The Deep Plan!

Chapter 270

She wasn't just something to be used, to be thrown away when convenient.

She knew that if she broke down now, if she sobbed and made him notice her pain, it would only make things harder for him.

Her thin hands trembled as she clutched his clothes tighter, biting her lip hard to suppress the lump rising in her throat.

'I cannot distract him.'

That was the least she could do in this situation.


But what she hadn't realized…

Oliver was not as admirable as she believed.

She did not think about other things in her mind.

As she had said in her own words—she was hidden because Oliver used Abyss energy to cover her presence and risked his life out there for her.

But… was that really the case?

If he could mask her presence using Abyss energy…

Then why had he not done the same for himself?