First date and a kiss

Tracy's POV

My name is Tracy Clark, eighteen, in my last year of high school, currently on my way home after being deflowered by a complete stranger and still very much in love with my best friend.

"Hey nerd"

Speak of the devil, they said and he will appear, but in this case, Jason Newman, aka my crush and neighbor, walked towards me just as I was about to open the short gate that separated me from my home.

Like always, his every step felt like slow motion, colorful lights seemed to surround him giving his light brown hair highlights, his eyes shone and his teeth gleamed an abnormal white as he smiled.

"Where have you been? I have been looking for you the whole day"

His slightly deep voice is music to my ears and drum sticks to my heart.

"Out?" I shrugged as I looked up at his towering figure as he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Running errands". A little lie wouldn't hurt.

"Hmm" he rubbed his jaw and playfully squinted at me "running errands into the night?"

"Oh my God, Jason, what do you want to know?" I gave up making him laugh; a sound so beautiful it made the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

"Just what you've been up to?"

"I..." I swallowed, suddenly everything that had happened earlier came rushing back to me. "I had a little me time and had some fun along the way. That's all"

Jason looked like he had something to say, but as if, for the first time in a long time, God answered my prayer, he dropped it.

"Okay, but maybe invite me next time. There's more fun when you are with someone than alone, no?"

"Sure thing Jason"

It became quite quiet after that and we both stood in silence. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable.


"Goodnight Jason". I broke the silence and was a step inside the gate when...

"Aww come on" he dragged out, "won't you keep this gentleman company for a little while longer?"

His tone is playful and seductive at the same time.


"Well, this lady is tired and would like to get into her humble abode and find rest."

He laughs softly again.

How dare you play with my heart like this...

"See you tomorrow Trac"

"Yeah see you"

And with that, I was scrambling into the house and bolting straight into my room before sliding down the door until my ass was on the floor.

Today was hectic and overwhelming.

Hooking up with a strange older guy was not how I wanted my first time to be but I...

"Tracy are you in your room?"

Mom's voice cut my train of thought, she sounded tired.

"Yes Mom"

"Have you had dinner yet?"

"Yes I did"

"Don't forget to pull your window close, it gets colder in the night"

"Okay Mom, goodnight"

"Goodnight darling"

The lazy drag of her legs was the only sound in the house for a while until the soft click of her door welcomed silence and my thoughts back.


I've always only liked my neighbor/childhood best friend, who's also a huge jock, since like forever, but despite his platonic love for me, his looks and popularity had always gotten in the way of me getting any closer to him than a friend.

I had been clinging to this unrequited love for so long it began to be depressing, especially when I saw the type of girls he hung out with. Compared to them, I looked lame and way too normal.

And today, in my depression and desperation to get over my feelings for Jason, I met up with an older guy who I've been talking to on a hookup site for about two weeks now.

I had lied about my age, my school, the place I lived and even my name. Everything.

It was supposed to be just a date but Adrian, as he was called, was so...


"Are those..."

"Contacts?" Adrian had cut in, a smile on his flawless face as he shone his thirty-two pearls at me. "I usually wear glasses but just so I don't look lame beside a beautiful girl like yourself, I got these cool contacts instead."

He added as we walked into the beach area where we had chosen for our date, there were a few people scattered here and there, the weather was just right and the waves were gentle and to some extent calming.

"Woah, I don't think you would look lame in your glasses" I said as my eyes instinctively travelled down the remaining part of him.

He had a clean French crop haircut that complimented his boyish looks, was tall, lean, muscular, wore a pretty dress shirt and simple black suit trousers.

"You... You actually look cool."

I shyly combed a few strands of my hair behind my ear as I glanced at him to see he had a gentle smile on his face and the tips of his ears were red.

He was cute

"You're good with words, Miss Samantha."

That was the fake name I gave him and it sounded so strange to me, yet I smiled, puckered my lips in an attempt to look cute and batted my eyes.

"I try"

We both laughed at that and just stopped to take in the view of each other.

Adrian is handsome and fun almost like Jason was, yet it felt like something was missing.

"Do you want to remove your shoes and walk closer to the water?" Adrian interrupted my thoughts.

"Yeah sure"

With our shoes in our hands, we walked closer by the water and every few seconds as we chatted away, I could feel his hands brush slightly against mine until finally we were holding hands,

His were warm. Would Jason's be this warm if he held mine like this too?

I smiled at the thought but shook my head once I realized what I was doing.


Damn, why am I still thinking about him when I'm on a date with a more mature guy who's hot and tall and sexy and he's holding my hands.

"So how old are you, Samantha?"

"Huh? Umm I'll be twenty-four this year"

"Wow, you look sixteen" he smiled as he looked more closely at my face, making me shy away a bit.

"So you would go on a date with a sixteen years old"

"No" he laughed "I knew you weren't that young since you're in your final year at the federal college of education, which is impressive, by the way."

"Oh yeah" I laughed awkwardly, "you're smart."

"I'm in the educational sector and I'm twenty-eight, I should be smart."

But you're not.

You're being played by an eighteen-year-old child, ten years your junior.

"Come, let's get closer" he suddenly said as he grabbed my hand tighter and pulled me closer to the water.

His back looked big and stronger than Jason's did, but light always surrounded him and made him look like an angel even from behind. Always.

Not until I felt a little splash of water on my face did I come back to reality to see I was ankle deep in water already.

"Come on", I heard him laugh as he splashed more water at me, and, of course, who am I not to indulge a handsome man in such a childish game.

We played around for a while before leaving the beach and went on to other places in the small town, we visited little tourist centers, their restaurants, campuses, museums and many more.

By the time we were tired of walking around, the sun had set and we were on the most popular place in town; Cupid's bridge where, apparently, couples are free to do any sort of PDA that they liked without getting the ugly looks from people.

There were couples just casually walking hand in hand like me and Adrian and some who were making out. Myth has it that once on this bridge, kissing is imminent.

Tch, I doubt that though. If I came here with Jason instead, would he even have any intention of kissing me? He probably never saw me as a girl and even if he did, it was probably in a sisterly way.

"Have you ever had an unrequited love, Adrian?" It was a subconscious question but it had him stopping under a dimly lit street light.

"I wouldn't call it an unrequited love" he answered while leaning on the iron rails of the bridge "it was more of a crush. I knew she was way out of my league. But I couldn't help falling in love."

"Even with your looks?" I asked with a smile. Wouldn't a younger version of Adrian not look as good as Jason is? How come someone was out of his league?

"I was an awkward looking teenager then and I was chubby" he chuckled, looking up in what seemed like a reminisce.

"No way" I gasped, that was hard to imagine.

"Yes way and..." He gestured at his face "my freckles were more prominent and 'ugly'" he snickered.

"You do have freckles" I just realized as my hands subconsciously reached out to caress them, they weren't prominent and were scattered like tiny stars along his upper cheeks "and they're definitely not ugly."

"Samantha" he breathed out as his arms wrapped around me in an embrace.

It was warm, the way he called my fake name and the way his heart beat could be heard from his chest. If only I could drown in this warmth and forget about Jason.

I snuggled in deeper



I need more of this warmth...

"Adrian" I whispered as I slowly wriggled out of his arms to stare up at his eyes. They shone. It could be because of the lights' reflection on his contacts or me, but it doesn't matter.

I wanted more of him.

And so, with my toes tipped, I initiated the first kiss...

My first kiss...