Was there really no way?

Chapter 242

Stockholm Syndrome.

All of them were suffering severely from this condition.

Even though the demons had abused them their entire lives, they still wanted to return to them, even now.

The thought alone made her stomach twist. How could they want to go back? To willingly step into the chains that had held them down, crushed them, torn them apart piece by piece…

"WHY? Just WHY?" a crazed slave muttered while biting his fingernails. His fingers were gnawed down to the quick, raw and red, trembling as he chewed on them with a strange desperation. "Why would someone interfere!? Maybe my… my master would have taken me away if only everything hadn't been interrupted…"

Hearing this, a few other slaves had a strange glint in their eyes. "Right… m-my owner would never abandon me…"

"M-My mistress too, s-she is often strict but a-at least I-I could still live…"