Chapter 3

Author: Thanks for reading and for supporting.

Den: I don't feel like introducing myself to you.

Author: And I wonder why you're here.

Den: I had nowhere to go. Couldn't sit around and wait for the next chapter either. I get bored easily.

Author: So do I. Am bored with you already.

Den:............ I'm leaving.

Author: Goodbye.

Den: You're suppose to stop me.



After sending the message, just like Den told her to, the two left the kingdom of Peace.

Surely, there was something wrong with Den's new map but he didn't want to acknowledge or accept it.

But then, thing was for sure, they were not here because they were lost.

The inn they decided to stay in for the night was just an hour away from Live Village. Den never told her his plans, but she knew they were not heading the wrong way.

Her master intentionally led them here.

And she knew why.


After settling in their rooms, Den decided to go out for some air.

On a tree, he sat on the branch, staring at the night sky, enjoying the fresh air while dismissing any unnecessary thoughts.

Being free, really was the ideal life.

"The night takes over. The day moves away. The darkness take over. The light consumes. I wonder, who can put an end to me...............a lonely soul"

"I figured you'll be here"

Mira was shown, standing on one of the tree branches, beside him.

Den was not taken back cause he sensed her presence way before she spoke.

Excited, he looked at her, saying, "Listen to this Mira" he cleared his throat before beginning, "'The night takes over. The day moves away. The darkness take over. The light consumes. I wonder, who can put an end to me......a lonely soul'. What do you think?"

"Is lame"

"I tried so hard" a pouting Den said.

Watching him, Mira couldn't help but smile, finding him cute. Suddenly, Den's expression changed, looking serious and Mira realized something was wrong too.


"On it!"

She took off, jumping off the branch to other as she also focused on her surroundings.

Worried, Den decided to join her. He could smell the scent of blood and this made him really worried.

Could it be someone faced danger?

Who was it?

It didn't take long. He reached the dead end of the scent and what he saw put a horrified look on his face.

Mira, already there, couldn't help but stare as well.

What happened here?

On the ground lied more than five men. All dressed in worn out clothes. Their faces revealed, they realized they knew none of them.

The fresh blood from their bodies proved they were killed not long ago.

Yes, they were dead. Den could smell the scent of death.

Mira who didn't know this, checked to see if any of them was alive.

While Den, captured by something on the ground before him, stared. He bent and realized it really was drips of blood.

The scent also revealed it belonged to none of the dead men.

"They're dead" Mira said after checking on them.

Den wasn't surprised. He already knew that.

Noticing his weird behavior, Mira joined him, looked down and noticed the drips of blood as well.

Her master hasn't comented on it. This meant.........

"The culprit............."

Getting up, Den revealed, "If am right, these are bandits. They attacked someone they shouldn't have and ended up dead"


"The culprit.......they must have been hurt. I don't think these guys did it. Could be he was hurt when he encountered them. Thinking they had the upper hand, they fought him and lost"

No weapon could be seen........... Could be they were into martial arts.

Den thought, nodding.

"Too bad. This is why I don't go around picking fights"

Smiling, he said, "I know right?"

Ah, Mi.....she kept in mind everything he taught her.

That's right! Don't go around picking fights cause the weakest, could turn the strongest in just a few seconds.

Or minutes,........Or hours,.....Or days,.....Or weeks,.....Or years!

Just don't go around picking fights!

"You don't want to investigate?" Mira asked, considering her master loved solving cases.

Shrugging, he said, "Why should I? They got what they deserved. Bad people who can't or doesn't want to change deserve death. That's the only way they'll be saved from hell"

Funny how he put it. She (Mira) thought, shaking her head before asking,

"What about the reason master? It counts right? Why they turned out the way they did? Why they turned bad, I mean"

"If there's a good reason, there's a good chance they can change. If there's a bad reason, there's a good chance they can change"

There he went again, confusing her.

She thought, rolling her eyes.

"But it actually depends on the person and the people they meet or have around them"

Well, she understood this part.

Made sense.

"Like me. I'm willing to change for you and the others. Am willing to give up everything if you tell me to. Am who I am now, because of you"

Hearing those words from Den left her speechless.

She stared at a smiling Den, admiring him even more.

"Did your heart just skip a beat?"

Ah, and he spoiled the mood.

"Master, if you were the last man on earth, I'll rather become a nun than marry you"

"What a cold hit" a hurt Den said, holding his chest.

Straight to the heart and it hurt so bad.

Was he that bad?

He wasn't, but sometimes, his mouth spoils everything.



Just left home and already encountered trouble. A weak Yuuki thought, shaking his head as he took a seat under a tree, tired.

Taking the handkerchief stained with blood from his pocket, he threw it onto the ground.

Not a bit concern. Instead, he recount his new memory from earlier.

Those guys he fought earlier were weak, but they still caused him harm.

(And from this, we know Yuuki was the culprit. The dead bandits Den and Mira saw was his doing)

It has affected him gravely. He shouldn't have fought them. Shouldn't have killed them.

Just left this kind of world and already took lifes.

But escaping wasn't an option either. He tried talking it out, but they ignored him.

Persistent, they were, and he had no choice but to deal with them in his own way.

*Sigh, he hope this trip will be worth it, and he'll meet his former master's friend.

Afterwards, he'll leave.

Travelling alone won't be that bad, right?

Maybe,...... he'll get to meet the guy in his dreams.




Coming down from the stairs, Mira saw her master and knew he has also seen her cause he immediately hid the bottle of alcohol beneath the table.

One didn't have to tell her that bottle contained alcohol.

Judging by his action alone said it all.


If he did not die in the hands of an enemy, he'll definitely die from alcohol.

"Oh, Mi. You're up" a nervous Den said as she took a seat opposite him.

"How many bottles have you emptied so far?"

Oh, she saw it.

"Come on Mi, you know I don't drink anymore. I hate the scent of alcohol. It digust me"

"Then maybe I should take a look under the table"

Hmmm, she saw it alright.

"Don't blame me if you die before the age of 40"

What?! Was that a curse?!

Glaring fiercely at Mira, he watched as the lady looked around.

Not many people could be seen.

Not less than 8 people were here, quietly eating and drinking.

What they were going through, thinking, was none of her business but she still couldn't help but think it was way too quiet.

"What do you want to eat?" Den asked and she looked at him, meeting a bright smile on his face.

"I'm not hungry. I prefer tea"

"Tea? Who drinks tea for breakfast?"

"May I remind you master, not everyone is a drunkard like you"

Another cold hit.

"This has nothing to do with alcohol" he said, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

Suddenly, a man stumbled in. In panic and looking terrified.

This gained everyone's attention, however, besides Den and Mira, none of them looked at the poor man or showed any concern.

Even the two waiters around didn't close, for some reason.

"H—Help! Wh—Who can help me?!" He stammered on his words, trying to catch his breath.

He was sweating like crazy and they (Den and Mira) wonder if he ran from a long distance.

"Can someone help me?!" He asked again but no one minded.

Playing the 'Invisible' card.

This annoyed the living life out of Den. And he decided to take action.


Her name was called and immediately, she got up, made her way to the poor man who stood at the entrance.

A friendly smile on her face, she held onto his arm to support his weak state while the man stared at her in shock.

"We'll help you" she said with that same smile.

Relief, grateful, the man slowly relaxed.

He made no attempt to resist as Mira led him to their table.

"Take a seat" Mira offered him a seat and helped him sit.

The man couldn't stop smiling. He felt so relief, so grateful, so glad, getting the help he needed.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me" he expressed his gratitude and they could tell he really meant it.

His face said it all.

Den wasted no time,

"What happened?" He asked and the man looked at him.

Wearing a white mask which covered almost his (Den) whole face, the man was a bit curious about the people who has offered to help.

However, he had no time for second thoughts.

The situation back home, was too severe.

He needed help and didn't care whether they were good people or bad.

"I'm Eld, from Live Village. Is an hour away from here"

Live village.......he was from Live village.

And if they were right, he ran all the way from there to here.

"I ran all the way from there to here"

And he confirmed.

"Something terrible is happening"

This surprised Mira and she looked at her master, wondering if he was okay but Den showed no reaction.

Just a blank expression on his face.

The kind she could never read no matter how hard she tried.

"People has been dying mysteriously. The chief of our village said there's a killer in the village. They've been trying to find him but.......there's no hope. Is a small village and we all know each other, pretty hard to think one of us is the perpetrator"

True, but,.........Den needed more information.

And the man named Eld gave exactly what he needed.

"It started three days ago"

Three days ago, the same day he felt that strange feeling.

He (Den) was right, trouble really was around.

"The first bodies was found three days ago. Two bodies and they're someone we all know. Mr and Mrs Ople. An old couple in our village. They were found on their bed, dead..........." he paused, tears in his eyes. It was hard for him to continue.

Mira felt sorry for him. The old couple must have meant a lot to him.

"If your chief has already taken action, why are you out looking for help?" Den asked with a serious look and he (Eld) looked up at him.

"Early this morning,......a new body was was my friend" the man said in devastation.

Den felt guilty and his expression softened, feeling even more sorry for the man.

"We shared the same house, the same room and the same bed. He was fine when he slept last night! We even chatted! And......and the next morning......he was gone. He wasn't sick. I was also with him! We slept on the same bed so how come he died while nothing happened to me!"

This time, the man couldn't contain or stop the tears from streaming down.

"The chief said he'll find the killer but I can't wait. What if someone else loses their life like my friend and the old couple? I refuse to wait for it! Everyone in the village is like family to me!..........I........I decided to take action"

"We'll help you" Den announced, surprising the sobbing man.

But that lasted for a second, then a gleeful look covered his face.

Payment coming in mind, that look also suddenly disappeared.

In panic, he said, "But I don't have that much money"

A smile graced Den's face as he said, "Well, the payment isn't that high" he raised up two fingers, surprising the man.

Two gold coins? He didn't have that!

"Just two cop"

"That's cheap!" He exclaimed in shock, staring at a smiling Den.

How many times has he (Den) heard this? Den asked himself but it was more of a statement.

Helping people with cases, he didn't do it for the money, considering he wasn't in need. That's why he always charged cheap.

He does so because he wants to help, and also because he loves doing it.

"People have been dying mysteriously?" A male guest asked. He sat alone on his table and was here alone.

So they were listening after all.

Den thought before speaking out,

"No one offered to help him and so, I don't expect any of you to ask questions"

No one talked back. All shut up.

He guess his words went through their thick heads.

Hypocrites. What he hated the most was hypocrites.

He (Den) thought, rolling his eyes in annoyance.



Heading for Live village, the three walked. Just an hour walk was no hard thing for them (Den and Mira).

Not when they could go extra miles on foot.

Mira on the other hand had other thoughts. But who was she to speak up when her master said it was okay.

She could only walk while expressing her anger and frustrations within.

"Tell me more about this. How did your friend's body look like? Including the old couple"

Hurriedly, Eld answered Den's question, "Well, I never saw the bodies of the old couple. The chief buried them right away when their bodies were found. But I did hear what it looked like. And after my friend's body was found, many confirmed it looked the same and the chief deduced, it was done by the same person and it definitely wasn't one of the villagers"

Den was curious, why did the chief bury the first bodies immediately? Did he think it was some kind of an illness?

"Everyone has been cautious of travellers. Magicians and changers in particular"

Okay, this was good.

He'll start with guests (In the village) as well.

"So, including your friend, three people have died so far"

"Yes. Their bodies...........hard and.........I don't know how to describe it but, looks like they were turned into stones."

Stone......... something came to mind.

"And they also had smiles one their faces. Almost like........."

"They were having a good dream when they died" Den stole his words.

Eld nodded, saying, "Right"

"This is crazy" Mira exclaimed, surprised.

She has never heard of something like this! It was the first time.

But........., She looked at her master who seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

It seems her master had an idea of what was going on.



"This is it" Eld said. The two heard, but were too busy, thinking, to reply.

At the entrance of the village stood the three. Den and Mira already knew this place but Eld didn't know this.

The village, hasn't changed at all. It was still small. And only had one inn.

The tallest building in sight, on their left was the inn.

The only inn in the village, welcoming visitors and travellers, though, it was going to close down soon.

This was only a guess.

"Where do we begin master?" Mira asked but didn't get an answer cause Eld interrupted.

"Oh, would you like to come to my place? There's not much.........."

"As long as there's water, nothing else matters. Lead the way" Den replied with a smile and the man smiled back.

He (Eld) hasn't seen his whole face yet but,..... judging by his behaviors, actions and choice of words, he (Den) was a good person, right?

Eld led the way and they followed him. Looking around as they made their way to his home.

The village was too quiet. Many streets stalls could be seen yet few were opened, few buying.

Then again, it was a pretty small village, and didn't have that many people either, so one could say, the few, were more of travellers than locals.

The locals must be too terrified to leave their homes. And this brought another question, were they even safe in their homes?

Considering the murders took place while they were asleep.

Nowhere was safe, and they (Den and Mira) wonder if they thought the same.


Eld was not lying. There really wasn't much in his house but at least there were chairs.

That was enough cause he (Den) could see Mira was exhausted.

He thought, looking at an exhausted Mira as she sat on the chair opposite him on the dining table.

This definitely had nothing to do with the distance cause it was only an hour away and they walked for three days straight to get to that inn.

So then,.........hmmm, surely, it had to be that.

Mira had no good rest. How could he forget?! The girl couldn't sleep in peace in unfamiliar places. They've gone through this so many times.

A cup of water brought to them, they thanked Eld before taking sips, not a bit cautious.

One thing was right, the recent deads had nothing to do with the water or food.

It was something else and Den already knew. He only had to find the user and they'll be done here.

"I want to meet the chief and ask him a few questions. I also want to examine the body. Your friend hasn't been buried yet, right?"

"I don't think so. Also,.......I don't think I can arrange a meeting for you and the chief. I don't think he'll be happy to know I brought in outsiders and discussed the incident with them"

"That's just what you think. Until we meet the chief, we'll never know" Den countered.

True, but Eld was still scared. Couldn't they figure it out themselves?

They could find the cause of deaths and the killer alone, right?

Ahahaha!!!! He really didn't want to face the chief when he went behind his back! Right after he told them not to discuss the incident with outsiders!

Seeing how uncomfortable the man looked, Den decided to spare him, "Okay, for now, just take us to the house of the old couple"

He watched as the man sighed in relief, relaxing.

Nothing felt right when you had to face someone you're scared of.

"O—Okay,.......then,...... I'll take you there" the man replied and he smiled.

Sudden questions popping in mind, Den waited no time in asking.

"By the way, can you tell me, is there a relationship between the three?"

The three........oh, he must be talking about his friend and the old couple.

Eld concluded.

"Did they know each other ? Or were they related somehow?"

This,......... Might be a bit complicating to explain.

"Actually,......... my parents and my friend's parents were close with the old couple. We spent a lot of time together and we also became close with the old couple. After our parents death, we still remained close to them. We would get together, have dinner, lunch and just spend time together. We.........."

"In short, you're all close, like friends" Den interrupted.

Was it too long?

"Y—Yes, that's right"

All related.

Definitely, the reasons were also related.

Den suspected.


The house of the old couple wasn't far from Eld's. And it didn't take long to get there.

It was a pretty small house fenced with a wooden wall.

Eld shared the old couple lived alone and never had a child. Together with him, his friend and three others, they kept them company. Chasing away loneliness.

The house wasn't guarded like Eld said and the gate wasn't locked either.

It was almost like someone intentionally gave them permission to go in.

Well, now wasn't the time for this. Den had important stuffs to find.

He and Mira made their way in while Eld kept watch outside.

Entering, they found the house was empty and in a disarray.

The rooms, dining area and the living room was no less.

Furnitures were scattered all around. Sheets, books and pages of book all over the cold floor.

The house was searched, Den was sure of this.

However, was it searched after or before the murder took place.

Didn't the neighbors hear anything?

And what exactly were they looking for?

What did the poor old couple have that they desperately wanted?

More questions,......was the murder and the robbery related?

Was it done by the same person?

Did they find what they were going for?

How many were they?

All these questions with no answers!

*Sigh,..........But this wasn't beyond the great Den. He'll find out.

Whatever it was! He will find out!

"A thief? Maybe a thief came around to search for something valuable"

Mira could be right. Could be the search was done by a third person, wanting a valuable thing in the house.

But then,....... he still couldn't shake off the feeling, there was more to it.

"Well, let's leave for now. We'll ask around. With your ability, we can easily tell if the neighbors are lying or not"

Right. Mira's skill was the best choice. He couldn't do this alone.

"Hmmm" Mira replied and they turned to leave. Den leading and Mira, quietly, following behind.

Stepping out of the house, they were met with a surprise.

A group of men stood outside, waiting for them.

It was an old man and ten others behind him, all, worn serious looks.

Eld stood beside the old man, looking nervous, anxious.

One could tell he wanted to be anywhere but here at this moment.

But Den didn't care about him or the

dying state he was in.

He stared at the old man, smiling.

Answers, has just presented themselves.