#1 month later#
-Kai: "Haha! Bet everyone will assume you're my son, because I grew a beard and you didn't and you look so short next to me."
-Daniel: "yea very funny"
-Kai: "but seriously look at that baby face, guji guji"
he started pinching Daniel's cheeks and teasing him
-Matthew: "you're going to shave your beard anyway so it shouldn't matter."
-Kai: "what!? No way I'm doing that!"
-Matthew: "Kai you do realize that today is your wedding, you have to shave and get a haircut."
-Kai: "no Matthew! You can't force me."
-Matthew: "I said what I have, don't test my temper."
-Daniel: "huh guess looking like your son problem is solved."
-Kai: "you don't get to mock me baby face!"
In these moments Ethan entered Kai's room where Daniel, Matthew and Charlie were getting him ready
-Ethan: "helloooo."
He shaked hands with everyone then hugged Kai,
-Kai: "Ethan man I still can't believe that you grew up as much."
-Ethan: "and I can't believe that I can call you a dog freely!"
-Daniel: "Ethan! Why'd you show up like that!? I asked you to wear a suit!"
-Ethan: "so what if I'm dressed casually? since when you care about all that Danny? Chill."
-Ethan: "dang! You're no fun big bro!
I won't brag about knowing you personally in school anymore, it's nothing to be proud of with you being so boring."
-Kai: "I know right? Look at him, he didn't even grow a beard."
-Daniel: "I didn't grow a beard and you're still a virgin in your late twenties. although you were the one always talking big and teasing Anya, you didn't get to do shit."
-Kai: "when you're roasting somebody you don't say something that's offensive to you as well, that's not how it works."
-Daniel: "why'd you assume that I'm a virgin?"
-Kai: "what do you mean?"
-Ethan: "oooh so your social media isn't crowded with fangirls spamming you in vain huh?"
-Daniel: "yes it is in vain, because it was with mina before she passed away."
-Daniel: "I never got the chance to.."
-Ethan: "this went from 0 to 100 real quick, How does Daniel get to hit before you Kai?"
-Daniel: "Why're you even being so explicit?.. you're a minor."
-Ethan: "I'm becoming 18 in a year shut up!"
Kai's left eye was twitching as he seemed to be very offended
-Charlie: "don't worry Kai!! Tonight is your night!! And being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed of! Look at Matthew he's old as fuck but still a virgin and it doesn't bother him. Right Matthew?"
-Matthew: "single and virgin are two different things, I just don't blabber about my experiences with women like you."
-Charlie: "Tssk, you're so boring."
-Ethan: "big bro! Have you ever tried hooking up with someone? I'm very curious tell me!!"
Daniel looked around and all he saw was them four not blinking an eye while waiting for an answer, they all seemed to be invested.
-Daniel: "..w-well.. I've tried in a moment of weakness but my body wouldn't react like it did with Mina so.."
They all suddenly started acting in a strange way, They had stupid dispirited expressions on their faces,
Charlie suddenly hugged Daniel while Matthew started patting his shoulder, Kai was playfully banging his head against the mirror and Ethan was shaking his head in disappointment.
Daniel was confused by their reaction
-Daniel: "what.. what is wrong?"
-Kai: "so first you didn't grow a beard and now this huh.."
-Matthew: "can you stop talking about some hair as if it's some big achievement?"
-Ethan: "but it is.."
-Charlie: "Ethan.. we told you to greet the guests that arrive early, are you planning to do so looking like that?"
-Daniel: "that's what I was saying."
Ethan looked at Charlie's reflection on the mirror that him and Kai were facing then answered
-Ethan: "no, I brought the suit with me to change here. I didn't want to walk down the street all dressed up."
-Daniel: "you could've asked Victoria or anybody for a ride.."
-Ethan: "my parents came in the car as well but I didn't want to."
He then placed his hands on Kai's chest and said
"Damn! Look at them pecs!"
-Kai: "sexy huh?"
-Daniel: "you two are hella disgusting, I'm going to check on my daughter."
-Matthew: "Shiley is dressing her up."
-Daniel: "yea but.. she's just texted me saying that she's crying I don't know why.."
Later on and when all the guests finally arrived,
The wedding party started. It wasn't a very big one, they had the house's garden all decorated and set up for it and they invited their close ones only.
Kai and Anya exchanged the marriage vows, the gifts were presented, and everyone danced and had a lot of fun..
When they started taking pictures for memory everyone noticed that Kai was keeping a straight face in every picture.
-Gerald: "is nobody gonna tell me why's Kai not smiling for the pictures?"
-Daniel: "Matthew forced him to shave his beard, He said he wants to remember it forever."
-Gerald: "so he's okay with looking like he was forced into this marriage just because he had to shave his beard?"
-Daniel: "I don't know man, he's so random."
Gerald glanced at Daniel and smiled at him without him noticing it, he was happy because that was one of the few times where Daniel didn't call him sir.
-Gerald: "Daniel.."
-Daniel: "yes sir?"
Gerald then sighed as he realized that Daniel's habit of calling him sir wouldn't change
-Gerald: "how about you settle down as well?"
-Daniel: "huh? You mean get married?"
-Gerald: "yes.."
-Daniel: "no.. I'm good."
-Gerald: "come on Daniel.. you're not planning to spend the rest of your life alone are you?"
-Daniel: "I'm not alone, I have you all by my side, Kai is back now and I have a daughter to take care of."
-Gerald: "I'm not talking about family and friends.. having someone of your own.. someone to be there for you alone, someone who put no one above you is what I'm talking about.."
-Daniel: "Mina was that person to me and nobody can replace her..
sir.. have you ever thought of remarrying when your wife passed away?"
-Gerald: "no.. but that's a different story,
Linda and I lived our life to the fullest before she left.. we got married, we had our own house and we had a child of our own.. we had the life that every couple dreams of and that is why.. when she left I didn't feel the need to look for anyone else because I was satisfied..
But you and Mina didn't have much time, before you even could have anything together.. she was gone."
-Daniel: "then let's just say that I'm satisfied with the little time I had with Mina.."
-Gerald: "Daniel, if you think that since you're still keeping a bond with me, I'd be mad if you got with someone else after my daughter then that's not true.. I'm old yes, but I don't get pressed when I see young people getting a life."
-Daniel: "no- that's not it.. well how dear you are to me is one of the reasons but the main reason is that my heart and my soul are dedicated to Mina.. so getting with another woman doesn't sound right.. I'd only hurt her."
-Gerald: "okay.. understandable."
In these moments, Mina approached Daniel, she held his hand and shaked it slightly to get his attention
-Mina: "papa!"
He looked down at her
-Daniel: "yes Mina?"
-Mina: "Ethan ate my share of the cake."
Her eyes gargled with tears
-Daniel: "eerrrgh! He's so childish, I really can't tell who's 7-years-old, you or him."
Gerald then carried Mina and said
-Gerald: "that Ethan is always annoying you, isn't he?"
-Mina: "yes grampa."
She said while trying to hold her tears back
-Gerald: "let's go teach him a lesson!"
He high fived her as they left Daniel's side.
When he saw Daniel standing alone, Kai walked over to him
-Kai: "thank you."
-Daniel: "for what..?"
-Kai: "for everything, for taking care of my mom and Anya especially."
-Daniel: "pfft you're making me feel like an outcast, they're my people too."
-Kai: "..you're right sorry."
-Daniel: "plus this is nothing compared to everything you've done for me since we ever met."
-Kai: "yea shut up we're not in a competition."
-Daniel: "Anya looks so much like her father doesn't she?"
-Kai: "yes.. I asked her not to invite her mother if it will make her uncomfortable but look at her all happy and taking pics with them."
-Daniel: "they're her family after all,
unlike her mom, her dad is a very sweet person."
-Kai: "he'd come back for her when he knew that she was getting abused if he were. I don't think that his job abroad was more important."
-Daniel: "don't judge him like that Kai.. when he came back he was really worried, he let her continue live with me because he didn't want to divorce Lauren and you never know what he's been through.."
-Kai: "No Daniel, sometimes the decision we have to make is obvious and easy but we tend to make things complicated by lumping it in with less important things."
-Daniel: "says who.."
Kai gave Daniel a side eye as Daniel continued
"you never got to choose between your daughter and wife.. it must be hard."
-Kai: "it's not when the wife is sick."
They remained silent for a moment till Kai spoke
"do you think that Ethan has a thing for Nya? He's been showering her with compliments since morning."
-Daniel: "he's a player you need to protect your sister in law from him."
-Kai: "hmmmh he grew up to become that type of people huh?"
-Daniel: "of course he looked up to you since he was a kid."
-Kai: "you know what, I'll go ask Anya for a dance, Talking to you is making me go nuts."
Kai headed to the bride stand to take Anya for a dance leaving Daniel alone with his foggy vision and muddled thoughts
"I'd be lying if I said that I don't dream of a wedding like this anymore..
Sometimes in my dreams I see her..
stunning a white dress with her hair tied up in an elegant bun,
I take her hand and help her go down with me to exchange the marriage vows and not just our hearts but our last names become one..
We dance as our laughter fill the place under the sun,
She says yes to me announcing to the entire world that out of everyone I was her choice..
We promise each other to stay together through the sorrows before joys
She then whispers to my ear with some words
that I fail to hear because of all the noise,
but the feeling of her breath alone makes me fail to keep my poise..
And when everyone gets back to their lives
after gathering to rejoice with us..
I get her to be all mine.. as this thought floods my mind, I cross all the lines..
When we finally get to once again intertwine.
In my dreams.. everything is heartwarming just like the smile she gave me the very first time we talked.. in my dreams everything is perfect just like her.. My only love, my fairytale.."