Chapter 1 GLW

Akira's PoV

I am Akira Stormsword, 17 years old the heir to a Yakuza group led by my father Kromer Stormsword but none of that matters to me

Living without my mom made me feel horrible, she left when I was eleven, in exchange to that she left me to take care of my little sister

I was furious the first time I knew my mother died when giving birth to her, during that time I don't even want to see my sister's shadow but, the moment she knew how to walk she'll always follow around me giving me her puppy dog eyes look and sweet innocent smiles. It angered me that she's shattering the invincible walls I made especially for her

Then I realized when I was fourteen that mom would like me to watch over her and take care of her, she's the last memento from my mother so, since then I loved her like I loved my mom, they look exactly alike with white hair and blue eyes

I got the color of my hair and blue on my right eye from my mom and brown on the left from my father and as for my personality I don't know who's to blame with it

I just finished my martial arts training, Stella usually joins in or watch me while I do my practice but, she hadn't been with me for a week now and that made me worry

"Where's Stella?" I ask one of our maids who's standing over the door and holding my change of clothes

"She's at her quarters young master" bowing giving me the clothes

I didn't respond but, decided to talk with Stella later during dinner, it seems like she's avoiding me, we're studying in the same school and recently she rarely comes to see me

Taking a bath and doing my homework before dinner is what I do, after that I just play video games, I'm still in high school what do you expect? I also do good at school, father will literally kill me if I didn't, always giving me a lecture of having good grades every meal that's how serious he is about grades

"Young master, dinner is served" a knock on my door from the maid

"Okay" going out of my room, the maid following me three steps behind, they act towards us like we're in a royal family, afraid that we'll tell father about their behaviors and our head maid's the one responsible for training them

Father and Stella already on their seats when I arrive, Stella looked down to her plate immediately, right after a moment we started eating, father going off about making a good appearance and good grades is the "most important"

"Paps I got perfect scores in every subjects again" Stella said with a big smile

"Very good! What do you want in exchange?" Dad said, she calls him paps

"Ahhh...." she started nervously "I want to... to enter in the dance club?" She finished it stammering

"What? That's great! I would love to see you dance" dad said smiling at her

Stella looked at me I just gave her my sweet smile in which she returned, we finished our meal, father going off to his office this is my chance to ask Stella

"Ella? Can I talk to you?" She was about to stand up but sat down when I talked

"Yes?" Answering me with her cute voice

"what's wrong? are you avoiding me?" Not hiding around the bush, she's a smart kid

"I'm not" her eyes widening

"Yes, you are, you're not seeing me at school, not joining me at my practice and not talking to me for the whole week so, what's up?" After I said that she looked down "What's wrong? Tell me" encouraging her

"Ahh... ahhm.. I.. my classmate asked me if you don't find me an-annoying" not looking at me "I mean they're right, I always go to you and- and we're always together at home or even at school, they said they would find me annoying themselves" she's about to cry

"WHAT?! Who would dare to say that?!" She started crying now "I would- Ella baby listen to me, I would never find you annoying not now not ever, I actually missed you when you didn't come to see me at school and I was worried if something happened to you" going to her and hugged her

"I-I'm sowy bibo" she said while hiccuping

"Next time you should ask me first about things like that okay? Stop crying it's not your fault, it's fine now" cooing her "do you want to play with me at my room?" Asking her to lighten up her mood

"C-can I?" I wiped her tears with my hand

"Of course you're my princess right?" I carried her to my room we played until it's her bed time and I tucked her in bed

"Good night Ella my princess" I kissed her forehead

"Good night bibo"

I didn't regret having her in my life, what I regretted the most was that when I wasn't with her in her early years, when she was growing up so, I'm making up with it by being with her now and forever I swear it to my mother's grave