nothing lasts#12

-Matthew: "please guys, welcome your new classmate Rony Sergi"

"Mr. Bruno, you didn't have to come personally"

-Matthew: "it's okay professor, Rony is a brilliant student and i wanted to have the honor to get him to class"

"Rony please take a seat"

-Matthew: "Be nice to your new friend guys, Looking at you Jay."

-Jay: "yes sir, i'll be good to him don't worry"

-Matthew: "Jay.. where is your uniform?"

-Jay: "the suits i wear are more elegant sir"

-Kai: "he thinks he's the main character in some K-drama"

-Matthew: "kai, if you end up fighting later you'll be the one to blame"

-Jay: "you realize now that he's always the one starting things up sir?"

-Matthew: "it's okay.. this is the last time you enter the school without your uniform though, understood?"

-Jay: "yes sir, understood"




#lunch time, school's cafeteria#



-Jay: "what happened next?"

-Sezar: "my dad started lecturing me about how bad porn is and how it can ruin my entire life if i get addicted"

-Jay: "i love how he always takes of his time to give you life lessons, he's so cool"

-Sezar: "cool? Come on Jay, do i look like someone who watches porn? I already know it's a rabbit hole"

-Jay: "yeah.. fucking disgusting. But i'm just saying.. your father cares about you. He's open with you and always tries to guide you"

-Sezar: "i can't deny that.."

As they were talking, Jay saw Rony entering the canteen

-Jay: "hey Rony!" He waved at him

(-Rony: "oh great! I'm getting bullied on the first day of school")

He thought to himself while walked over to Jay and Sezar then said


-Jay: "go get your food and come join us" he smiled at him

Rony then left to get his food as Jay asked him

-Sezar: "who the fuck is this bitch?"

-Jay: "my new classmate"

-Sezar: "and? Why did you ask him to join us?"

-Jay: "because you're not in the same class as me.. i'm bored and i wanna make new friends from my class"

-Sezar: "friends? You? And this Rony alikes?"

-Jay: "yes sezar, are you perhaps jealous?"

-sezar: "WHAT!!? the fuck you yapping about?? why would I be!?"

-Jay: "Ahahahhaha! I'm just joking chill!"

-Sezar: "what a bitch!"

In these moments Rony got back with his food

-Jay: "so Rony, this is my friend sezar"

Rony shaked hands with him

-Rony: "it's nice to meet you."

-sezar: "welcome"

Jay was about to say something but he got interrupted by some loud voices and shouting coming from the table behind them,

So he and Rony turned around to check


-Kai: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!"

Kai got up from his seat and so did Anya, she started chasing after him in rounds around the table

-Daniel: "guys, sit down everyone's staring.."

Daniel covered his blushing face with his hand as he knew the other two weren't listening to him.

Jay and Rony turned back facing sezar again as Jay shaked his head slightly and sighed

-Sezar: "attention seeker"

-Jay: "Don't pay them any mind Rony"

-Rony: "is he a bad guy?"

-Jay: "kind of.. he's a hypocrite. All this act he pulled now was just to get people's attention,

He thinks he's funny or something. But you are free to get along with whoever you want, yeah?"

-Rony: "sure, (isn't that obvious?)"

-Sezar: "but as you can tell Jay and that clown aren't on good terms, so if you chose them Kai wouldn't let you hang out with us or would cut you off"

-Jay: "yeah, because he's kinda sick"

-Sezar: "I feel bad for Anya though"

-Jay: "Anya who?"

-Sezar: "the girl with them.. she's in the class next to mine, he always comes to her and annoys her, he calls her names to piss her off and shit"

-Jay: "oh yeah.. I thought he liked her"

-Sezar: "I heard him say so but you know, it's hard to tell with him sometimes"

-Rony: "but how could he bully somebody he likes? I mean picking on someone all the time and calling them names is bullying right? He even poured juice on her now.."

Jay and Sezar looked at each other for a moment as they realized that the description Rony just gave fits them too so well.

-Sezar: "yes, well.. Kai tends to make the shit he does look funny like some type of a play, unlike Jay"

-Rony: "Jay is.. a bully!?"

-Jay: "SEZAR!!"

-Sezar: "NO! NO!! of course not!"

(-Rony: "wow this explains why professor Bruno asked him to be nice to me personally,

Well at least they're being nice to me and willing to protect me from their rival in bullying")







-Sezar: "shit we had to cancel our plans because of this heavy rain"

-Jay: "yeah, it's such a pity. But we still can do some home activities"

-Sezar: "why not in your garage?"

-Jay: "it must be so cold in there now"

-Sezar: "that's no big deal"

-Jay: "it is for me, I hate cold, can't stand it"

As they were wandering with the car, going nowhere, they saw Rony standing in the rain

As soon as he saw him, Jay stopped the car and rolled down the window

-Jay: "hey, you going somewhere?"

-Rony: "ah- y-yes.. I have.. private maths classes"

-Jay: "jump in, let me drive you there"

Rony hesitated at first and found it embarrassing but he got in the car with them anyway because he needed a ride

A few minutes later, they got to where Rony studies, they dropped him off then went on their way

-Sezar: "what's wrong with you being so nice to him?"

-Jay: "nothing.. even I can be nice sometimes"

-Sezar: "yes you can"

-Jay: "you really are jealous huh?"

-Sezar: "no I'm not.. I already know what you're trying to do.. you're gonna make him dependent on you"

-Jay: "you read me like an open book sezar, but that's not the only reason, I really am trying to be kind.. I want to leave a good impression at least once in my life. And you know that I have a bad reputation in school but this boy doesn't know all about it yet so maybe.. Maybe I can make him think good of me.."

-Sezar: "I think good of you.."