After the connection between me and the ice phoenix. Isa I prepare the best environment for her, to grow and develop without problems.

Maybe when I'll bring Jean Gray, the phoenix that is in her body will come out and raise my powers to the level of cosmic entity.

At the moment I think I am at the level of the previous infinity stone bearers, when I get the infinity stones I will be much stronger than them.

With everything ready I leave the little phoenix to adapt and I go to the mansion where all the women inside the world are gathered waiting for the mega orgy that will take place.

Then I connect the worlds that I am conquering, the Disney world, Marvel, Percy Jackson, Naruto (Naruko), and I send to call the women that I have from those worlds.

First the Greek goddesses arrive with their transparent tunics being led by Medusa, who carries Artemis naked and with a leash followed by her huntresses.

Next to Medusa is Bianca and Persephone, the three of them ride a golden chariot pulled by three fire breathing metallic bulls.

Then Aphrodite appears with her daughters from the half-breed camp, Annabeth and Hazel didn't come as they are busy with different things, one with the high school and the other with the Roman camp they discovered near the half-breed camp, of course my clones accompany them to avoid accidents on their travels.

Then Thalia appears carrying Athena as her pet followed by Elsa, who is carrying her former mother Iduna and her former sister Anna now as her pets followed by the mother and daughter who served me in the castle after I rescued the girl along with Iduna.

Then Clarisse arrived in a carriage pulled by a very large bear, behind her pulled by a chain is a girl with long golden hair and with her hair are several women tied up.

The first I had seen before a mother and daughter the mother with black hair and her daughter with curly red hair, then there is a blue girl in a ballerina dress and a brunette girl with the same style of dress and some gold earrings adorn her ears I think you should know who I mean, behind them the hair of the first girl pulls a pool of water where there are two women or rather two very similar mermaids with red hair, the first is Queen Athena and the smaller one is Princess Ariel.

After that appear the girls that were in Marvel plus some new girls that must be agents that completed the ten or more missions sent by Peggy, while I greet each girl Peggy informs me that an aviator of the agency disappeared by a ray of blue light.

When I asked her the name of this girl she answered me :

Peggy : "her name is Carol Danvers"

Ryan : 'o it's finally going to happen Captain Marvel, I can't wait to get her and that cat of the Flerken species.' He thought.

Ryan : "got it, don't worry about it at the moment, just keep an eye out for her reappearance in the near future."

Peggy : "Roger that, Ryan..."

Ryan : "What's going on, Peggy, you can tell me whatever you want."

Peggy : "I'd like you to get me pregnant, I want my daughter to take over SHIELD, and be able to retire, so I can spend more time with you and travel, you know I haven't taken a holiday in a long time after all."

Ryan : "sure Peggy, you don't have to ask since that's why I called all of you here, some just to experience your first time and others who are ready to be mothers."

"Others will be selected to train daughters, practically it will be a school, where the selected women will train the girls in every aspect, selecting the most outstanding ones in different things can receive rewards, of course as there are rewards there will also be punishments, but that will only open up when I get a specific school from a universe I will travel to."

Peggy : "I hope to be able to accompany you on that journey"

Ryan : "ok, I will select a few candidates from my animals and women to travel to that universe, after all, there can't be too many since there are several women from that universe that I want, for the moment go get ready with the other women in 5 minutes the portals will close and the fun will begin."

Peggy : "OK, see you later, I can't wait to get started."

After answering Peggy leaves shaking her hips showing her exquisite ass, after she leaves I am approached by Clarisse with the women she brings chained and tied up, who upon arriving in front of me takes off the armor she is wearing, kneels in front of me and pays homage to me, then says:

Clarisse : "my master, I bring you the most beautiful and important women that I found after conquering your kingdoms".

As she speaks I hear the whispers of her captives who are filled with commotion saying, the demon woman humiliates herself and what is happening, except for the first two women who had already seen me, Clarisse also hears them and her face turns grim with anger and she screams at them:

"BITCHES, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!, KNEEL BEFORE YOUR MASTER!!!" then she pulls the chain making them all fall to their knees, they quickly beg for forgiveness.

After that Clarisse also asks for forgiveness for her behaviour, she leans her head against the floor and lifts her ass up high, I step on her head as a punishment and with one hand I slap her juicy ass until it is well coloured, then I lift her hair making her look at me, I caress her lips and cheeks, then I kiss her on her fleshy lips, when we separate I tell her:

"this will never happen again, I gave you the power of a war goddess, now you need to learn all about domination so that these slaves never speak like that again, their actions represent you, after all you trapped them, if they fail it means you fail too, besides you can't forget your place as my slave after all your own father gave you to me"

"Of course my lord, I will be a good slave, I will also conquer my sisters to serve you".

"for your good behaviour, today I will give you a lot of love all over your body, you can take these slaves with the other women who take other slaves, the one in charge of them is called Shuri Himejima, she will tell you where to leave them and she will give you the directions to the main chamber where the orgy will start".

"understood master, also I want to report some treasures that were found in the world that I am conquering my master, some are powerful like the genie lamp that is the blue slave that I brought and a golden trident that will be very convenient for you that was originally a son of Poseidon, and other objects that were taken to your treasury, that's all I have to report, see you master"

"thank you for the information my dear slave, you can continue on your way".

After that conversation she retired, I looked at every woman in my world ready to enjoy what is to come, I stretched my neck a little and headed towards my master bedroom, where the selected wives, concubines and mistresses, plus Clarisse who earned this place as a reward for a good job, then the long night began along with the massive orgy that lasted three days and three nights.

The morning after the orgy the bodies of hundreds of naked women are found all over the mansion, all with remnants of what happened in these three days, after having a super breakfast.

I open a portal to Marvel, appearing directly in the mansion, today I'm going to look for Jean Gray while SHIELD agents are watching for any strange phenomena in space, I was also informed that agent Nick Fury, in charge of a SHIELD branch lost an eye due to a cat, when I hear that I directly order that cat to be sent to my mansion, also that they prepare me a private jet.

I ask for Jean Grey's address and travel directly to her house, when I arrive after a couple of hours I use my mental powers to scan the town.

I find Jean's location in a high school, it looks like she is waiting to be picked up, then a car pulls up near her and two people get out, a man and a woman, it looks like Jean's mother hasn't died in an accident, I stand watching, it looks like they are arguing about something.

Suddenly Jean's powers have a surge of power that was stimulated by her emotions, causing the car in which they are travelling to suffer an accident.

I quickly travel to the accident where Jean's father lost consciousness, her mother was pierced in the chest by a branch, but has not lost consciousness, trying to wake her husband with the last of her strength, and Jean is currently passed out with glass wounds.

I approach them and Jean's mother tries to say something, I use my mental powers to reassure her, I tell her that she will be safe along with her daughter.

She looks at me with pleading eyes trying to get me to help her daughter even though she can't speak I can tell that she didn't believe my previous words.

But as they say seeing is believing, with one hand I take the branch that goes through her and with the other I press her chest so that she does not suffer an excessive loss of blood.

Then quickly and carefully I remove the branch from her body and then I use the natural energy and light to heal her body,

After that she faints, I look at her for a moment and think whether to keep her or not, as she is a mature version of the current Jean.

After 5 seconds of consideration I decide to keep her, I use restoration on her body curing her of any defects, hidden diseases, restoring her blood volume and restoring her body to a healthy state, restoring her blood volume and giving her back her virginity, along with her body of a twenty year old.

I apply the same with Jean so that she is cured of anything even though she has the phoenix inside her body, with everything ready I send Jean and her mother through one of the portals to my world.

When they arrive to my world I receive several updates, like the power of fire and light improved enormously, as well as my mental powers.

I also got the element of life, the phoenix inside Jean separated from her forming her own body since my world is strong enough to sustain her existence even though she is asleep, also the vitality of all the creatures was improved, after that I left about 10 million dollars to the poor man who lost his family inside the car, then I left, now I don't lack money.

I return to my mansion around 11pm at night when I arrive I meet a couple of teenage agents who are carrying a box for transporting pets where there is a cat that I knew very well in your movie.

"Greetings director, we bring the requested feline, also with this task we accomplish our tenth mission, sir!" they say a bit shy, as I have time I don't mind having some fun with them.

I take the cat from their hands and indicate them to follow me, I take them to my room, I tell them to come in and get ready while I take care of the animal, they nod and come in while I go into another room where I send the Flerken to my world, then I go back to my room where the two teenage girls are in provocative underwear ready for their reward.

So far.


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