Chapter 2: Brewing Ideas

My heart began to race as I looked at Ray; he seemed just as out of it. It seems he wasn't ready to get jumped. There are about four big guys, all carrying various weapons; all of them are adults and they mean business. The biggest one in front, with dark skin, a black beard with a beanie, and broad shoulders, was the one that had been yelling. He stood taller than Ray at 6'5". He wore a brown vest and long blue jeans. A scar ran across his left grey eye, and he smiled at us impatiently, wielding his metal bat. Ray was the first to speak, his voice slightly shaky, "Didn't I beat the shit out of you earlier today? Get a life, Zafar." The man, Zafar, glared with a confident smile, "You just surprised me is all, but I am going to pay all that back right now." He pointed his bat at me, "Starting with your little pipsqueak friend."

Ray scoffed back, "You think I care what happens to that kid? He isn't involved in this. He isn't the one you should be worried about, I am." Some of the other men began to chuckle; Zafar laughed too, "You can't seriously think you'll beat all of us? We'll put that to the test." Zafar began approaching Ray with the bat, giving me room to move; seems like Ray drew him in. I looked to my right; there is tons of open space for me to run. I glanced at Ray; he seemed to be eyeing me, almost like he is telling me to get out of here. So obvious it hurts; he created this chance for me to run, but I won't do that. First of all, nobody decides my future but me, and second of all, I hate being in debt to someone.

Plus, I'm not an amazing fighter, but after looking at Ray in class every day, I can already see the path to victory here. Slowly, I turn towards the big man Zafar. I move silently as he is drawn in by Ray's taunt. I step carefully. Ray shouts at him, seemingly drawing his attention more, "I am going to crack that bald head of yours wide open." Just as Zafar approaches menacingly, as he is about to strike, I slide in behind him. With his back turned, it is easy to place my hand on his carotid artery. I target it precisely; before anyone can react, I apply as much force as I can to that one spot on the man's neck. His face goes pale right away; as proper pressure is applied, the bat he is holding slips out of his hands. He drops to his knees; he doesn't even have time to process what is happening before he is knocked out temporarily.

This technique severs the blood flow to a person's brain for a moment of time; it won't last forever, but he is unconscious right now. The bat that fell to the ground is like a puzzle piece that falls into place; I kick it lightly towards Ray. He is still a bit stunned, so I spur him to action, "You use a weapon like this, don't you? I can tell by your hands; they are rough and callused, and your core is very well trained. Well, this is your chance. Batter up." Ray snaps out of his confusion; he grabs the bat on the ground, giving me a side-eyed look. Ray smiles a little, "Batter up, eh? You hear that, you little roaches? Looks like I better get to squashing." He hits the ground a few times and does a few practice swings.

The three other unimpressive goons, seeing their leader knocked out, back away a little, almost unconsciously. Ray glares chillingly, "What's the matter? You heard how I beat those guys up with my bat earlier today? I thought you were gonna teach me a lesson?" They frown, losing their morale; they back up further until, like a pack of insects, they decide to scatter. One of them yells as he begins to run away, "Shit, you stupid damn kids! We'll be back, you better believe it!" Ray calls after them, "Bring more guys with you next time, preferably some with balls between their legs. I need the practice!"

I chuckle a bit uncharacteristically; then, he turns back to me, my hand still around Zafar's neck. Ray gives me a look of acknowledgment, "Quick thinking, kid. You're in my class, right? I didn't know you could fight." I let go of Zafar's neck, smiling a bit, "It's nothing that special; I just know how the human body works. Anyone can do this if they study. Who were those guys, anyways? You know them?"

Ray's expression hardens a bit; seems he's not willing to open up that easily, but he responds anyway, "Thugs. Part of a small-time gang around here called the Silent Eagles. They aren't enough to catch the eyes of the Laughing Reapers, but they have been causing me problems." I can see his knuckles grow white as he continues, "They started targeting my younger siblings, trying to get them to join their stupid gang. They try to recruit lackeys to do some of their dirty work, and then cast them away when they no longer hold value."

Come to think of it, I seem to remember some sad sack trying the same thing on me yesterday, so they are targeting those that seem vulnerable? Normally, something like this wouldn't make a dent in my mind. However despite that I just can't help but see my brother's face in my head; I had the suspicion Ray's situation at home was similar to my own. The difference being he seemed to be the one looking after his younger siblings instead. Putting the puzzle pieces together, I can assume he also doesn't live in this direction. No, most of the residential housing is on the east side of town; we are closer to the west side. Does he have a part-time job? Wait... I heard rumors he was in a gang or something.

I ask plainly, "Not to pry, but do you have some part-time job? Is that how they knew where you'd be after school?" Ray scratches his head, "Something like that, yeah. Their gang is small, but resourceful; they have ears all around this district. Their boss is a bit of a methodical type, not that I have met him. They started up about half a year ago, almost overnight. These types of small-time gangs are crushed by bigger ones eventually, but that doesn't lessen their effect right now."

I nod my head, putting aside the many other questions I have; I offer a suggestion, "Assuming I get the situation weeds like this gang will eventually be pulled if left alone. However, not anytime soon, right? They may come back for revenge for what we did here today." Ray frowns, crossing his arms, "Exactly. I messed up a few of them on my way to school today. You saw what they tried after school. Now that we beaten them back again, they will come again like ants to sugar." I frown, "We need to find a way to deal with them for good. Otherwise, we'll just keep playing this game of cat and mouse. It would appear whether I want it or not, we're in this together." He lightens up his stance a bit, "Seems that way since they saw you attack Zafar. Want to help each other out?"

I am not usually the type to meddle in others' affairs, but this time it would appear I am directly involved. I stick out my hand, "Name's Leo King. Let's work together." Ray is surprised by the sudden offer of a handshake, but his face softens a bit, "Likewise. Name's Ray Zen. It's a pleasure." Our handshake sends a chill up my spine; I wasn't used to being this friendly. To sort out the awkwardness in my chest, I offer, "First things first, let's get out of here before they come back. You said that weeds will go away eventually? Well, let's make that happen sooner rather than later. I know a good spot to talk away from prying eyes. Follow me."

Ray nods, "Lead the way." I decide to kill two birds with one stone and take him to Tony's bar. We make our way through the labyrinthine streets of Metro Island, navigating through the maze of dilapidated buildings and shadowy alleys. As we walk, I can feel the weight of Ray's gaze on my back, a silent reminder of the newfound alliance between us. Eventually, we arrive at Tony's bar, a modest establishment nestled in the heart of the town.

The bar sits at the edge of a bustling intersection, its weather-beaten facade standing out amidst the sea of crumbling structures. Flickering neon lights illuminate the entrance, casting an inviting glow onto the worn pavement. Inside, the atmosphere is cozy and welcoming, with dim lighting and the soft murmur of conversation filling the air.

Tony's bar is a refuge for the weary souls of Metro Island, a place where troubles can be forgotten, if only for a few hours. The walls are adorned with old photographs and memorabilia, each telling a story of days gone by. The bar itself is a polished wooden counter, behind which Tony stands, a grizzled figure with a warm smile.

Despite its modest size, Tony's bar exudes a sense of camaraderie and community, a place where strangers can become friends over a shared drink. As Ray and I step inside, I can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that we've found a safe haven for now. Tony, with his white hair, fat pot belly, and long white beard, looked like Santa Claus as he polished some glasses. He smiled when he saw us, "Ah, Leo, been awhile. You staying out of trouble? Oh, and you brought a friend? Want two macs on the house? I got your coffee here too." I smiled genuinely, "Two macs would be great, Tony. Oh, and thanks for the new book. I'll pay you back tenfold." Tony waved his hand, "Save your money, Leo. You've been saying that since you were six. You know you don't need to pay me back."

In that manner, he went to the back, got started on making his famous mac and cheese. We decided to go to the bar counter and wait; there were only a few other patrons after all. Plus, all of them were regulars I have seen often; they wouldn't mind a few kids hanging out at the bar. "I cleared my throat, "I think I may have the means to strike back at them. Not to get your hopes up, but I think the best course of action is to hurt their wallets." Ray tapped his fingers on the wood, "Hurt their wallets?" Just then, Tony reappeared, a smile playing on his lips as he held out a cup to each of us. "Fresh from our latest shipment," he announced, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Let me know how it tastes." I raised my cup, studying the contents with newfound determination. "We're going to hurt their wallets with this," I declared, a new fire burning in my eyes.