

Oh my God!!!

I immediately plunged myself down to his side, my heart beating frantically against my ribcage.

I stared at him in panic, not knowing what to do exactly.

How do I stop the blood that was continuously flowing out by the side of his stomach, soaking his midnight black shirt? And I really hated the sight of blood.

I desperately looked around the library, my eyes seeking to find a thick cloth but all I could see were books neatly stacked on shelves. I sighed out in frustration, but then, my eyes caught a white thick cloth that looked like a blanket. It was carelessly drooped on a one-sitter chair at the far end of the library.

Has that chair been here all this while? Not caring about the answer to that question, I immediately rushed towards the chair, almost tripping on my steps. 

I grabbed the small, soft blanket and bolted back to Alexander. I held the blanket against his bleeding stomach, aiming to stop the bleeding.

I looked up at him to see him staring intently at me with a hooded gaze. He had this expressionless look on his face but looking closely you'd know that he's in pain.

"What do I do, Alex? You're practically losing a lot of blood?" I asked, my tone laced with panic.

He licked his now dried lips and groaned when I added a little pressure to his wound.

He shook his head and dropped his hand on mine, over his wound.

"I don't need your help. I'm fine," he seethed and removed my hand from his wound.

I stared at him in utmost surprise and chagrin. He's bleeding out and here he is, telling me that he's fine.

Clearly, he's not!

"In as much as I really want to leave you here so you can bleed to death, I can't really bring myself to do that. So, just tell me what I need to do to stop the bleeding first, you're bleeding out." I tucked his hand away from the blanket that was now red with blood and dropped my hand back against it.

He sighed and groaned exasperatingly.

"Why are you so fucking stubborn? I can take care of it. Just go back to bed and leave me the hell alone," he barked bitterly and I pressed into his wound earning a glare from him.

"Fine! You can die here for all I care" I shouted, not caring if I was being loud or if it was in the middle of the night.

Why does he have to have so much pride? He'd rather die than get help from me? If it isn't pride and arrogance, then I don't know what else it is.

I removed my hand from the blanket that now has his hand on it when he painstakingly got up from the floor and leaned against the hard, white-colored, concrete wall.

He took in slow breathe, leaned away from the wall and walked away from the library with struggling steps.

I stood staring at the ajar door that Alexander had walked through. Is he really fine? He was bleeding and he'd loose so much blood if he isn't attended to.

I stared at my hands that was now filled with blood - his blood. I started pacing the library, debating if I should follow him or just go back to my room.

His wound really needs to be attended to. He might probably bleed out or collapse from too much loss of blood.

He could've just told me what to do or better still, told me where the first aid box is. 

I don't know why I'm being antsy....maybe, because I'm worried to death.

He leaves the house for a week and comes back with a wound. 

Was he stabbed? It sure looked like a stab wound. I bit my bottom lip and blinked repeatedly. 

My insides are a tumbling waves now, my inner castles are crumbling and I'm just trying to hold on. 

With a frustrated sigh, I walked out of the library and started walking towards his room but I stopped on my tracks when I saw a lady dressed in blue shrubs entering his room with John in tow, he was carrying something that looked like a first aid box.

I sighed in deep relief. I guess I was worried for nothing.

I turned back towards my room, I entered and shut the door. I slowly walked to the bathroom to wash my hands. 

Once I was out of the bathroom, I laid on my back, staring intently at the ceiling, my mind wandering and the overwhelming thirst for water long forgotten.

What could've happened to him? Was he involved in some kind of fight? Did an enemy do that to him? So many questions which one person had answers to kept running through my mind.

I'd have to talk to him tomorrow.


The morning was bright and radiant, the beaming sunlight was warm and not harsh, with golden lights every where. The birds kept chirping and the breeze is cool and gentle. 

I stood in front of Alexander's door, debating on whether to knock or go back to my room. 

I had woken up early today, eager to see Alexander and know how he's doing. 

Or to know if he's probably dead....

"Ivory?" I swiftly turned to see Claire standing a few feets away from me. In her hands were a tray of food which were all covered, making it hard to know their contents, unless you open them.

"Good morning, Claire. Is that for my husband?" I asked inquisitively, pointing at the tray of food.

"Good morning, ma'am...Ivory. Yes, it's for master Alexander." I nodded, totally ignoring her 'ma'am' mistake.

I walked towards her and took the tray from her. She looked at me in confusion and made to utter a word but I beat her to it.

"I'd serve this to him. He's really injured and as his wife, I have to see that he's well taken care of. So, do not fret...I'll serve him the food and feed him myself," I said, feigning worry or maybe I'm not.

"You haven't had breakfast either, ma'am and your food is ready." I smiled at her and shook my head.

"I'm not hungry, Claire. I can share this one with my husband you know." I flashed her a cheeky grin and she lets out an awkward laugh before giving me a curt nod.

She stepped around me and knocked twice on Alexander's door. She waited for a few seconds and then opened the door for me.

I stepped into the dimly lit room and flinched, almost dropping the tray of food in my hands when the door was slammed shut.