Marcus: Jennie, chill. You know it is not easy to tell someone that you are the cause of her miss fortune.
Jennie: But is it that easy to hide the truth from that person?
Marcus: Well not really.
Jennie: So?
Marcus: I can't just tell her. She is a mother now let her be happy then I will spill it out.
Jennie: It is all on you. And? Couldn't you just use condoms?
Marcus: You need to be extremely protected, you never know what could happen.
Jennie: Sure. By the way if you do that to me without my consent. I WILL Take your HEAD off.
Marcus: Yo, chill…
Jennie: Sorry I don't want to.
Marcus: talking about Nimia. When are they coming home?
Jennie: in 4 days.
Marcus: That's great!
Jennie: Why?
Marcus: Is this a question? I need a new student.
Jennie: And what will you teach her?
Marcus: How to disrespect Hismael.
Jennie: He is her father.
Marcus: And so?
Samantha: Sorry to interrupt your interesting conversation but I brought you some gifts. Why don't you take them?
Jennie: ah sorry.
4 days after.
Nimia left the hospital
Jennie: (Opens the door* Hey~ welcome back.
Nimia: Thank you. ( Holding the baby*
Jennie: Where is Ariche?
Nimia: I have to go get her at the parking lot. (Gives the baby to Jennie *
Jennie: (takes the baby * I see. What a cute little girl. (Nimia smiled then left.*
Marcus: (Walking to the door* Who is it babe?
Jennie: Oh it was Nimia, but she went back to fetch Ariche.
Marcus: Let me see the baby tho.
Sammy: ( Runs to Jennie.* Be a gentleman, Kids first.
Marcus: I am sorry Master Sammuel (Bows*. Let Sammy see the baby first.
Sammy: Of course.
Jennie: Sammy, sit on the couch. (Sammy ran to the couch and sat down, Jennie walked to him and gently put the baby on his lap*
Sammy: Her head is so smooth. Too bad she can't see me. She doesn't know how handsome her brother is.
Marcus: He got this from his father.
Jennie: Sure, since we are not talking about his biological father.
Nimia: (Enters with Ariche* Hi Sammy, hi Marcus.
Marcus: (Walks up to her and gives her a side hug* {Ariche 'looking like I wasn't expecting this' Jennie 'looking like what the-'}
Ariche: H-hi Marcus. (Waves*
Marcus: Oh you should sit down ( Goes up to Ariche, brings her to the couch, then help her sit down*
Jennie: Marcus how about you go and get some drinks.
Nimia: I will get that.
Sammy: Ah, no no let my future daddy do all the work, he should learn how to be a gentleman.
Marcus: (stunned and 🤯 shocked*
Nimia: Sammy it is time to feed Lulu, may I have her?
Sammy: sure (Nimia took Luna and walked away*
Ariche: Sammy, let auntie see you.
Sammy: (don't you have eyes?) (Walks up to Ariche* Auntie, I believe you should go see an ophthalmologist.
Ariche: He knows such a big word!?
Jennie: If I were you I wouldn't try so hard.
Sammy: But, Ariche I will call you Ari. You seem to be more well mannered than my mom. You are indeed very special and beautiful.
Marcus: He gave her a compliment.
Sammy: I was just stating facts.
Ariche: how old is he?
Jennie: 4 years old.
Ariche: He is very impressive.