As I arrive at the building there is a storm and I realize that my companions are in trouble, Annabeth and Medusa are next to a container with water for emergencies, behind them are the children of Hades, Hazel, Bianca and Nico while Grover has been caught by Luke.

Good thing he is already here I always wanted to torture the deceitful bastard.

Maybe I'll let some cyclopes entertain themselves with him in hell, he'll make a good wife for them.

A curious fact about cyclopes is that they have a hard time distinguishing faces but they can create artifacts with such complex and minuscule details it's amazing, while all those thoughts run through my mind Luke interrupts me with his pathetic speech.

Luke : "look who do we have here, if it isn't the rookie son of Poseidon, I thought Hades left you trapped for eternity considering the hatred he has for your father, well, I can fix that soon, I don't need annoyances getting in my way"

Luke tells me, then turns around and looks towards Annabeth and says, "so, you join my team, Ann, I'm sure we can beat the gods together, emos were the best heroes trained by Chiron, what do you say".

Annabeth : "I'm sorry Luke, but I will never join you in such a crazy plan, you are not powerful enough to be able to defeat them."

"that's where you're wrong Annabeth, since Cronus promised to help us, with him and my team of demigods we can defeat anyone" he replies to Annabeth

"Too bad you won't get the chance to do that, Luke" I tell him as I interrupted his little speech

"What, you mean?" - As he was getting paranoid.

"What you heard, I already took care of Cronus, since being free would be a big threat and I couldn't allow that".

"no, you're lying to me, I don't think you know where he is, only Hades, Persephone and I know where he is." as he was still believing in himself

"well, if you don't want to believe me, that's your problem" next I used the water from the storm that Zeus and Poseidon had caused to send the sword flying out of Luke's hand, then I built up water in high pressure and sent Luke flying away from Grover.

"Wow!!!! that was amazing Ryan!!!" shouts Grover excitedly.

"you ain't seen nothing yet" I reply, then, with my death god powers I open a rift that goes straight to the prisons of hell, and the skeleton legionnaire guards catch Luke and take him straight to the afterlife literally

"Are you all right" I ask the group

"yes, thanks for the timely arrival" they answer me, then Medusa comes up to me and apologizes to me for not being quick enough to take off her glasses and turn the bastard to stone forever.

But of course I don't blame her, as I want to take care of him and his punishment personally.

So I comfort her and tell the others that we have to go to Olympus now.

Medusa can't go in as she is considered a monster, and no monsters or humans are allowed in Olympus.

So we go towards the elevator, when we are all inside I clicked the button that doesn't match the normal elevator board that says floor 500 then an explosion is heard below us as suddenly the elevator accelerates which causes everyone to fall or stumble from the impact.

More specifically the one who falls is Grover who is ultimately the weakest of us.

He will only be of help when he becomes the god Pan and occupies the spells that the satyrs occupy.

This lasts a few seconds, then the doors open, showing us an incredible place.

It is like an island in the sky full of Greek sanctuaries, with a beautiful bridge that connects from that island to the elevator, we all look at each other for a few seconds then we leave towards the meeting of the gods, when we go halfway across the bridge, a whinnying sound stops us then from a distance we can see a chariot pulled by pegasus, Inside the chariot we can see a beautiful goddess with a diadem on her head, a shield with an owl adorning it, only one thought comes to my mind, Athena, Annabeth's mother.

Soon she arrives next to us, and stops to look at us, then she looks at Annabeth and me and says.

Athena : "I knew it would be my daughter who would brought the lightning thief, I am so proud of you little Ann" just when I heard those words, I knew she sided with Zeus since she has conflicts with Poseidon constantly and she does it to annoy Zeus even more since he must be listening to what we say, but anyway I interrupt her

Ryan : "I think you are wrong mother in law, I am not the thief, he was already caught and we came here to return what he stole"

She looks at me for a few seconds then turns to Annabeth

Athena : "Ann please tell me that you are not dating that seaweed head's son, you know perfectly well that I don't get along with his father"

Annabeth just remains silent without answering her then to make the atmosphere lighter I interrupt her saying

Ryan : "come on mother in law, why don't you take us in your car so we can finish this conflict quickly without any more problems, what do you think"?

Athena : "you're lucky I don't want a slaughter among the gods or I'd surely make sure to turn you into some animal or an insect and then have someone crush you for your insolence"

I just laugh silently at what she says, since she's in for an epic punishment later anyway for talking to me like that.

"so, that's a yes?" i say, she looks at me for a few moments, then turns around and says "get in we don't have all day."

We all get in the chariot, when we are ready, Athena shakes the reins of the pegasus and we set off to the largest pantheon that sits on the mountain at the center of all of Olympus, we quickly move through the place, we stop at a huge entrance to the pantheon.

Athena : "well, here you get off, I have to be inside go up the stairs, I'll meet you there."

"ok, thanks for everything mother in law!" i reply as the others quickly get off, seriously, they shouldn't be so scared with me next to them.

Then I get off and the goddess Athena leaves very fast, I turn around to look at the huge stairs to climb, seriously, can't they just use escalators.

Then I got an idea to travel there by the shadows, I told my idea to the offsprings of Hades and they agree.

Then I take Annabeth who is distracted by the architecture in Olympus and we all travel quickly.

It only took us a few seconds to be in the center of the meeting room of the gods, the place is huge, with the gods and their respective thrones with a size of 10 meters or more and all the gods are already in their seats,

Of course missing Hades since I eliminated him, in the highest part is Zeus and Hera then come the thrones of Poseidon and Hades, then Athena, Artemis, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Hermes, Demeter, those are the twelve Olympians or the most important gods one could say, then come the gods of lower status since they were born of the gods and not of the Titans as the first twelve,

Although Aphrodite would be a titan if we see her that way, since she was born from the first titan Uranus, well it is complicated.

While I observe the whole place all the gods are concentrated looking at us.

Suddenly Zeus rises with a bang causing the winds, thunder and lightning across the sky to be agitated, Poseidon does the same, causing storms in the oceans, typhoons and cyclones on the beaches around the world, each one looking at each other, then Zeus turned towards me.

"Speak mortal who brings you here."

"I am Ryan Jackson and I bring the lightning, it was stolen" I shout for him to hear me.

"ha, as I guessed it, you are the son of Poseidon right I knew you were the thief" when he says those words all the gods look as if I am trash except for Poseidon

Ryan : "you are wrong, I am not the thief, quite the contrary, you should be thankful that we stopped the thief's plans and that we brought you the lightning bolt or else all of Olympus would fall.

"And that would have been because of your carelessness since the lightning bolt is always supposed to be with you, how is it possible that they stole it from you in your presence, I think it would be the one to make Olympus, the home of the gods crumble under you"

Zeus : "Insolent!!!, give me back the thunderbolt!!!"

I take the thunderbolt out of the shield and throw it at him, as the thunderbolt approaches Zeus it gets bigger and bigger, until it looks like a spear cast from a thunderbolt

Ryan : "Just so you know, the one who stole the lightning was Luke Castellan son of Hermes, who was meeting with Hades and Cronus to free Cronus and thus destroy the gods, and stole the lightning to fight among you to weaken you and kill you in one blow."

All the gods are amazed at my statement, but soon they will be even more amazed.

Ryan : "As the one who defeated Hades and Cronus along with the lightning thief and become a god I challenge you by divine laws to a death match for the power and status you have."

When I say those words everyone is astonished, Zeus gets angry and confronts me

Zeus : "you, you want to face me?!!!!, not even your father has the guts to face me!!!"

Ryan : "Well, I'm not my father, besides I'm a god now and I have that right."

Zeus : "you're right, well I'll indulge you, and don't worry I'll give you a quick death."

"we'll see about that" I reply, then he shouts.

"prepare the combat field, this is a fight to the death!!!"

Then all the gods went to prepare the combat that will decide the destiny of Olympus.


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