Poor guy

Tracy's POV

"So let me get this straight" Reece said as she stood up to face me with her eyebrows raised "after everything that happened, you just cut him off like that?"

"Well..." I started "here's what actually happened..."


Hands roamed my body, it was hot how every touch sent shivers of pleasure down my spine.

I've never felt this much in all my life and lost in the moment, I forgot about my crush on Jason and all that occupied my mind was Adrian, his lips and his hands that were all over my body.

It was ironic how everything played out. One moment I was determined to go on a simple date that involved no intimate touching and the next I was initiating a kiss and somehow even compelling Adrian to take us to a 'quiet place' even though he insisted for a bit that we take things slow.

I won, and we found ourselves walking hand in hand with our red faces to a motel.

Once in I became even more desperate. like a repressed animal I grabbed at his shirt to pull him closer and connected our lips again but unlike the one on the bridge, this one was more lust filled and desperate.

"Samantha..." Adrian breathed as he pulled away from me to hold me at arms length, his peach coloured lips looked swollen and beautiful as he spoke. They were all I could see at that moment.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked to be sure making me look at his eyes, they looked concerned but even that emotion couldn't mask the lust that hide behind those fake Iris.

I smiled as I took a step back away from his hold while still holding his stare, I slowly reached for the zip on the back of my short flowery gown.

He gulped as he watched my dress pool at my feet leaving me in only my lace underwears.

"I want you Adrian" I said hoping I sounded seductive enough to have him not oppose my attempts again and take what I was offering while offering me himself too

He stood silent for a few seconds as he only stared at me. My face burned a bright red as he made no movement

"Or I can just put my dress back onmmpf..." I didn't get to finish my embarrassed speech when his lips were on mine again.

And that was how we ended where we were; my back to the soft caress of the bed while Adrian above me worshipped my body.

Adrian is gentle and the way he handled me reflected it. He made sure I was comfortable even asking if he could touch certain parts of my body which in my headspace I wouldn't even mind.

When it came to the actual part where our bodies were to merge, he made sure I gave my consent before his member penetrated me.

With every gentle thrust came whispers of sweet nothings and feathery kisses that left shivers of pleasure on its wake and when we were both close to our high, he pulled me up from my lying position to that of a hug.

His bigger body enveloped mine as he thrust upward into me. Our bodies, connected in every way felt hot and sweaty and sexy.

My orgasm didn't take long to hit and for a moment I thought I had traveled through space and time

Adrian's groaned as he came shortly after, his voice deeper and sexier than anything I've ever heard except if I was counting Jason's voice.

"Fuck that was amazing" he whispered as he planted kisses all over my shoulder "you did good baby"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I suddenly thought of Jason 'how would this have turned out if it were with Jason'

'would he be this caring or be a bit rough since he's a teenager?"

Oh my God, I whimpered.

I want to be in Jason's arms like this, I want to feel his body like this too.

My heart clenched as all my feelings for Jason suddenly become more highlighted now that I was feeling so vulnerable.

"Hyuk..." The cry escaped my lungs before I could even think of holding it in.

"Hey, Sam, are you okay?" Adrian asked while trying to take a look at my face but I only tighten my hold around his shoulder and buried my face in his nape, "did I do something wrong"

I shook my head as I continued to cry, this was overwhelming, the vulnerability.

"It's not you" I said into his neck as I sniffle "I'm sorry Adrian...

...I'm in love with someone else"

Pause flashback)

"OMG Tracy, you told him that?" Reece shouted as she sat down on the little bench I was sitting on and faced me, a concerned look on her face as she added...

"Poor guy"

"I didn't want to say it Reece. The words just kind of came out?" My self-defense didn't seem to get through to my friend as she suddenly looked pointedly at me disappointed

I gulped

She sighed

"So what did he say?"

Flashback resumes;

"Wh... what?" His words vibrated from his back.

"I'm sorry I just thought I could get him off my mind if I was with someone different but it..."

"Shhh..." Adrian pulled me away from himself gently and looked into my eyes "let's umm... Let's get cleaned up first okay?" He stuttered before getting up, offering me his hand to take so we could make our way to the bathroom.

He acted cool throughout the shower which we took together and even when we clothed ourselves and he blew dry my hair, he was gentle and cool but behind the facade I could see the hurt, the disappointment and betrayal...?


We left the hotel in silence.

He walked a bit ahead while I was a few steps behind. Unlike the playful Adrian that walked hand in hand with me with a big grin on his face when we crossed the bridge. Now he looked quite and mature and a bit pissed off.

I don't want to leave like this.

"Adrian" I called out making him stop walking but he didn't turn around so I walk closer to him until I was beside him.

"I'm so sorry Adrian, I..."

He sighed with his head raised up, a rather loud sound that interrupted me

"I've never felt so used in all my twenty eight years of life Samantha" he finally turned to face me, the hurt he had been trying to hide pouring out from his eyes "and to think I was catching feelings on the first date only to be dumped like this"

"Adrian please..." I tried to grab his hand but he took a step back

"I'll walk you to the train station, let's call it off from there" with that he resumed walking and I followed, my head hung low.

When we got to the train station Adrian bought me ticket to the town he thought I lived in which was actually just on the way to my town.

We waited in silence until my train arrived and it was time for me to board and leave.

I turned to face Adrian who had his hands shoved in his pocket with a pointed look on his face as he stared down at me.

"Once again, I'm sorry Adrian" I turned back around and started off for the train when my arm got grabbed and I was turned around and pulled into a hug.

"Whoever he is" he pulled me closer "I hope he gets to love you the way you do him" he pulled away from me and took a step back "have a nice life Samantha" he managed to give a half-hearted smile as I smiled back and got on the train.

He stood where he was, watching me until the train pulled away from the station.

I took my phone out, opened my contact and deleted Adrian's number.

I won't be seeing him again after all. This was our first and last goodbye.

So much for a first date and my first time. I thought as I placed my head on the glass window and relaxed to the sound of the moving train as I traveled home.

End of flashback

"In all my six years of being your friend Tracy, I've never thought you could actually hurt someone else's feelings"

"Come on Reece, it wouldn't have been fair to lead him on"

"No Tracy, what's not fair is you not even giving the super nice guy a chance" she thinned her lips before smiling widely and pulled me in for a hug "but I'm proud of you for being honest and all that emotional part aside..." Her grin grew big and mischievous as she lets go of me to wiggle her eyebrows "how was the sex?"

"It was amazing Reece, most wonderful experience ever" I fawned, I mean just because it didn't end well with Adrian doesn't mean I wouldn't praise what we went through.

"Oh my gosh, see you transition into a lady" Reece cooed, "if only there was a guy as cool as Kakashi sensei, I would most likely give my virginity to him" she added with a dreamy look on her face just as the bell rang in the background.

"Your abnormal love for this guy who doesn't even exist is becoming weird" I scoffed as I got up and threw my bag over my shoulder, Reece joining me too as we head for the rooftop's door.

"Are you questioning my orientation?" Reece asked as we go down the stairs heading for our individual classes.

"Not really I'm just saying I've never seen someone with a crush on an anime character before is all"

"Well here I am duh, there's a reason why I'm pansexual and not straight you know"

"Okay.. ?" I asked in agreement "but what does that even mean?"

"it means I love with my heart and not my VG girl"

"what the hell..."

Third person POV:

Their voice continue to fade the farther away they got from the rooftop until it was inaudible.

"Damn, girls can be so fucking loud when they talk" a figure groaned as he sat up from behind a small building structure, behind which Tracy and Reece had been sitting with their back to it not long ago.

As if on cue, his phone blared making him hiss as he answered the call.

"Hey Louis, Mr. Maxwell would like to see you in the basketball court now" a voice hurriedly said from the device before the line went off with a beep.

"I didn't even get to sleep a wink all cause of those damn girls" Louis muttered as he reluctantly got up from the floor to head to the door.

"Shame I didn't get to see their faces and make fun of them for all the rubbish they were spewing" he sighed as he left the rooftop too, not really giving enough care to the girls' conversation from earlier.

'Not like it will affect my life in anyway' was what he thought at that moment, oblivious to what life held in store for him.