
City Restaurant...

"Hey, Look at that guy. He hasn't ordered anything for the past 30 minutes and he is continuously looking at the rose flower that's on his table." A waitress spoke to the other waitress as she pointed towards Max who was sitting on the chair.

"Hmm...? He looks kinda sad. I guess he Is going through a difficult situation. Just ask him one last time if he wants to have something and tell him that we are closing in 30 minutes." The other waitress spoke.


[Description: Kill Two F-rank or above players in order to complete this quest.]

Max is staring at the same screen for the last 30 minutes and many things are going inside his heart.

'I did everything, I could've done for her and yet this is what she gave me. Took all of my property and killed me with her boyfriend.

I will kill her. But, If I let my emotions took over me right now, then I will become a stupid murderer and nothing else.

I have to use a different approach, Something else that can give joy to my heart. I have about 5 days to complete this quest-'

"Sir, Would you like to order something ? Alcohol or anything to eat ?" The waitress asked with a smile.

'Alcohol will cloud my judgement... I can't consume it now.' Max thought with a serious expression.

"Yes, Can you bring me something to eat. Anything works..." Max spoke.

"Oh, Yes... Why not. I will bring you our best meal that's also friendly with your budget." The waitress spoke with a smile as she left after that.

Max then turned to the next page and looked at his skills...

'How do I know the working of these skills ?' Max thought as he clicked on the first skill and suddenly, a descriptive screen got opened in front of him.

[Time Flash Lv.1]

[Host can control the fourth dimension of time with this skill but in a limited way. If the skill is Activated, it will take user back in time based on the skill's level.

Skill can be used several times but with each use, Skill's cooldown time will increase and travel back time will decrease.

For now, you can travel 45 seconds back in time with 1 minute cooldown. With every use, cooldown will get increased by 1 minute and travel time will decrease by 3 seconds.

You can't instantly use the skill. You will need to wait at least 45 seconds to re-use the skill and this time increases as the travel time increases.]

[Cooldown time now: 0 seconds]

'Are you kidding me ? I can travel back in time ?' Max asked with a shocked and Confused expression.

Sam looked at his watch and noticed that it was 10:30:57 PM.

"T-Time Flash..." Without wasting any time, Sam used the skill.

Suddenly, He felt as if his soul was getting sucked out of his body and re-entering it.

"HaaaaaaaaH..." Max suddenly breathed very heavily as he noticed that something has changed.

"Sir, Would you like to order something ? Alcohol or anything to eat ?" The waitress asked again.

Sam immediately looked at her with shocked expression.

"Umm... Is everything alright, Sir ?" She asked.

"Y-Yes... Can you bring me something to eat ?" Max asked.

"Oh, Yes... Why not. I will bring you our best meal that's also friendly with your budget." The waitress spoke with a smile as she left after that.

Max immediately looked at his clock and noticed that the time was 10:30:12.

'I-I travelled back in time...' Max thought as he immediately opened the skill window again and clicked on the same skill again.

[Time Flash Lv.1]

[Cooldown: 1 minute]

[Travel Back Time: 42 seconds.]

[Time until re-use: 45 seconds.]

'It decreased by 3 seconds and the cooldown increased by 1 minute just as it said in the description.

This is... a very good skill.' Max thought as a smile appeared over his face.

'What does the other skills do ?' Sam thought as he clicked on the next skill.

[Quick Thinker Lv.1]

[Your thinking speed will get a boost for the next 30 seconds and your IQ will increase by 200%. 

Once used, this skill will reduce your movement speed by 30% and Strength by 10%

Thinking time can be increased by increasing skill's level and cooldown time will be decreased as well.]

[Cooldown: 30 minutes]

'Okay... This is a normal skill. I guess... What's the next skill ?' Max thought as he clicked on the third skill.

[Analyzer Lv.1]

[Once this skill is Activated, Your eyes will scan the opponent and note out it's weak points.

This skill can also be used to identify other unknown things.]

[Cooldown: 0 seconds]

'Okay, This skill is also a good skill. I can get more skills by killing monsters... But, for now these skills are good enough to take my revenge on that bitch and that D-Rank motherfucker.' Max thought as he smiled like a maniac and looked at the screen.

"Umm... Sir, Here is your food." The waitress spoke as she served the food to him.

"Oh, Thank you..."

'What a wierd guy ?' The waitress thought while pretending to smile.

After eating his meal, Max paid the bill and exited the shop.

He then went to the market, so he can buy more things.

Max's house...

Jessica is sitting inside her room and reading a book.


Suddenly, notification Started popping up on her phone. That was being charged in the kitchen.

Jessica immediately placed the book aside and stood up from the bed. She walked upto the kitchen and looked at her phone.

"Credit card bills ? Where did that Loser lost his credit card ?" Jessica asked with a serious expression as she looked at the credit card bills that belonged to Max's credit card.

She immediately opened the credit card app and blocked Max's credit card, as she thought that someone has found his credit card and now using it to buy things.

"Let's see... What did you buy." Jessica spoke as she opened Max's credit card history and she saw some wierd stuff.

"Dinner... At 10:30 is okay. But, what the hell is all this ? 5 kg's of Liquid nitrogen, An Army knife, A climbing rope, A gas cylinder and An anaesthetic injection ?

What type of weirdo got his credit card ? Well, whatever... I don't care anymore." Jessica spoke with a carefree expression as she placed her phone back down and turned around to return back to the room.

But, as soon as she turned around... She saw a face that she never expected to see.

Max was standing right in front of him with a wide psychopathic smile on his face.

"Hello, sweetie..." Max spoke as he stabbed Jessica's neck with an anaesthetic injection.

"Sweet Dreams... Hehehe."