Chapter 32 - Milf and Metamorphmagus I

"How? Why?" Ron almost shouted at the newspaper's title. "It was a baby… how did he escape?"

How Voldemort could escape from the Ministry was beyond his understanding. It had to be an inside job.


Ron looked up at the stairs and saw Harry standing there. "Harry! Did you read this? How is this possible? I thought Moody would be good enough to handle this."

"Everyone's shocked, Ron. That's why Sirius isn't home. The entire Ministry is in chaos, and everyone's pointing their fingers at each other. The Order of the Phoenix is looking for Voldemort." Harry said, inviting Ron upstairs to his room, "Come up, I've got some snacks in my room."

Ron sighed, unsure of the future, and followed his friend up. "So, how's it all going with Cho?"

Harry smiled ear to ear and closed the door behind them. "It's amazing, Ron. Everything is wonderful, and Cho really likes me."

"You mean, doing you," Ron added.

Harry chuckled with a blush, "I won't lie, it's fantastic. She's always ready to do it, and no matter how many times I want, she never says no. She lets me do anything I want, and she does plenty of things to me."

Ron grinned at his friend's good fortune, "So, how serious are you two?"

Harry's face fell all of a sudden, "I tried talking to her once. I suggested we can start living together once Hogwarts is over. But she avoided the topic, saying we still have two years and who knows what might happen."

Blimey, she's only in it for fucking? Ron's mind quickly went to the worst-case scenario. Or the fame of dating Harry?

"Well, whatever it may be, make sure you enjoy every last bit of her," Ron said, dragging Harry to sit with him. "Tell me, have you tried anal with her yet? I read about it in a book recently."

"Anal? I've heard about it." Harry muttered. It was not his first time discussing deranged things with his best friend. "Cho said we'd try it on summer break next year."

Ron went speechless. What the… I'm supposed to be the lucky one.

"What about you?" Harry asked, lowering his voice, "Who else did you do?"

Ron chuckled, but he kept his matter with Hermione a secret for now, "Just had a threesome with Padma and Parvati recently. They are amazing, Harry—just the freaky stuff that I love."

It was Harry's turn to feel jealous. Although he had no interest in cheating on Cho, a man could still dream. "And who else?"

Ron pressed his lips together and came closer to Harry, "Daphne Greengrass."

"What?!" Harry exclaimed, "B-But she's a Sl…"

"I know." Ron nodded vigorously, "But my newfound name, fame, and wealth attracted their attention. Although she's absolutely stunning, she's somewhat of a psycho. I'm on the run from her now."

Of course, Ron couldn't tell Harry or anyone else about Madam Bones. That was one secret he was willing to take to his grave.

But they still had plenty to talk about. From their sex life to the upcoming O.W.Ls, from Voldemort to what they were going to eat that night. Before they knew it, night approached, and a knock came at the door.

"Harry," It was Sirius, "I heard Ron is here."

"I'm here." Ron approached the door, "What happened? Is everything alright at the Ministry? How did Voldemort escape?"

"I know you have plenty of questions, and so does everyone else. We're having a meeting downstairs, so you should join us," Sirius invited Ron.

"Let's go," Harry was ready.

Sirius shook his head, "Not you, Harry. Not today, at least. My sister is here as well, and I have no trust in her. I'd rather not have you sit in the same room as her."

Harry, annoyed, understood the gravity of the situation and stepped back. Ron winked at him before leaving. They were going to share what happened in the meeting anyway.

"Why is Mrs. Malfoy here?" Ron asked as he walked downstairs with Sirius. "She should be trying to live a frugal life now."

"That is what I don't understand, Ron. I can't read her anymore… not ever since she married into the Malfoys. She could be genuine, or she could be the Dark Lord's spy. We'll have to be careful," Sirius warned him, and they finally arrived at the long table in the hall.

There were a few personalities sitting around it. Narcissa, Remus, Tonks, Arthur Weasley, Kingsley, and even Moody. All with solemn faces, each hiding their own fears.

"Let's fire it up then." Sirius took a seat. "Is there any word of where Voldemort could be hiding?"

Wait, why am I invited? I'm just a student! Ron suddenly wondered; Why such trust in me?

"Moody? Anything?" Sirius glared at Moody, blaming him for everything. The man was the Minister for Magic with limitless power, but he failed. "At least increase the security in Azkaban. If even I could escape from there, it shouldn't be too hard for Voldemort to break his stooges out."

Moody grunted, his face an ugly sight as he had been blamed for the breakout, "My authority is limited now. They'll be appointing a new Minister for Magic before you can say 'Hippogriff.' My bet's on Amelia Bones, mark my words."

"Wha—" Ron suddenly choked on water, and put away the glass, "Madam Bones?"

"She's been at the helm of the DMLE for quite some time, and let me tell you, she's the only one that most sensible minds within the Ministry put any trust in."

Ron merely nodded, feeling delighted for the woman, but at the same time, a strange feeling. The Minister for Magic as the mother of my child? I'm feeling the shivers already.

Just then, Ron also raised his hand. He knew he shouldn't be speaking, but he also knew he was one lucky man, and his confidence had yet to fail him. "Why are we worrying about finding him? Isn't he obsessed with Harry? We just have to make sure Harry is safe, and he'll eventually show himself—make a mistake."

"You want to use Harry as bait?!" Sirius glared.

Ron folded his arms, angry at the accusation. "Hasn't he already been a bait all these years? Quirrell in the first year, Chamber of Secrets in the second year, you and Pettigrew in the third year, and Voldemort himself in the fourth year—when has Harry 'not' been used as bait?"

Sirius and Remus' faces fell, while Tonks mischievously smiled and gave Ron a thumbs-up. Only Moody, Shacklebolt, and Narcissa remained silently serious.

"Anything related to Harry that Voldemort can harm or might require for resurrection is what we should protect. His blood, his hair, his life, or some random prophecies, if there are any." Ron babbled on, only to realize he might have hit the nail on the head as Sirius and Moody shared a glance.

"That's enough for today." Moody stood up, "I remembered something important to do at the Ministry. Shacklebolt, with me."

As the two men left, Narcissa nervously tried to speak, "Sirius, what about my r—"

"No," Sirius barked back.

Narcissa lowered her face, her delicate brows furrowed. Her hands nervously rubbed against each other on her lap, her clothes a full-sleeved, gray winter dress that hugged her waist tight, going all the way to her ankles. The usual earrings were missing, as was the pearl necklace she usually wore. With just a little hint of makeup, she seemed to have accepted her new life with less money than before.

"Then, may I speak with Mr. Weasley in private. It's related to my family's inheritance." Narcissa suddenly looked at Ron, only to realize the boy was already looking at her, "Of course, only if Mr. Weasley agrees."

"Sure." Ron didn't even think about it. They were in Sirius' house, and there was no need to fear Narcissa. Besides, he didn't want to miss the chance to admire the curvy, mature woman before him with a face to die for.

A small gentle smile spread on Narcissa's face, her beautiful blonde hair tied behind her head in a modest bun, while two thick locks of her hair fell near her temples.

What's troubling her now? The money she got to keep was still enough to live in luxury. Ron also wondered silently and got up.

"Follow me, Mrs. Malfoy," Ron said, leading her out of the hall and into a first-floor bedroom that he was using for the night. It was modestly small, with a king-sized bed in the middle, a fireplace, and a study table.

Ron closed the door behind, walked over to lean against his table's edge, and looked at the tall woman from head to toe, her charm otherworldly aristocratic. Not much of her skin was visible, but whatever was, it looked like pristine marble. Ugh, my mind's too dirty.

He had to stand leaning to avoid his boner being visible. "So, what is it, Mrs. Malfoy?"


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