse, that is..."

Before he had finished speaking, suddenly a clanging sound came from outside, like someone walking in iron boots, and the footsteps were very heavy, lest others could not hear.

Zhang Sanfen suddenly raised his head and sneered: "Coming!"