We Need Jennie

In the car

Hismael on the phone.

Hismael: [Nimia, I am leaving the companyto you for some time.]

Nimia: [Okay, when will you be back?]

Hismael: [I have no idea, apparentlymy son is sick]

Nimia: [Oh, she finally told you.]

Hismael: [You knew about it?]

Nimia: [ Hm, yes. I have to go now so... . See you.] (hung up*

Hismael: Jennie, who were you dating agian?

Jennie: hm, please focus on the road and your child.

Hismael: Unbelievable.

At Jennie's Mom house

Hismael knocked in a hurry, and Jennie was shouting "mom!"

Hismael: Do you have your keys?

Jennie: I don't live here.

Hismael: Then, don't blame me for what I am about to do.

Hismael was about to break the door, when Jennie's mom just opened the door. Then, he stopped like "oh sorry"

Hismael: Sorry ma'am.

Mrs.J: It is okay cause I am a bit slow.

Hismael: (a bit, now I know why Jennie can't take useful decision)

Mrs.J: come in.

Hismael: ( gentlemanly let Jennie pass first and he followed her into the house * Where is he?

Mrs.J: He is up stairs.

The next day on the news

Reporter: the famous designer Jennie J has been caught in her ex car both driving to her mom house. Suspicious isn't it? Did they fool us with a fake break up? Don't worry, the news is here for you. We will find out.

At the company.

All the employees gossiping about the news.

Ariche: What are you guys talking about?

Employee : Ariche, haven't you seen the news it seems that the CEO fooled us all.

Ariche: Nonsense, we will have been the first one to know.

Mimia's side

Marcus: (knocks on the door* Can I come in?

Nimia: Yeah sure.

Marcus: (Open the door* I have something to tell you.

Nimia: say it (folding clothes*

Marcus: I had an affair.

Nimia: with who ( stops folding*

Marcus: Many girls, but this time it was Ariche.

Nimia: (turns around* Many girls? (trying to not cry*

Marcus: That's why I wanna tell.

Nimia: I wanted to tell something similar, but it was just once and an accident. (squats*

Marcus: stand up, please.

Nimia: Jennie told me once that distance relationships are bad, but I thought that there was not much distance between us, but you said many girls, Marcus!

Marcus: I didn't mean to lie to you, but I never get to be home, so when I came I just wanted to give you all my love, my time, and joy. I wasn't brave enough to break it up to you, or even break up, but now I know we are getting old and need to get married, and I feel like I am not the one.

Nimia: (Stands up and hugs him* Thank you, those years weren't in vain.

Marcus: (hugs her back* We can still be friends, right? I know the child is not mine.

Nimia: yes, but the father of the child is…

Jennie rings the bell

Look at each other, then separated

Nimia: Are you waiting for someone?

Marcus: No, I am not.

They both went down stairs and answer the door together

Nimia: Good morning,...

Marcus: Jennie?

Jennie: Opening the door like a couple.

Nimia: (feeling awkward* Enter please (Makes way*

Jennie: (Enters and sits down on the left or right couch* Sit down.

Nimia looks at Marcus like " Why are we being oder in our own house?". Then they both sat down.

Marcus: What brings you here?

Nimia: Would you like some water?

Jennie: No, thank you.

Jennie: Marcus, do you know she did it with Hismael.

Marcus: He is the father.

Nimia: yeah

Jennie: Hello, she cheated on you!

Marcus: I know and I did too, so we broke up.

Jennie: You knew?! You knew, you knew. (stands up* so I am the only one who had no clue?(leaves*

Nimia: No we just talked it out.

Jennie: And not of you is upset? Did you guys ever love each other, even a tiny bit?

Marcus: I think we were both upset, but we understand so we are fine.

Jennie: Jess(leaves*

They both said "Oh no" looking at each other

At night

Jennie takes medicine against stress, then drinks, cries, and falls asleep. In the morning Ariche called and she looked at her phone then picked it up.

Jennie: [Hello.]

Ariche:[ Come to the company right now!]

Jennie:[ Why would I want to go there?]

Ariche: [Because the trio of traitors are here talking about how to make things up to you.]

Jennie: [I will check my schedule.] (did I wronged them)

Ariche: [Hello, have you checked?]

Jennie: [Free at 2 pm to 2:30 pm sorry.]

Ariche: [okey] (hung up*

At the company

Nimia, Hismael and Marcus are all in the coffee room.

Nimia: Knowing Jennie she might be really mad right now.

Hismael: That might be true.

Nimia: So I don't know. What should we do to make it up to her?

Hismael: her birthday is in four days,

Nimia: That's true.

Marcus: Let's throw a party for her, letting her know that we are sorry, and didn't mean to hurt her feelings. We could fix our friendship too.

Nimia: We are talking about Jennie J!

Hismael: It might work.

Nimia: Are you guys sure about this.

Marcus and Hismael: Yeah

Nimia: (Roll eyes.* Okay let's do this then.

Marcus and Hismael: Yeah! We got this!