Eye To Eye

I was startled when the door immediately jerked open and Ava rushed inside, almost knocking Clark to the side.

I glanced up at her when she looked me over, touching my forehead, my arms, my lower abdomen.

"Ava, you didn't tell me that you've resumed the work of a nurse." My tone was subdued and I stared at her calmly.

"I was so worried when I got a phone call from your husband, telling me to immediately come over. I was so worried that something bad had happened to you." Her face was creased with concern and interest.

I sighed out and momentarily shut my eyes, to wave off the slight dizziness that took over me. I had just finished eating a few minutes ago. Thankfully, the food remained in my stomach. 

"I'm fine, Ava. It was just an allergy. I had too much to drink last night, so I got sick. It's surprising that the doctor said I had an allergy. What did Alexander call it again path...err..." I tilted my head to the side a little, trying to remember the name he called.

"Pathology Immunology," Clark chipped in.

"Yeah, correct, that." Ava looked at me in confusion as she helped me sit up on the bed.

"An allergy to alcohol? When did it start? Well, maybe because you never drink, that would be the reason why we never noticed it." She gave me a thoughtful look and I just shrugged. "But, why would you consume so much alcohol? You don't drink alcohol."

"I'll tell you about it later," I said looking at Clark concisely.

"Obviously, you will," Ava muttered, giving Clark a full glare, making me to groan and palm my face.

Ava...oh...Ava. She's full on taking the bull by the horn.

"Well, since she's here, I'll go see if I can feed my stomach. I don't want our little Miss world here to probably shoot me dead with her icy glares." He leaned away from the wall he was leaning on, and headed towards the door.

"Good riddance!" Ava spat eyeing the closing door. This two definitely don't see eye to eye. 

"Baby, I was so worried about you." Ava sat on the bed and side hugged me. She gave me a peck on the cheek and ruffled my hair before arranging it.

"I didn't know it would be that serious. I just wanted to get rid of the heartache and anger that I had, and then, this handsome stranger told me a shot would help. So, I asked for more and more, when the first one I took seem to help."

"You said you'll tell me about it. Alright, start talking."

"Alex....Alexander almost...no, not almost. He gambled with me. He had this gambling game with one dangerous man and, well, he won. But, Ava, I was so scared and angry. I almost thought I'd be given away to the other dangerous man. I mean, if he wanted to do such a thing, the most sensible thing to do is to discuss it with me first, but it seems that mafia jerk has his own way of doing things," I sighed and looked up at her. 

She heaved out and pulled me into a hug. She patted my back gently.

"It's fine, dear." She disengaged from the hug and jumped out of the bed. "Why is it so hot in here?" she asked, walking to a window. She opened the curtains and sunlight seeped in, brightening up the room.

Ava looked around the room slowly. "I've just noticed, Ivory, this doesn't look like your room. This room looks more grand and rich."

"It's Alexander's room," I said simply, and Ava's eyes widened a little.

"You mean, I'm inside the room of the richest billionaire in New York?" Ava looked awed and marveled, as she spinned around the room.

"Stop acting like a crazy pauper and come help me out of this bed." I voiced out while smiling amusingly at her.

Ava opened the door and we walked out of the room and she closed the door behind us. We walked towards the passage that led to the stairs. She held the drip on one hand and helped me down the stairs with the other hand.

Claire was speaking to Clark at the foot of the stairs. There was a small blush on her face and she was shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another. The instant she sighted me, she came up to my other side that was free and helped me down the stairs.

"Please take me to the garden." 

We were in the garden in a matter of minutes, and Ava helped me sit down on a bench before she plopped down beside me.

"This garden is beauteous and exceptional." 

"Yes, it is," I agreed. Silence slowly creeped in afterwards as we kept our eyes fixated on the sparse of beautiful flowers in front of us. 

"How's your bakery going, Ava?"I asked, breaking the silence. Ava flashed me a grin, her gorgeous eyes twinkling with excitement.

"It's progressing, I guess."

"You guess?" I raised an eyebrow at her and she suddenly laughed out. 

Ava is such an insane girl.

She made faces at me and turned back to look at the flowers. Her gaze was kinda empty and her smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

I can tell something's wrong. I was about to ask her what the problem is when a gunshot sounded in the air.