A New Course

I stormed out of the VIP premises without looking back. The anger inside me still a raging storm and I desperately needed to calm it down. If I could find a knife, I'll surely stab Alexander repeatedly with it. 

That ingrate and arrogant asshole! He'll surely get it hot from me. That is a solemn promise.

The loud music immediately blasted my ears as I stepped into the crowdy arena, the stench of alcohol and sweats filled my nostrils. I scrunched my nose up a little as I tried to maneuver my way through the dancing and drunk folks.

I glanced towards the less crowdy bar and made a run for it. I needed to calm my insides down with something liquid, even if it's water. I plopped myself down on one of the seats and huffed out annoyingly.

"Water please," I muttered lowly when the bartender came back to me with a flashy smile on his face. I gave him a once over look, taking in his handsome features and lean figure.

"Just water?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I replied him with a shrug before nodding my head slowly. 

"That's quite odd and rare." I turned my head to my right to look at the owner of the calm but deep voice. A guy was sitting on a chair beside me with a smug smile on his lips as he stared at me. He was handsome with his electric blue eyes and pouty mouth.

I raised a brow at him. "Were you referring to me?" I asked, to be sure he was referring to me or maybe he's on a call with earpods plugged in his ear.

"It's quite strange to see someone, especially a beautiful girl like you ordering just water in a club, don't you think?"

I simply shrugged and took the glass of water the bartender already poured in for me. I gulped down the whole content and gently passed the glass back to the bartender. He smiled at me, revealing his shallow dimples and I muttered a thank you to him before he waltzed off to his business.

The rage inside me was still there, it was as if the water didn't do me any good. I can still feel the hotness in my chest, the tingling feeling to strangle someone -Alexander. I think he'd be better off dead. My heart immediately twisted at that thought and I shook my head slightly.

A thought flashed in my head and I turned to the handsome stranger beside me, who strangely enough, was still staring at me. I smiled at him and his lips tugged up, revealing his beautiful set of teeth.

"Do you perhaps know any drink that can calm a person's nerves?" His brows shot up, he threw his head back a little and then burst into fits of laughter. My face contorted into confusion and I slightly glared at the stranger.

"Is my question funny? Because I don't remember cracking a joke." I pointed out and folded my arms under my chest and gave him a pointed look.

"I'm sorry...It's just...I'm Damien." His laughter was now replaced with a little smile.

"Well, Damien, do you have an answer to my question?."

"You didn't tell me your name," he uttered, slightly adjusting his seat closer to mine.

"Ivory," I simply said and he nodded, repeating my name slowly. 

"Can I get two shots, please?" He told the bartender waving him over.

Few seconds later, the bartender dropped two small glasses in front of Damien before filling it with water.

Wait. It's water right? It sure looks like water. And is shots another name for water.

I stared awkwardly at Damien when he passed me one of the glasses. I raised an eyebrow at him, making sure he reads the confused expression on my face.

"Go on, drink it. Trust me, a glass of that would calm you down," he nudged me.

"What do you mean? Is this brand of water different from the one I just drank?." He suddenly burst into laughter, slightly shaking his head. I glared at him, becoming annoyed with his incoherent laughter. Damien stopped laughing when he noticed the seriousness on my face.

"Hold on, you're serious," he said, more like a statement than a question.

"Obviously, I am."

"Oh dear, you're...never mind. This is called shots and it's not water. Yeah, it looks like water but it's not water. Go on, chug it down, it'll calm you, Ivory." His eyes was trained on me as I eyed the glass in front of me. I took it and brought the glass to my nose. It smells like...I don't even know how to describe it.

I abruptly took the glass to my lips, and without another thought, I gulped the whole content down. It has a very strong taste that feels like a burning sensation.

"Ahhh..." I let out when I felt my chest burn and I coughed out a little. "That was good." That drink or shot, whatever it is must be really good, because I could feel my heavy heart lightening up a little. The rage I felt has reduced, but it's not completely gone. I want it gone completely, so I guess I'd be needing more of this shots. 

I'm in a godforsaken club anyway, why not make the most out of it. I grinned maniacally at Damien and surprisingly he grinned back. Vibe check.

"Told ya, the shot's good. But that would be all you're going to take otherwise you'd get tipsy or drunk."

"Who cares about that now, huh? I just want to get rid of this rage and heartache completely." I turned to the handsome bartender who stood as if he was waiting for me to request for more shots. "Can I have more, please?" I smiled at him when he eagerly refilled my glass and I gulped down the liquid.

"Alright, Ivory, that's enou...." I lifted my hand to shush Damien and I urged the bar attendant to refill my glass again. I drank up the glass contents again and asked him to refill it again and again. 

I wanted to ask for more but the glass was forcefully snatched from my hand, and I turned to glare at Damien who was staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Give that back!" I whined, noticing that my speech was slurred and I was feeling very lightheaded. I got up from my sit and made to take the glass back from Damien but I staggered and missed my step, but before I could fall, I was caught by a pair of strong arms. 

I giggled when I came face to face with a worried Damien.

"You're drunk."

"I'm not."

"You are. What I'm I going to do with you now?" He sighed and rubbed his temples lightly.

"You can throw me off a bridge or you can also choose to gamble me off." I laughed out hilariously and touched my chest, rubbing on it soothingly. "You can take me home with you, handsome. We can get married and have children. Don't you think, baby?" I laughed out again and hit Damien lightly.

I was blabbing nonsense. I was spurting out gibberish. My mouth seems to say anything it wants. Am I truly drunk? Oh...my head is spinning and I think I need more shots.

I looked up at Damien with a grin on my face. "Take me away with you, man. Can I call you baby?" My words was still slurred and my head was still spinning. I momentarily closed my eyes, but was forced to reopen them when I felt my body being pulled away from a warm body to even a warmer one.

I inhaled the manly cologne that instantly filled my nostrils. I can recognise that signature scent even from the deepest abyss. The sweet and pleasant mixture of citrus and sandalwood coupled with a hint of pinewood.

Alexander. Oh, my Alexander. I snuggled closer into his body and his arm coiled protectively around my waist.

"Let me take you home, Angel." His husky but calm voice whispered in my ear and I sighed in satisfaction.

But, hold on...I'm not going home yet...I want to have fun!

I dragged myself away from his body and staggered to Damien who steadied me in his arms. I ignored Alexander who was glaring daggers at Damien before I released myself from Damien's hold and sauntered towards the dance floor, dragging Damien with me.