On the balcony we meet the people of Arendelle who anxiously await what their ruler will say, well, at this time it is clearer to say rulers, since I am crowned as king, a ceremony is supposed to be done in a church, but I prefer to do it at this time in a faster way, and let the whole kingdom know that they have a new king.

"People of Arendelle, I, Queen Iduna summon you here to give important news that will affect the this Kingdom in different ways, the first of all, is that I have remarried, He will be your new king and His name is Ryan.

"secondly, I want to say that you'll don't have to worry about any war, your king has solved the problem and lastly to celebrate the occasion the tax is eliminated for a year from this very day, the idea of your new king" says Iduna with a strong and clear voice to the whole kingdom, while the people celebrate the good news, Anina and Beth bring a crown and a cloak that indicates the status of king that is occupied in the coronations.

When everything is ready I turn to the people and tell them in a loud voice "Beginning From Tonight a feast will be held for three days, for all the people while I will be on my honeymoon with my queen" when I finished my words the people shout.

"Long live King Ryan!!!"

"Long live!!!"

Soon the townspeople searched and prepared everything for the continuity of the party, while I was heading to the room with Iduna, inside the room I sat on the bed, and Iduna stands in front of me with her back to me.

When I was about to ask her what she is doing, she takes off her dress, letting it fall softly on the floor, leaving exposed a white lace lingerie of newlyweds, with white buttocks, round and beautiful.

Just seeing that magnificent ass leaves me breathless, letting it gently fall on the floor, exposing a white lace newlywed lingerie, with white buttocks, round and beautiful.

Then she slowly turns around exposing her two beautiful white breasts, with pink nipples, despite having had two daughters.

Quickly I approach her and embrace her, followed by kissing her lovely lips, we quickly dive into a battle of tongues, of course my hands did not stay still, massaging her left breast, while my other hand clings on her lower back, with smooth movements I take Iduna to bed, in which we do not leave for three days, well Iduna has to recover after some time after all.

After Three Days

The next morning after three days of being with Iduna, I wake up with her in my arms and with a sucking sound in my crotch, I lift the blanket that covers us to discover that Beth is the one sucking my cock.

I thought it would be Anina doing that after my days of sex with Iduna, not her, as I looked at her making the biggest effort, I feel that soon I am going to cum, then as a reward I press her head making my cock reach the entrance of her stomach, emptying all my cum directly, she rushes slurping all the rest of the cum, then she takes off her underwear which is the only thing she is wearing and inserts it, knowing that I am awake she looks at me and says

Beth : "Thank you my lord, all the people in the village are happy to have you, I am very happy to have you as my king, there are many young girls who say they want to have children with the king"

"That is interesting, I am going to implement some schools for the children and young people of the town, I am going to leave Athena in charge as director, what do you think, of course you will also enter the school" I asked her.

"It would be an honor to be able to study and be more useful to my lord" replies beth

"excellent response, I think you deserve a reward" I tell her and start to move my hips, ravaging her insides which until recently was still virgin, we are like this for a while.

Iduna wakes up but says nothing, she just comes up to me and kisses me, then lies on me on her back showing all her attributes, she spreads her legs and grabs Beth's hair and presses her head to her pussy, so she pleases her, then she hugs me from behind and keeps kissing me, my hands move from Beth's hips to Iduna's magnificent pair of breasts, as I play with that pair she stops kissing me and says "Good morning".

"if this is how you're going to make all my days I think I'll get used to it" I say with a smile, then she says to me.

Iduna : "well, get used to it my king because I'm sure soon you'll have more women waking you up in the mornings".

Ryan : "well, you are right about the part of many women, I have many women in a world apart that I created, since the rules I set I can have relations with them whenever I want, but in general they are living very well, it is a space that coexists technology and animals, without any of them getting hurt, of course there are special groups, like the priestesses group, the ones that are good with business, the maids, the sports group, the ones that like to observe nature, in general it's a good environment" while I talk, Beth keeps moving her hips and licking Iduna while we talk.

Iduna : "then why don't you stay in that place?"

Ryan : "of course not, I like to conquer worlds and beauties, and that my world can accept the diversity of every race is the best, not all the women I bring will be human or goddesses, they could be semi human, demons, angels, aliens, spirits like Elsa, and different energies that occupy the worlds will fill the world I create, bringing together different cultures"

Iduna : "I think you are very ambitious"

Ryan : "Ambition is good if you know how to moderate it or have enough power to achieve the goals that one sets, in this case, all the time that passes I am getting stronger, giving me the power to conquer my dreams".

Iduna : "what are you going to do next, you have already conquered this kingdom and the other kingdoms have been left practically defenseless with the destruction of all their troops"

Ryan : "well, I have someone who will make a very good commander and I have an army that is not afraid of death, since they are literally already dead and they are one of the strongest armies in the history of the world I brought them, it is not a problem to let her conquer it for me, after all she belongs to me and I think it is not a problem for you to be the empress of the surrounding kingdoms, after all, a set of kingdoms under the rule of others are called an empire"

"how ambitious of you, but I like it, mmmm...she sure knows how to lick pussy don' she" as Iduna speaks a moan escapes her as she enjoys Beth's service, while Beth increases her hip movement, ready to cum, I give her what she wants, I increase the rhythm of the onslaught to her pussy increasing the pleasure for both of us, making the three of us cum at the same time.

With both of us exhausted on the bed I go out to take a relaxing shower, after the bath, I go towards the castle courtyard where the citizens are partying or were, when I get to the place there are few people that are in the place, most of them have gone to their homes, looking at the place I know that in the future the spirits will be angry with the kingdom and will call Elsa to the forest where she locked up the people of Iduna.

By that time I don't know if I will be in this world, as I want to continue traveling, that's why I will leave my dear Hera and Athena to attend to the needs of my dear queen and Iduna, and it seems that Thalia also enjoys training with Elsa and taking care of Anna so I don't see the problem of them staying here, now, it's time for my armies of undead and monsters to attack those kingdoms and leave them under the command of Arendelle,

I guess I will change the name later since Empire of Arendelle doesn't sound cool at all, to test my powers of transformation of beasts that gives me being the king of dragons and soon their god, I transform into one of the fastest birds in the world, the roadrunner, a small bird that is said to be faster than the cheetah and I run to the dock where I was before, I summon from hell about 20 large warships controlled by pirates.

And a powerful army of Spartans and undead Romans, and finally their supreme commander, Clarisse, when I summon her from the kingdom she appears totally naked and with a necklace around her neck, when she sees me she kneels instantly and shouts "master, I am ready to serve you", it is stimulating to see the proud Clarisse behaving obediently, it seems that the training given in the kingdom is effective, I look at her seriously and I tell her:

Ryan : "Clarisse, as your master and your god I promised you that I would give you the divinity of the god of war, but to earn it I want you to take this army and conquer the surrounding kingdoms to this one, while I travel, when I return I hope that this kingdom will become an empire under the military force that I am giving you, remember that you are not allowed to hurt innocent people, as you are naked I will give you this gift" with a movement of my hand I invoke an armor similar to Athena's when she had the right to wear it.

Ryan : "with this armor I want the people of those kingdoms to call you the goddess of war, when those are fulfilled you will become my goddess of war and you will accompany me in wars to come."

Clarisse : "Understood master, I will comply, I assure you."

Ryan : "I hope so, travel this very moment, there is a kingdom near here, before you travel get enough rations for you, the army doesn't need them as you can see."

I say goodbye to Clarisse kissing her beautiful lips, and I leave that place in the direction of Irene, who is with Hera, Athena and the girls spend some time with them and then go to the next world.


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